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Rock Historian

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Posts posted by Rock Historian

  1. American Dad

    I saw my first episode of this last week. The title was Stanny Tendergrass...did you see it? It was hilarious. I was actually gonna post a clip of it here, (Make me Laugh thread) but couldn't find one available at the time. I couldn't get over the few times when the lil' kid jumped on several peoples shoulders (throughout the show) and would plop his "boobs" on their heads. At the end Hulk Hogan made an appearance. I got hooked after that one clip. Gotta see it again.......

  2. The album has more than a few edits and is loaded with overdubs, the most striking being the vocal track Robert Plant recorded for Walters Walk in 1982.


    That is very very interesting. Now realizing that he did recorded it at that time (1982) it makes sense, as you can hear it in his altered voice (style) compared with the Pictures at Eleven release that year. Very similar in approach, tone, etc. It certainly isn't the same vocal we would have heard at the time of the original recording. I think the vocal track is strong-what I don't like is the overall mix.

  3. I think what really happened here was a poor alottment of time by the promoters. Outsiders probably didn't take in consideration that the 3rd billed band would get such a response. If GFR had a half hour time slot, it probably wasn't enough, and that disappointed the locals. Grant probably figured that if GFR was given more time, Zep wouldn't hit the stage until quite late. There may have also been a city curfew for the show that had to be honored. I blame it on Lee Michaels....You know what I mean ?

    :hysterical: Ok.......blame Lee (nice one!)

    Yes, I agree with the time limit Bong - Man (see my post) ^

  4. I don't think the comment should be directed toward the band, but to the manager. If Grant pulled the plug, what does that half to do with Led Zeppelin as a group? In other words, it wasn't Zeppelin's fault, but the management - which unfortunately effects the band itself because he represents them.

    Whether or not Peter Grant was intimidated by Grand Funk or fearing they would possibly overshadow Zeppelin- I can't answer. But I'm quite sure with the track record Zeppelin had for live shows at the time and the complete confidence he had in the band (Zeppelin) that maybe it was more the case of a time limit issue?

    It sounds quite possible that the whole story there is exaggerated in a small way. The crowd may have wanted to hear more Grand Funk before the power was cut, but I don't think that's a case of blowing Zeppelin off the stage- how does a band get "booed" if they hadn't even come on stage yet......?

    In the account it says they started to boo after the manager of The Funk said, "Led Zep are afraid to go on after us"...

    That's a big difference from Zeppelin themselves being "booed" off stage immediately following Grand Funk. (which didn't happen) .

  5. Also circulating: Texas International Pop Festival 1969

    Don't know how much attention it's gotten here or if anyone has seen it, but I posted a clip of the Texas Pop Fest gig - (small amount of music from several bands) on the "Texas International to recieve Historical marker" thread a while back. (found in NEWS forums) The footage looks reminiscent of the same type of "angles" filmed and "visual ideas" as Woodstock. Looks Pro-Shot for sure. Approx. 1hr 18 min. Below it, is same Zep footage (as shown here): check it-

  6. ^Forgot about this one...that's a top of the list (among others) for me....The missle at 1:30 (part 1) is rediculous....!!!

    Good one here too...... classic Shemp (3:25-3:33)

    7:34 "your crushin my eyebrows"

  7. Hey, it's always great to meet another Shemp fan. :wave: What's your favorite Shemp episode, if you don't mind my asking?

    There's so many to pick from Paul, a favorite Shemp is like a favorite Zep album-I can't pick one as they are ALL great...but I'll give you one off the top - HOLD THAT LION was priceless.....here's a few clips of various scenes with the might Shemp-enjoy


  8. Paul, that's one of the BEST episodes of S&S. I grew up watching this along with All in the Family.

    I think we must enjoy the same type of humor based on your post and your avatar profile pic...Shemp was the best of the Stooges........

  9. Collected my new (pre-owned) BMW, replacement for the humiliating piece-of-crap Ford I've been driving for the past 5 years.

    I only bought that old dog as an emergency stop-gap replacement for my last BMW, when the rad blew & the engine melted. Fuck knows how I tolerated the ignominy of a Ford for that long. NEVER AGAIN.

    The horror...

    BMW is a good vehicle paw paw. My buddy has an older model (1990's) and it's runs like a beast -still....

    Never owned a Ford. I heard to many bad things about em' to buy one- nothing but problems after a few years....I've always owned foreign vehicles, as most just require regular maintenance and last at least a decade before trouble starts...I've been having my Toyota Tacoma since 2000 (bought it brand new)- It's got 195,000 on it and still tickin!

    Once had a Toyota Corolla hatchback (1982) that I bought from my mom when I first started driving, I sold it after a few years (when it started giving me trouble starting up in the morning) Guy bought it for $800.00 ( a mechanic) said he'd fix it up...It had 320,000 miles on it when I signed over the titles....!!!

    That's a fuckin car

  10. I caught this show in New Orleans on June 6th,1988. (just realized this date puts this ahead of Jimmy Page, which I thought was my first show) This was the first time I saw Robert Plant. I enjoyed his set list and the album he was supporting at the time "Now and Zen". I still have the concert shirt from this tour (in good condition) hanging in a case.....good memories

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