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Everything posted by manderlyh

  1. It's been a while, hasn't it? My night class was let out early because of the weather. I left at 7:30 instead of 9, and the roads were deserted. Kind of eerie, really. But people still do not know that when the roads are pure ice, they need to SLOW DOWN!! Seriously. This guy saw me fishtail, going about 3 MPH, then he rode my ass as I was slowing down at a stop sign.
  2. ^ LOL My sister's high school cancelled school tomorrow. And I can't believe our school didn't cancel tongiht's classes on the main campus. the roads were treacherous. I slid sideways on Grove Street! Going less than 10 MPH!
  3. Our dog is a snow dog. He tries to do that in our snow--Boise rarely gets more than an inch in a week. It almost always melts within 24 hours, but he always tries to burrow in it.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sUL0KCIc48
  5. I made it home in blizzard fest 2008. (Blizzard fest for Idaho that is...)
  6. I bought my cat a little cat bed last week. He hasn't used it yet. Looks like he's going to crawl in there!
  7. That's good to hear, Kat. I'm happy for you. On another note--this was a quote from the writing center director at school. Made me laugh: -If you don’t remember one another, introduce yourselves. I know that’s pretty obvious, but say hello to folks again. And, on that naming note, there are new name tags on the mailboxes. I had to figure out something a little less permanent if you people keep insisting on graduating. The good news here is that you can remove the slips of paper and draw your name more creatively than I have. Picasso it, if you like.
  8. Yes--I was one guilty of that. (I send him a PM saying so...)
  9. Ghost Rider... I had to watch it because someone made me.... I've got Mr. Woodcock in right now. err...the movie...
  10. I just watched Family Guy: Blue Harvest. It's a really dumb Start Wars parody. Key words: REALLY DUMB.
  11. Your grandma calls you "Fuzzy Merkin?" You've got a crazy nana! My username used to be the VERY original LD_ZEP_FAN. Funny, it was my username for so long that it catches my eye just as my actual first name. When I had to re-register, I decided to go ahead and register with something that has a nickname of mine in it because everyone on the old board knew me as Mandy or Manders anyway. My mom used to call me Manderly when I was little, my dad coined me "Manders." Since then, people who don't know that's what my parents called me started calling me that too, (co-workers, peers at school, etc.) so it's just my name now. I just added the "h" at the end because whenever I use "Manderly" to register on big websites, it's taken. I'm sure it's not here, but you know...
  12. ^I'm jealous. I'd have loved to see it. Waking up whenever I wanted and knowing I don't have to do anything I do't want to do today...(even though I probably will).
  13. I got asked if I was single at work tonight. I was pretty flattered, even though he was much older than I'd date...
  14. Nah. If you're an asshole, you're an asshole like '59 is an asshole.
  15. I actually have never read Beowulf from start to finish without giving in to the Cliff notes. Very interesting history around that one, and the tale's also quite exciting.
  16. I was going to say that I thought I could take a gander at who it was.. (and I was right) That's me!
  17. You say that like it's a bad thing--it just keep the a-holes away (except for today).
  18. Happy Birthday, Dudekins! check.
  19. ROFL! I spotted it right away! :High fives David:
  20. I got a bunch of English journals in the mail today. Talk about an English geek's paradise.
  21. The BB King one is a "brand new" purchase--the other two, I have on LP and badly scratched CDs...
  22. Scratch!? Go away! (running away to shut all of the blinds)
  23. check...one day to go, eh? check! check!!! Damn, I'm good.
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