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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. I like the Butterfly one. It's really good. And I looked at your pictures and they look professional.
  2. I don't really know about that. I doubt that any of the boys were totally innnocent on tour. No one holds it against any of them. It was all in good fun. There are people that would. I can't though because there are laws against it.
  3. I posted it in there. I listen to it before I sleep, it's like a lullaby. Don't get me wrong I love the album though. I listen to it other times too, it just helps me unwind. Except Gone Gone Gone, I have to skip that one because it makes me want to get up and dance.
  4. I actually thought that was funny. My brother likes to tell jokes, and usually thy're dumb and funny. So when he tells one I'll post it. Edited: Wait he's here now. Why don't you take a Pokemon into the bathroom? It might Picachu. (Peek-at-you.)
  5. I'm not sure if you can or not, but you can send a personal message witout any problems.
  6. lzfan715

    Robert's Hair

    I have big curly hair, but I can't make it look like his. It must just be because he's Robert. I don't recall you I got any of those from. If they are your's feel free to take credit.
  7. Do you have strep throat? When I had strep that happend. You really need to go to the doctor and make sure that there isn't any internal bleeding.
  8. I'm really sorry but I have to go again. My mom is coming home from a trip and she's about here to pick me up.
  9. I was good until I got stopped by flood control. How are you? Have you noticed the amount of people deciding they need a break from here?
  10. Echo Town reminds me of call and response. Kinda like word association. No particular reason for it though. If you should ever feel the need to use call and response I give you all rights. (Not that I have any on it or anything.
  11. It does, but I don't think I want to see it work anymore. It's starting to freak me out a little bit. You can call me a chicken or whatever you want, but I already hear weird noises and stuff so I don't really want to know who or what it is.
  12. I don't know much about politics because no one in my family is really political and I haven't taken government classes in school yet. What's the point of the electorial college? If the voters get to pick the people then why do we need an electorial college.
  13. I can see how an "analog" one would would but since my computer is digital, does that mean the spirit has to be inside of it?
  14. ^Me too. I tried. Here I was thinking I was going to use an online Ouija board. How would that work anyway?
  15. I don't worry too much about this whole freedom of speech thing. If I offend someone with what I say, I didn't do it on purpose. I try not to be blunt on here but in realy life I am somewhat blunt. It's like beating around the bush or sugar coating. Why do it? You have to get to the point somehow, might as well just get right to it.
  16. that's like taking a piece of sting and taping a penny to it. If you concetrate hard enough on a perfect cirle in your head the penny will move in a circle. It works too, you don't have to move it. The penny will move itself.
  17. Freedom of speech is a load of BS. You can get cencored for everything. Clothes, (I could tell numerous stories.) words, ideas, etc.
  18. I'm back yet again. Maybe we can post them here as long as they are clean enough to show Dizzy, so nothing offensive.
  19. Zep never said that they didn't rip off anyone. The fact that they did rip peole off is openly discussed. If you want to not like someone because they ripped off someone else you are very limited in your choices. And if you chose to not like Zep for that fact then that is sad. Or you can see it like this: You thought the music was good before you knew if was ripped off, it shouldn't sound any different after you knew it was ripped off. It's the exact same music.
  20. I'm going to go. It's beautiful outside and I don't like sitting inside when it's nice out.
  21. They have those two, but the original studip albums and TSRTS (original version) aren't in print any more.
  22. I'm alright. Kinda bored. The board seems really slow almost dead today.
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