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Posts posted by reids

  1. 4 hours ago, EaglesOfOneNest said:

    Thanks for sharing! I love hearing different or "working" versions of songs. Makes you wonder how / why they came up with the version they ultimately went with. If I had the honor of meeting any of my favorite artists, my # 1 question would be around the songwriting / arranging process. Fascinating!

    Yes. Agreed. Iā€™d like to hear (especially) JPJ speakĀ on arranging, JP on recording, RP on songwriting (Lyrics). Hopefully, weā€™ll get that on the upcoming documentary (other forum thread topic).Ā 

    A Complete Master Studio Works box set of alternate mixes, takes, demos, warts and all would be great if JP ever decided one day to make that avail with all original masterĀ tracks from source tapes where we could take sessions off hard / multiple flash drivesĀ into a computer to make our own mixes, etc.Ā 


  2. 13 minutes ago, JTM said:

    I remember that mislabelling, "Horse With No Name" by Neil Young !!!!. There was a Hendrix "god save the queen", no idea who it was, it defo wasn't Jimi.

    I got "Blueberry Hill" from Napster (1996/97 ?) track by track on an ultra slow dial up connection, took about two days, longer maybe.

    Horse w no name - AmericaĀ 

    God save the Queen - Sex PistolsĀ 

    blueberry hill - I remember dial up days (lol) Ā šŸ˜Ā 


  3. 1 hour ago, The Danelectro said:

    Standing in front of it was freaking surreal. Ā What a way to end my first day in London! Ā Jimmy doesnā€™t have gutters - he has gargoyles. Ā From what Iā€™ve read, the small square brick room off the left side of the house is where magical things come out of his guitars. Ā There wereĀ issues with neighbors on that side installing lifts and he wasnā€™t happy. Ā The neighborā€™s houseĀ wrapped in construction barriers in the pic. Ā Ā I think heā€™s some financial bigwig. Ā 

    It amazes me that it withstood the blitz. Ā His neighborhood is peppered with those plaques on them that say ā€œHouse bombed - 1940ā€ Ā 

    #31 is Robbie Williamsā€™ house for giggles.Ā 







    Cool. Thx for sharing &Ā enjoy your stay in London.


  4. 13 hours ago, Mr. Snrub said:

    "Cry Me A River" is relevant because it's a good illustration of what can't be copyrighted.

    Chord arpeggios -- the act of playing each note in a chord -- cannot be copyrighted. Davy Graham knew this, which is why he did not attempt to copyright his original interpretation of "Cry Me A River". I think Randy California knew this as well, which is why he never sued or even threatened to sue.

    Randy California did not invent the A-minor chord.Ā Ā šŸ˜„

    The first jury understood this basic legal concept, and the second jury (if the case even goes to trial) will likely conclude the same thing.

    ^ Exactly, which is why The Stones ā€œAngieā€, U2ā€™s, ā€œSunday Bloody Sundayā€ and so many others havenā€™t been sued for Am line cliches.

    Someone is definitely not getting the point of what a line cliche is (46Ā + pages later and still obtuse).




  5. 9 hours ago, kirchzep27 said:

    In regards to john paul jones suggesting the recorders and jimmy thinking it would be jpj on keyboards...,i wonder how many stairways they recorded? It certainly would be cool to hear versions with piano, synth in 70, mellotron, or nothing...totally acoustic guitar and bass.Ā 

    What would be a wonderful 50th Anniversary Celebration Day is for once Led Zeppelin win this (ridiculous)Ā case next month, for the 3 surviving members and Jason to get together in the original place they (w/ John R.I.P.) first rehearsed, recorded itĀ andĀ perform it (taped or live via Internet)Ā for the fans all around the worldĀ as a victory lap, release it as special record store day vinyl / blu ray audio / digital , etc and donate the proceeds of theĀ releaseĀ to their charities of choice.Ā 


  6. Since Iā€™m a music educator, in addition to being a musician, I think I better help some learn the difference betweenĀ Facts andĀ Opinions. Itā€™ll be helpful, as some donā€™t yet grasp it, even after 46 + pages.



  7. 13 hours ago, porgie66 said:

    Very well said, with you 100%.Ā 

    This case is utter opportunistic horseshit. Even if Jimmy was inspired to model the opening of Stairway after Taurus (which is very possible), it's just an arpeggiated chord sequence that has an inherent similarity melodically... for two bars!!Ā  It's not even close to being "based on Taurus".Ā  There's no melody yet at that point!Ā  That's like laying claim to a blues that has an arpeggiated common chordal progression before there's even a lyric or melody line. Nonsense.Ā 

    Thx. As a singer/songwriter/ music educator, it affects me, too, so anything I can do to help others learn how to play real instruments and/or point them in the direction of real music, then I know Iā€™ve done my part.Ā 

    Exactly. Ā It was rather easy to find the previous line cliche examples and overwhelming evidence that ā€œTaurusā€Ā was rarely played from 1968-71, never released as a single from their debut album,Ā was actually dropped fromĀ theirĀ set list, 40+ years had passed andĀ CaliforniaĀ never pursued legal action during his lifetime, previous court win verdicts after sheet music and audio comparisons were heard by jurorsĀ in favor of Led Zeppelin,Ā etc. It should be a landslide victory (Celebration Day) for Led Zeppelin.


    Malfoy/California Estate win 2-3%*

    Led Zeppelin win 97-98%

    *may actually be 0%, once Malfoy speaks.


  8. 32 minutes ago, Mr. Snrub said:

    There are many undeserving people who wrongfully claim that they could have won a lawsuit if only they had enough money to hire a lawyer. Apparently these people think that they can fool readers whoĀ are unaware of the concept of "works on contingency no money down".

    But the reality is that Randy California and his estate had no case. Not in 1971, not in 1997, not in 2016, and not now. Deep down he knew that the 3 similar notes were not stolen, which is why he never sued -- and it also explains why he was mostly quiet on the topic for most of his life.

    Lou Adler is one of the most financially savvy guys in the business -- if he thought he could get a piece of "Stairway", he absolutely would have done it.Ā 

    I'm well aware of what's claimed in the suit. Or, rather, I'm well aware of what Francis Malfoy attempted to claim -- only to have the judge throw out 99% of it. Such as his claim that Randy California gave guitar lessons to Jimmy Page. Or his claim that Spirit played "Taurus" every night on tour. Those two claims were debunked so fast that he didn't even attempt to bring them up when questioning Jimmy.

    If the case actually gets to a retrial, the only part that will significantly change is that the jury will get to hear Spirit's original recording of "Taurus". But that's not as big of a win as you might think it is -- because the original recording can only be used to determine if Page and Plant had "access" to the song. It can't be used to determine if the songs are similar. So it's basically a moot point. (The original jury already agreed that Page and Plant had access to the song.)

    ^ Exactly my point earlier.Ā 

    Facts are facts and the verdicts are in favor of Page & Plant (Led Zeppelin) each time.Ā 

    ā€œThe jury noted that while CaliforniaĀ owned the copyright to "Taurus," and that Led Zeppelin's members had heard the song, they said that "there was no substantial similarity in the extrinsic elements of 'Taurus' and 'Stairway to Heaven'," according toĀ The Hollywood Reporter.

    Verdict:Ā The jury made the decision less than half an hour after (they) listened to both songsĀ again.ā€

    Winners: Led ZeppelinĀ 


  9. 9 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    The point is that you misunderstand copyright law.Ā  California's estate is not claiming monopoly rights over these common chord progressions for time immemorial (and have themselves noted differences between the two songs).Ā  They're claiming P&P were influenced by Taurus in writing STH and failed to properly attribute credit.Ā  So it's completely irrelevant how many other musicians have used those progressions, or if Davey Graham used them back in the 50's, or whether the lawyer is a sleaze bag, etc.Ā  It's also irrelevant whether the case has merit or what Randy California would have thought about it, then or now.Ā  P&P have themselves given a lot of ammunition to the plaintiffs by not being forthright to start, and it could very well come back to haunt them.

    Sounds like you just want to argue (bait & trollĀ on the forum for kicks). You asked questions, Ā thenĀ didnā€™t like the facts presented,Ā historical evidence (ammunition, as you call it)Ā provided in the previous cases Led Zeppelin won each time and are now trying to spin it then try to act like the authority on copyrightĀ law. Read up onĀ ā€œHow To Win Friends & Influence Peopleā€ by Dale CarnegieĀ then come back when you can interact in a friendly / non-confrontational manner.


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