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Rock Historian

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Posts posted by Rock Historian

  1. All I know is, I've given a listen to Taurus - with an open mind. Besides three or four similar notes, it sounds nothing like Stairway To Heaven.

    It's pretty much impossible to write such a lengthy piece of intricate music from a mere three note similarity.

    Sadly, bandwagon Led Zep haters will use this as another example, why Zeppelin is a fraud.

    Isn't it pityful to think that way, and deprive yourself of such great music- over ignorance?

    Good luck to Page and Co.

  2. Paul, Chillum, Walt, EBK, Ally, Stargroves...I appreciate the birthday wish.

    Thanks for taking the time to think of me and write. I've been out of it for a good while here. Doing some major rennovations to my house...But I thought I'd check in to say thanks...40 is a milestone birthday and I'm looking forward to it..From what I hear 40 is the new 20.....

    Take Care

  3. As much as I like Bonzo. Ginger doesn't need to suck on anything he pisses all over him.

    JTM, you have a right to your opinion...but I think you're "taking a piss".

    I leave with this:

    John Bonham was the ultimate "all around" rock drummer.

    He had the unique combination of feel for a song (never overplaying or underplaying),

    finesse, dynamics, musicality, power, technique, signature triplets, a right foot like nobody's business, relentless groove and swing - and last but not least - the most identifiable drum "sound" in rock music. He was a bass players dream and JPJ's is very fortunate to have shared duties with him.

  4. ^^^ I think I found mine at a...what do you call those things, I'm foggy today...a record swap meet.

    It's called a Record Convention. They stopped doing that years ago here, but at the time, when they came around (every 6 months) I bought a lot of great stuff.

  5. (I saw that cringe-worthy animated Hobbit thing awhile back. My daughter actually owns it and watches it from time to time ass kind of a joke. When my ex, a long-time Tolkien fan, saw it, he walked out of the theater. As far as I know, he never saw the rest of it).

    Are you talking about this Lake?

    If so, I rather like it. Brings back old memories for me. I loved the soundtrack too.

    This was my first and only discovery of Tolkien as a child. (The Hobbit, LOTH, etc) I saw this way before I even knew about the books. I must have been 7 or 8 when I watched it on TV.

  6. ^^^

    ZEPFAN17, are you actually watching these movies now, or just posting random films from the past that you like?

    I had the same feeling about "The Hobbit", RH. I read the book as a kid and because I loved it, that led me into "The Lord of the Rings". After the Ralph Bakshi disaster in the 70s, I pretty much resigned myself into thinking that the Tolkien books were unfilmable.

    Lo and behold, the Peter Jackson LOTR trilogy wowed and stunned me by how good it was. Needless to say, I was looking forward to "The Hobbit" when news first was reported...especially as Guillermo del Toro("Chronos", "Pan's Labyrinth") was to be the director.

    MGM's financial woes contributed to many delays and del Toro was out and Peter Jackson in the director's chair again.

    But when I saw it last month or whenever opening day was, at the end I didn't feel like I did at the end of "Fellowship of the Ring", the first part of LOTR. It was okay, but with the exception of the Riddle scene between Bilbo and Gollum, nothing wowed me. I'm so bored now with CGI orcs and elves.

    One problem is that while LOTR is three separate books, "The Hobbit" is one, so splitting the book into THREE separate movies smacks of overkill, and deprives the first film of having an ending or story arch. It just ends because that's the part of the story they happen to be when the time is up.

    I also think it would have been better to make "The Hobbit" first, then LOTR. As "The Hobbit" was written more for children and serves as a preamble to the deeper and darker LOTR, there's a sense of "we've been here before" redundancy to "The Hobbit".

    One question for you RH: Did you watch the regular version or the 48fps 3d version? I hate 3d and I heard that the high frame rate made the movie look like video...one friend said it looked like all those old British shows PBS used to air on Masterpiece Theatre.

    So I saw it in the regular 2d version.

    Andy Serkis as Gollum was by far the best thing about "The Hobbit", followed by Ian McKellan's wry and amusing Gandalf the Grey.

    I watched the regular version Sean. I don't get into 3D movies. Hell, the last time I wore 3D glasses, was for a kiddy movie we took my friends little girl to see, called "How to train your Dragon"...(cute little cartoon) and before that it was " Creature from the Black Lagoon" on TV at home. (when Morgus the Magnificent had creature features) I get a bad headache after 10 min of wearing them. My eyes get screwy.....

    Anyway, I enjoyed reading you comment and I also feel that Gollum and Gandalf were the stand-out characters ....Arguably the same could be said for the Trilogy as well, but then again, eveyone was great. I think The Hobbit had it's moments for sure, but it sort of dragged in spots and the dramatic scenes seemed to last the longest. How about the beginning when all the Dwarfs raided his house of food and un-welcomed company? It felt like 30 min. of just that. The Dragon Smaug was mentioned and briefly shown in the beginning sequence of the film and not seen again untill the "eye" at the end- revealing that there will be at least one more and most likely two. (movies)

  7. I'm glad I started this thread. So many interesting observations from each individual perspective on the mix, sound, performance...all things in general. I appreictae reading this! I feel the same way as most do here and still have mixed feelings about it, and probably always will.

    Quick thought: Does anybody feel that maybe this is why most Critics of the day (1960's-70's) panned Zeppelin for most of their creative career?

    In other words, just as we (avid fans of the band) feel like there are some down-sides to this particular release, the critics that maybe weren't huge fans to begin with, were so quick to write them off for the same reasons? Could it be that it just takes a long time for Zep material to grow on some people, just like it's taken a while for some of us here to really dig Celebration Day.....?

  8. Oh yeah, our Mr. White is a paragon of virtue...doesn't own a tv, eats nothing but blackberries and water, leaves a small carbon footprint.

    And yet, Paul Carruthers with his diet of Burger King, Popeye's chicken and sodas will probably still outlast him. ;)

    :hysterical: That's definitely a possiblity....you just never know.

    You forgot to add Frosted Flakes and Dorito's to the immortal diet.

  9. We (wife and I ) went and saw The Hobbit on Saturday afternoon. Being a huge fan of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, I was going in with excitement.

    After watching, I didn't feel the same energy and enthusiasm from this film as the others. It was good, but not Great. I can go without seeing it again.

  10. raging-bull.jpgOne of the best boxers of all time.. Jake La Motta memoir Raging Bull: My Story. It stars Robert De Niro as Jake La Motta LaMotta, a middleweight boxer whose sadomasochistic rage, sexual jealousy, and animalistic appetite exceeded the boundaries of the prizefight ring, and destroyed his relationship with his wife and family.

    Great movie. One of the best..and an All-Time Top 10 Favorite of mine. Never gets old.

  11. After watching the DVD a number of times I was, to be honest disappointed, and I only listened to about ten minutes of the Shepperton Studios DVD before I swirched it off. Overall I'll stick with the Led Zeppelin 2 DVD set.

    Joe, were you more disappointed in the 02 performance or the overall sound/mix?

    I haven't even put on the Rehearsal footage yet. Not sure I will ,unless I get crazy to do so one night.

  12. Coverdale/Page drummer Denny Carmassi was asked 10 Questions by John Wardlaw in a brief interview. Below is the last question, and the link to read the others if you like.


    JW. Is there any project or projects you have worked on that you wish more people knew about?

    DC. I guess it would have to be the Coverdale Page project. It was such a fun record to make with such a great group players. I guess some people know about it though, I have a platinum record hanging up on my wall. It's a shame that band never got to tour the United States, only a tour of Japan. We did some sessions in Miami that someday may see the light of day.

    Huh, that's interesting. Thanks for posting this!

    And I have to agree with the drummer. It was a great album and I wish there had been more of it.

  13. I think it's a combination of both (Jason and Jimmy)...As to who has more influenece on Bootlegs being surfaced, I dunno.

    I DO know that Jimmy has been spotted (and there are photo's and threads to prove it) shopping for bootlegs in various places he visits. Japan would be one example. I think he has a thing for them too. Jimmy is the sole caretaker of anything Zep related, that is to see official release.

  14. Christ...15 months!!!

    Must seem like a lifetime when dealing with back-pain. I Can't imagine.

    But I can tell you about what a severe stomach ulcer feels like..... :tears:

    Your an A+ Class of a gentleman Ally. I admire you.

    Here's to you and may it be your fight song going in and out of it all.........

  15. Thanks RH. It's back surgery I'm having. Lamenectomy and fusion. I hope they don't get it mixed up though. Wouldn't wanna come out of there with breast implants. I hate it when that happens :lol:

    ppppfffffffffffffff....funny shit.

    Glad to see you're in good spirits about the whole thing.

  16. Thanks Kate ! If it's not postponed again, surgery will take place a week today. Can't wait to do the limbo again :lol:

    Whatever your situation and surgery entails (in the coming week) , I hope you have a successful and swift recovery Ally. All the best to you.

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