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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. I am 100% certain. To clarify, it wasn't a "concert", more accurately it was an appearance. There were no tickets to purchase. My best friend and I heard they would be there on a local radio station so we went to New York City that day. We had dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe about 2 hrs. before the show was to start. When the staff started to hurry us along to make room for more patrons, we ate much slower and ordered coffee to stall. By the time the Honeydrippers came out we gave up our seats to make our way closer.

    I'm trying to find more information since this event wasn't on Robert Plant's website. It may have been the same time the Honeydrippers appeared on SNL. That would make sense! It doesn't say the year but seems like it would have been 84', just prior to the new year (since 85 stood out in my mind).

    Edit: in must have been end of 1984 because I know it was the 2nd time I saw Robert and the 3rd was at Live Aid. No sketchy memory when it comes to that venue (yeah JFK!!!! No longer in existance, bummer).


    Gets together with a number of musicians and records old R & B tunes as the Honeydrippers releasing Honeydrippers Volume 1 This album is incredible successful with the hit "Sea of Love" as the song charts at #3 in the US. Plant would then play with the Honeydrippers on the December 15th edition of Saturday Night Live which is hosted is Eddie Murphy.

    This is gettting very intriguing.

    The SNL thing was an ad-hoc Honeydrippers, not the whole lineup. Brian Setzer of The Stray Cats filled in on guitar. That performance was put together as the album had just sold 100,000 copies -- well beyond expectations -- and he'd flown in from England.

    Looking at everything I have chronicled, I would bet the Hard Rock Cafe performance

    was within the last ten days of May 1985. He was in NYC doing media stuff before

    going to Dallas for tour rehearsals. A promotional party to celebrate the release of

    'Shaken n Stirred' was held in NYC on May 22nd 1985 and he did give a live interview and answer listener's questions on nationally-syndicated 'Rockline' on May 27th 1985.

    Last ten days of May 1985...Memorial Day weekend...am I jogging any memories? It

    would be so cool to confirm a previously unconfirmed performance. I do have some

    doubt they'd perform prior to tour rehearsals, pushing this into a July 20th - August 5th time frame when several dates were cancelled, opening up other possibilities as

    New York City, Uniondale (Nassau) and Saratoga Springs, NY were all cancelled.

    Edit: I don't think it was around the time of the SNL thing because the full group had

    not accompanied him from England, so far as I know.

  2. Thank you. I know very well about rust on the memory; I suffer from it myself at times. However, as long ago as it was and as addled as my brain is, I will never forgot those last three nights in the Forum in late March '75 - the last time I saw Zep perform live.

    I just realized Jimmy and William S. Burroughs did in fact meet in February '75!

    WSB attented Led Zeppelin's after show reception hosted by Atlantic Records at Madison Square Garden - Penn Plaza Club at 2 Penn Plaza in NYC on Feb 3rd 1975.

    It's quite possible this meeting led to their interview published in Crawdaddy.

    Andy Warhol, Keith Moon, and Amanda Lear also attended.

  3. I saw the Honeydrippers at Hard Rock Cafe in NYC, maybe 1985. Hard to remember the exact year. What a great place to see Robert! I didn't get to touch him but my friend and I got close! That was a unique show since the performance was on the balcony level of the Cafe. Much different environment than a typical concert. Very intimate.

    Robert Plant and The Honeydrippers, so far as I know, never performed in NYC. Their August 5th 1985 Madison Square Garden concert was cancelled.

    How certain are you about where you saw them?

  4. :notworthy: Steve Jones, factmaster.

    Why didn't that group stay together longer? They were good.

    According to Robert, he had tired of their "menopausic rumblings" and on October 14th 1985 he issued a press release stating all of the members of his band were out. It's interesting to note the Led Zeppelin rehearsals in Bath were held that January, so one could argue they were actually disbanded in the hopes of a Led Zeppelin reunion.

    When Bill Curbishley took over management of his solo career in August 1986 one of

    the first decisions they made was that it would be best to assemble a far younger

    lineup for Robert to perform and record with. Robert got in touch with Phil Johnstone

    through Virgin Records and through Johnstone, Plant met Dave Barrett. Within two

    days, he was writing new material with them. Plant contacted Chris Blackwell and

    Doug Boyle about a month later and Charlie Jones was brought in during the final

    stages of album recording to replace Phil Scragg.

  5. I saw them back in 1980-something. I remember Plant saying something about Bonzo, and everyone applauded and cheered (I think it must have been Bonzo's birthday). I also remember people up in the rafters over the stage, with their legs hanging down. They were swinging their legs back and forth to the music. It was a good concert.

    The Metro Center in Minneapolis on May 31st 1988.

    Onstage he said "today is May the 31st, a special day for me…my old mate Bonzo's birthday...(dedicates 'Black Country Woman' to John Bonham) "

    FYI, that morning Robert was flown into Holman Airport from Midway Airport in Chicago. He stayed the night at The Whitney hotel located at 150 Portland Avenue. Next day he was flown to General Mitchell Field in Milwaukee.

  6. Hi Steve,

    I think (I may be wrong, though):

    The interview appeared in the June '75 issue of Crawdaddy (after the group's '75 U.S. tour). fwiw, I was at the last LZ concerts on their U.S. tour that year and those were the LA Forum concerts at the end of March '75. I always thought that Crawdaddy was a U.S. publication.


    You are correct on both points, it's the June 1975 issue and a USA publication. The article is titled "Rock Magic". It is possible their interview was conducted in New York

    in Feb 1975 and I was thinking of the Crawdaddy concert venue, which is in London.

    I've been away from the site this week so I'm shaking the rust off my memory at the


  7. Steve,I could be wrong ,but I think Jude put that there as the Cuckoo clocks were originally made IN the Black Forest of Germany .Perhaps she may have not known of refference to Midwich Cookoos from a book. Who knows I may be incorrect?

    I think she was just trying to be funny but I tried to add some value to it. The Midwich

    Cuckoos has nothing whatsoever to do with cuckoo clocks. Also, It's an Anglo-Saxon

    tale, not Germanic.

  8. A question related to my post here: http://forums.ledzeppelin.com//index.php?showtopic=3699

    When William S. Burroughs was alive, did he and Jimmy Page ever meet one another again after the '75 concert and interview? I often wondered about this because it seems, from what I read in Burroughs' Crawdaddy piece, that the two had some common interests.

    So far as I know, they never met again. Their interview appears in the Jun 1975 issue

    of Crawdaddy, a monthly music magazine which was published in the UK. It does touch

    on a phenomenal range of shared interests and underground topics.

    Here's an excellent link to learn more about the life and death of William S. Burroughs:


    (Edit: Date correction)

  9. John Paul Jones Fantasy Sequence in TSRTS

    Horselunges has conducted an extensive review of the film in contrast with photographs from the time, and specualtes the woman holding child in the hallway is none other than

    Jimmy's woman Charlotte Martin and their daughter Scarlet. Anyone care to speculate

    for or against? I'm still seeking confirmation of which cemetary was used for the filming

    of the horseride at night.

  10. Steve,

    This may not be a mystery per se,more of a subjective opinion on your part.

    On Plant's solo efforts up to and including Fate of Nations,which guitarist do you feel was the best fit with Plant?

    Robbie Blunt, who appeared on his first three solo albums (1981-1985). I also happen to

    believe he remains the best fit if you consider the Strange Sensation era too.


    (Steely Dan)

    With stocking face I bought a gun

    The plan was set the plan was done

    Looked at my watch and started for the door

    Now the food here ain't so good no more

    And they closed the package store


    Love your mama, love your brother

    Love 'em till they run for cover

    Turn the light off, keep your shirt on

    Cry a jag on me

    Oh Michael Oh Jesus you know I'm not to blame

    You know my reputation for playing a good clean game

    Oh Michael Oh Jesus I'll keep my promise when

    You turn that heartbeat over again

    My poison's named you know my brand

    So please make mine a double,

    Stir it up nice I'll eat it right here

    This highway runs from Paraguay

    And I've just come all the way


    We warned the corpse of William Wright

    Not to cuss and drink all night

    Ticket in hand I saw him laid to rest

    But zombie see and zombie do

    He's here with me and you


  12. Maybe someone can solve this mystery for me. On the inside booklet of the cd Zeppelin IV, there is a small picture of what I assume to be an alchemist reading a book. Was this pic ever on the album? Mind you, it's been a long time since I've actually owned a vinyl copy of Zeppelin IV, but I sure don't recall this picture being on it. Although, I have seen the picture somewhere before.

    Anyone have a clue?

    If you could post a scan of the picture it may help.

  13. Magic Sam, that was a very nicely done "execution" (hardy har har). I had about a half-page of comments to add but my connection crapped out and the post didn't hit the site.

    Basically, I wanted to highlight the alleged "cease and desist order" has never been made

    public. I collaborated with Greg Russo on his book 'Yardbirds - The Ultimate Rave-Up! (3rd edition) and it was great experience to go into The Yardbirds world a devout Pageologist.

    I think I held up well under the withering fire between Camp Jimmy, Camp Jeff, and Camp

    Dreja/McCarty. If anyone asks them or it seems their fans for that matter about the Page-

    era Yardbirds you'll get multiple variations of what everyone calls the truth. People would

    fire back and forth about did Jeff cry, did Jimmy steal Tangerine for weeks. Jimmy offered

    to redo the Anderson Theater release back in '91 and was rebuffed. That tells me there's

    still a little bad blood from a business standpoint. There's no doubt all parties concerned

    remain friends after all these years.

  14. Hey everyone, I've been having some trouble with this, and recieved some advise to pm Steve. I have my own thread in the master forum with the same title. but now this looks like a good place to request some info on my own mystery.

    My response to the inquiry was that a search of over 7,000 articles in my database has

    turned up no match to the article allegedly published.

  15. Any details on the conception/discussion of this particular reunion would be very cool to see/read and I give thanks in advance for any and all answers provided...

    Atlantic Records' 40th Annivesary Concert - "It's Only Rock n' Roll"

    Madison Square Garden

    New York, New York

    Saturday, May 14th 1988

    This concert was arranged to promote Atlantic Records' 40th Anniversary. Atlantic was of course a New York-based record label. Several stars from the history of the label were booked to perform. The American press began reporting rumors of a possible Led

    Zeppelin reunion with Jason Bonham on drums the week prior.

    Jimmy, John Paul Jones & Jason rehearsed 15 to 20 songs at Nomis Studio in London

    during the last couple weeks leading up to the event. Robert was touring the USA.

    Jimmy arrived in NYC on May 11th. He immediately checked in to his hotel and never

    left his room with the exception of the rehearsals which were held later that day and

    the next.

    In the early morning hours of Thu, May 12th, Robert departed from Monroe County Airport in Rochester, NY and arrived at Teterboro Airport near New York City. Upon

    arrival he checked in to the Essex Hotel at 160 Central Park South. He joined the other three for rehearsals on that day and they rehearsed and held a soundcheck on Friday.

    A final rehearsal was held the day of the show. Everyone agreed they sounded simply magnificent. Even so, Jimmy's nerves were fragile, having not performed in front of a live audience for quite some time. Robert performed a set as a solo artist with his band early in the evening and told the HBO pay-per-view audience "...I'll be back" during his backstage interview with host Richard Townsend.

    Jimmy got to the venue later that evening, expecting to plug in and play. Unfortunately,

    the event had seriously overun it's scheduled timing, and Led Zeppelin waited for many

    hours before taking the stage.

    The tale of the tape: Watch JPJ's look of concern melt into a grin as Jimmy finds his

    fingers during the Heartbreaker solo. Watch Jimmy nervously shuffle his legs while

    waiting for Robert to introduce Misty Mountain Hop. See the smiles all around at the

    end, which seemed to come just as they'd shaken off the nerves and found a groove.

    The aftermath: As to be expected, emotion overruled reality for some time. The fans

    raved that it was triumphant and stunning. The critics loved it. Disappointment began

    to set in when Jimmy watched the playback of the video and heard how abominable

    the audio feed was. "He should be strung up by the balls" he said, concerning the man


    If time permits I'll try to post some photos from this event in the photo forum within

    the next couple days.

  16. Steve-the traveler of both time and space,

    I saw Plant on the Manic Nirvana tour at Alabama Birmingham campus 10-25-90.Plant was sporting a Jimmy Page t-shirt during his set.

    Was there a particular significance to this? The date? Did Plant do this at other venues? Did he visit a local headshop and like what he saw...?

    Also... a food fight ensued on stage midway through his set. Plant was pummeled with vegetables.

    Can you guess/do you know the reason behind the food fight?

    There's no particular significance to his wearing of the Jimmy Page Led Zeppelin t-shirt.

    He wore the same shirt on several of the other dates during that last leg of the USA

    tour. The Led Zeppelin Boxed Set had been released that Autumn and I believe that

    shirt was also recently released to coincide with it. I believe the shirt was licensed

    thru Winterland Productions. My point is it was not a bootleg or fan-made shirt.

    I've never heard anything concerning a food fight in Birmingham, Alabama. Please share

    your story with the board or email me privately thru my profile page. Thanks!

  17. I believe it was a Trans-Am where Bonzo was pulled over for speeding 90 MPH in L.A.

    I also recall a story that Jason told about his father buying a Rolls-Royce for cash and driving it thru the dealership's glass window.

    Here's a photo of part of his collection.

    Thanks, Frank. That's one of the photos I intended to post. That was taken in Los Angeles, in 1969 if I remember right.

    The story about the Rolls Royce is essentially true. The reason for his aggressive

    stance was because the dealer was acting very condescending towards him as

    he looked it over. When he opened the door to sit behind the wheel the dealer

    said to him "Dear, Sir", meaning you can't possibly afford it. John did purchase

    the car after telling the dealer to have the paint resprayed and "don't talk like

    that to me again".

    Another great Bonzo car story goes back to when he lived in a modest home in

    West Hagley, before he purchased his farm. He was washing his Rolls in his drive.

    A neighbor walking past saw this and stood transfixed with bemusement. When

    John looked over at him the man snickered and said "Well, I've never seen a

    man wash his own Rolls before". John reared back and kicked the car, then

    shouted to the man something like "Bet you'd never seen a man kick his own Rolls either, now sod off!"

  18. Thank you, these are very nice, esp that first one. Btw, where do you come across all of these?

    I knew you would appreciate the first one the most.

    Everything I post here comes from my private archive which was built one item, one

    contact, one opportunity at a time over the past three decades. If there is a specific

    Jimmy Page concert or era your interested in seeing here just let me know and I'll see what can be done.

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