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Posts posted by reids

  1. 1 hour ago, zeplz71 said:

    Resurrecting this thread for the temporary re-launch of the Sirius Led Zeppelin channel.  Apparently you can sign up for a free 30 day trial of SiriusXM.



    Yep. I posted this yesterday in the Led Zeppelin 50th Anniversary thread as I couldn’t find the original Sirius XM thread (searched via key words “Sirius XM”, but it didn’t give me the thread). 




  2. 1 hour ago, SteveAJones said:

    The red and black flag has been a symbol of general communist movements, though generally used by anarcho-communists. The flag was used as the symbol of the anarcho-syndicalists during the Spanish Civil War. The black represents anarchism and the red represents leftist and socialist ideals. Over time, the flag spilled into statist leftist movements.



    Scary stuff, Steve. Looks like subliminal stuff used for a while. Take the Zeppelin Mothership cover for instance (which had the same look as those political posters from a few years back). Anyway, looking forward to the Led Zeppelin Sirius XM channel re-launching soon. Hope they play something rare / unheard / uncommon.



  3. On 3/3/2019 at 5:20 PM, reids said:

    Exactly as well as a Sirius XM channel dedicated to the launch of tangible / physical (limited edition vinyl / CDs ) as well as digital live albums that were promised over a year ago. 


    Looks like I’m getting part of my wish.



  4. 27 minutes ago, Rodrigo said:

    'Stormbringer' is a very underrated album.

    Coverdale gave 'The Gypsy' a chance on 'The Purple Tour'. Also, Glenn Hughes, when I saw him in Buenos Aires two years ago, played 'Holy Man', although he later removed it from the set-list.

    'Stormbringer' is much more than the title track and 'Soldier Of Fortune'.



    😎👍 cool stuff 

    Hughes is one of my favorite singers (especially his work with Black Country Communion.

    It’s a shame Coverdale is having some vocal issues the past few years.  He’s having the others in Whitesnake sing more to help him lately, which is good.


  5. 12 hours ago, Rodrigo said:

    I have a CD of 'Made In Europe' Russian version (pirate for sure), that comes with some bonus tracks, among them, 'The Gypsy'.

    I love the album 'Stormbringer', it was the first Deep Purple album I heard.

    😎🎸👍 cool.

    i wish they’d re-release an official version w/ more tracks like “The Gypsy”.


  6. 3 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    Not to be pedantic but while the rules of etiquette may dictate that it not be offered for resale, there is no such requirement under the law. It's a prize offering, not a conditional gift (like an engagement ring), and thus it is at sole discretion of the prize winner to ever offer it for sale or not.


    Gotcha. No problem. Thx, Steve.


  7. 17 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    Such a gesture will never happen here. However, when similar offerings are made elsewhere by other artists a disclaimer usually stipulates membership must have been established by a specific date in the past. This prevents a flood of "new members" who merely intend to sell the prize offering afterward.

    Thx, Steve. That makes sense. Yes.

    If they ever had it stipulated / legally that members would have to register & have their accounts established by JP’s birthdate (January 2020) to be eligible or something, that would be fair & have a disclaimer stating prize is not for resale (prosecution for any violation, etc). I’m sure you’re right; it was only a thought. 


  8. 6 hours ago, Klape said:

    True, but don't forget, that's not any autograph, that's The Man you've been a fan of all your life !

    Just for the curious out there, the books are ready for shipment, the printer being in Italy, Genesis is waiting a bit (I'd say end of May/June) to ship the books.

    Boy, and I thought that was going to be my christmas gift haha


    Sure. If I had an Extra $500, I’d love to pick it (signed special / limited edition) up. Now, what would be a great Christmas gift is if The Man himself would give away one signed special  edition book at random to a Led Zeppelin dot com forum member (via a drawing). That would bring a lot of people here to Celebrate his life work together and give one happy winner a special prize.  


  9. 59 minutes ago, jsj said:

    Yep good one Reid’s. why is it priced in US dollars and not £ though? 

    Thanks. This is from an American based business  (Barnes & Noble Bookstore).
    I found it earlier while searching new releases. It’s on Amazon


    and other sites soon (if not already).


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