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Posts posted by Dzldoc

  1. we are just talking about what we think beauty is... actually we are talking about realism - sometimes what you "guys find hot" doesn't exist - that is all we are saying... You are free to say aything you like on the 'beautiful men' thread but keep in mind that we both posted realistic photos of OUR men there ... (and I added another realistic photo of a man that I think is beautiful for his personality and talent as well as looks - I mean he is a very short man with a large nose - but I think he is beautiful). I can't say anything for the other women but they were having a discussion about a particularily old man being quite beautiful...

    so no I don't think we two are being Hypocritical. Since we only posted those of real men.

    BTW if my husband was an "overweight bald guy" (I mean he might be one day who knows?) I wouldn't give a damn - as long as he keeps going downtown I don't care... hehehe

    for us to be hypocritical we would have to be posting air brushed photos of whatever is considered the fantasy for women ... and we haven't ... so we aren't.

    :lol: Good one

  2. Here's some pics from Sunday's parade. A little tribute to our civil servants.

    Jefferson Parish's Finest. BTW We saw Steven Segal ride by the house in a patrol car before the parade began. He's been working with the sheriff's office for over 20 years.


    The Louisiana National Guard, yep! they're still here since Katrina :o


    The United States Marine Corps Band



    My former High School ROTC


  3. I'm having a brain freeze but one of the bands that opened for Aerosmith (they had one big album and that was it) was unbelievably loud and it was an outdoor show! My ears were ringing for days.

    Could that have been Nazereth? I remember them opening for Aerosmith during one of their tours back in the 70's

    Oh and how could I have forgotten the last concert I attended~ AC/DC :slapface: my ears were numb for a day :blink:

  4. I just got a digital camera... I only used Realist before, which is a film stereo camera. Tell you what, I have better ways to waste my time, so it's a mixed blessing. The camera itself isn't a problem - it's the image editing that gets me. I just can't stop messing with images. I especially like antique and/or surrealistic looks. My latest favorite is color curves. Here's a image ran through the curves several times plus one lighting effect (the oval) - well, it's still me but "adjusted" (it's actually a mirror image - oh and I should have taken that stupid watch off!)


    Great effects, a smile would have been nice :D

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