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Posts posted by reids

  1. 8 hours ago, Strider said:

    I was going to go to the Troubadour show until I found out it was just Rich and Chris from the old band. I have seen enough Robinson Bros. shows. already.

    It's not the Black Crowes if there is no Ford, Gorman et al. Screw you, Chris.



    It takes two to tango. Rich went along with this, too. The Magpie Salute were only playing to fifty - one hundred on many of their shows. Agreed. It’s not The Black Crowes w/o Steve Gorman, etc. 


  2. Why would someone want to hoard live Zeppelin boots without sharing?

    1) wait / hold out to cash in & use for retirement $$$$???

    2) mental problems???

    3) power issues ???  (See # 2)

    4) they forgot they have it or inherited it??? (Sitting in an attic or garage) 

    5) kept as a personal souvenir, afraid if or as soon as they share, someone will take them and use for profit (exploit opportunity)??? (See # 2)

    6) They’re waiting on JP / authorities to personally visit them to return his stolen tapes??? (see # 2) 

    7) writing their tell-all book and / or made for tv / Netflix documentary screenplay??? (See # 1 & / or # 2)

    fill in the blank and share your hoarding story...





  3. Exclusive dates for leg I of 2020 tour announced at KKIX (Kiss Cruise 9). 

    Not on sale yet. 

    Last date of KISS end of the road tour is 7/17/21 in NYC.



  4. 3 hours ago, BUK said:

    What did you think of the show in general?? 

    They are at the top of their game (always stretching / changing / redefining for the new) musically, performance wise , etc. 


  5. 3 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    Outstanding! Nokie was such a fine guitarist. I defy anyone to go for a drive or take a walk in the rain at two a.m. on a Saturday night while listening to Nokie play and not have a transcendent experience. 




    Thx. Much agreed. His playing was always outstanding. 


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