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Posts posted by reids

  1. On 12/8/2019 at 7:35 PM, SteveAJones said:

    I did film Manchester '98. The complete show. I thought I had provided two or three 1st gen copies to established collectors at the time. If it still isn't circulating I can release another batch sometime in 2020. Digital upload perhaps.


  2. 5 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    I'm not hoarding any Led Zeppelin recordings, but I do have some Led Zeppelin solo era recordings that remain unreleased. I'm not necessarily hoarding them, it's really just a question of when and if I'll ever find the time to locate and release them.

    I do have some exceptional non-Led Zeppelin related recordings that I am purposefully hoarding for two reasons. The first is that I am using them for leverage to try to compel a label to do an official live release and the second is to use them for leverage to arrange a meeting with the artist involved. I would be willing to drop my campaign for an official release in exchange for the opportunity to place my own personal recordings directly into the hands of the artist I recorded.

    Very cool, Steve. That’s a perfectly great reason and I don’t think that you’re hoarding at all. 😎👍 Preserving something of value for the right reasons isn’t hoarding. What you’re doing is smart. I just wish those in the LZ camp would hurry the live releases along, so those of us who are still living can enjoy them beforehand. I’m sure there are factors involved like the current stupid Stairway lawsuit (which never should have been), certain living members not wanting to rehearse anything (warts and all) without editing, which delays things even more; not even mentioning the cost involved in pressing how many copies in which formats and at what time to make the most impact. 


  3. 2 hours ago, BUK said:

    LIVE (pro-shot) from Nashville.... Big Wreck..... KILLER!!!


    Great footage !!! I saw them the following night in Atlanta. I had friends at the Nashville show who got vip meet & greet beforehand. too!!! I hope they come back to the southeast US again soon. It was a long wait, but we’ll worth it.


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