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Posts posted by reids

  1. 44 minutes ago, luvlz2 said:

    I wasn't really trying to notice it, I think the evening I saw them he was doing a better job covering it up. But it's known he has been running click tracks to cover his voice, I've been trying not to let all the chatter over it affect my last chance seeing these guys who have given so much to the very end...LONG LIVE KISS!

    Cool. I understand. agreed. The greater good of what they’ve done (as a body of work and as a touring band / entertainment/ performance-wise) will always outweigh any technical additions. 


  2. 6 hours ago, luvlz2 said:

    My seat was very close to the right of the soundboard. I could clearly see Shannon Tweed hanging out in the soundboard area, she still looks great as ever.

    Made my evening getting a little eye contact with Paul Stanley when he went into the audience to the smaller prop (stage) right behind the soundboard during "Love Gun", I was very close to him at that point and I was cheering my head off! Was great!

    A lot is happening on/around the stage and I missed Gene Simmons and Tommy Thayer flying right above me near the very end of the show. I think I was still looking at Paul Stanley behind me. If you're not paying attention,  you might miss them flying right above you like I did, but it was great!

    Glad you had a good time. Was it visible/ audible if Paul has tracks running to cover his voice in spots during the night? Eric Singer Missed some key click / cue points early in one of the opening nights of the tour, causing Paul to be revealed as not at mic (back turned to Eric) when his “pre-recorded lead vocals” were heard over PA (on YouTube). According to setlist.fm, they’re running the same 20 songs in order for the tour (only one song has been changed out so far (“Calling Dr. Love” replaced “Hide Your Heart”). I’ll probably see them in Atlanta next month, as I’ve seen them in the 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000 farewell (w/ Ace & Peter) and 2004 Rock The Nation Tours. 


  3. On 3/2/2019 at 4:20 PM, hummingbird69 said:

    The 50th anniversary for any highly popular band should be a celebration of the music and people in the band rather than "simple" merch. Merch is ok but there should be an overall focus on unheard tracks, live recordings, and solo works and the lives of the band members. 

    Exactly as well as a Sirius XM channel dedicated to the launch of tangible / physical (limited edition vinyl / CDs ) as well as digital live albums that were promised over a year ago. 


  4. 12 hours ago, mstork said:

    Good post, and sad about Mick Ralphs.  If that’s why he had someone covering for him on stage I’m okay with it.  Perhaps that’s the band’s way of supporting him and he needs help with medical bills? You never know.

    Thanks. I saw Bad Company with Rich Robinson (ex-Black Crowe’s) and Howard Leese (ex-Heart guitarist).  I believe Leese played the leads for Ralphs for those concerts mentioned above.


  5. 1 hour ago, pageluvva said:

    Not even a behind-the-curtain thing, he stands there and fakes it. Most solos the video cuts away from him and the other guitar player is playing his stuff. And other times when what Mick is playing is not what is coming out of his guitar. I was so pissed off to see this. He was one of my first heroes. Man he played with soul. The way I see it is that there is no shame in not being able to play anymore, just don't go on tour! Don't soil your reputation. I gotta say that I lost some respect for Mick. Thank God for the classic Bad Co days. 

    I just heard Paul Rodgers On Eddie Trunk show (Sirius XM) talking about any possibility of collaboration w/ Jimmy Page and discussion of Queen, Mick Ralph’s. He must have had a stroke as Paul said he has lost the use of one of his arms. 😥


    Here’s the full interview 



  6. 3 hours ago, miker1102 said:

    I love the singer.  The guitarist is really weak and mostly a sound effect guy. The songs are boring. The singer needs to dump him and do something more interesting..maybe like Plant did with Krauss.

    Jay Buchanan should collaborate with JP and JPJ on something completely experimental & different than Rival Sons or Led Zeppelin (nothing alt/americana). That would be expected. 


  7. On 1/26/2019 at 1:28 AM, ScarletMacaw said:

    Anyone listened to the new album in its entirety? Wondering how it compares to the previous albums. Was thinking of buying the cd...

    Looked for it at 4 different stores yesterday and can’t find it anywhere (will have to order it online and wait a few more Days)..

    Retail is trying to kill the cd format altogether. It’s superior to over compressed audio formats online by far and it comes with the art work, booklet, etc.  



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