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Posts posted by reids

  1. On 10/8/2021 at 1:53 AM, reids said:

    Last KISS Kruise (# 11) scheduled for the fall of 2022 & last KISS concert most likely will be January 30, 2023 (as it will be 50 years to the same date they played their very first concert in makeup at Popcorn / The Coventry in Queens,  NY).



  2. All of the rush fans just want the audio and video. They keep Re-releasing everything with an extra track here or there every few years. I already bought a deluxe version of moving pictures years ago. I’ll hold out until I can get the 5.1 audio mix from another site or person. 


  3. 47 minutes ago, The Pagemeister said:


    I just want the 3 cd set and the blu ray audio / video (Dolby Atmos 7.1 / 5.1), without having to spend the ludicrous $289 for the deluxe version.


  4. 11 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    It's an odd marriage if true. Regardless, the Left has been on a Joe Rogan witch hunt for quite awhile now. I've never used Spotify and definitely won't now that they've caved in the name of corporate wokeness.

    Exactly. Rogan has Rush Limbaugh numbers (ratings) and that scares them, so there’s been a campaign to try to silence him. Now, that he’s caved in, he’s lost the respect from more than half of his audience. 


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