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Everything posted by Roxie

  1. All My Love - Led Zeppelin
  2. Some screen caps from the Katie Couric interview:
  3. I'm Eighteen - Alice Cooper
  4. Say Say Say - Michael Jackson / Paul McCartney
  5. Having a big work project pushed back until the new year. Considering I'm a procrastinator, this made me very happy.
  6. A nice Friday lunch with 2 good friends.
  7. How did I not notice these ones before?
  8. I love doing these comparison things. One of the pics of Robert posted on the Jimmy/Robert thread reminded me so much of one from this past year. Had to compare!
  9. I've always wanted to see them, but never have. I heard they were coming here in Dec which surprised me, since I had no idea they were touring. I might check it out if I can.
  10. (Not sure if this one has been posted yet) With Michael Des Barres.
  11. The Ship Song - Nick Cave
  12. Save Yourself - Stabbing Westward
  13. Just came back from a coffee run. No one in the drive thru line up, the weather is gorgeous... so I decided to take a leisurely Sunday morning drive. Best morning I've had in a long time!
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