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Rock Historian

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Posts posted by Rock Historian

  1. Hey, I like white bluesmen as much as the next (white) guy: Page, Peter Green, the guy from the Black Keys, Billy Gibbons, Jeff Beck, etc.; I was just saying (or trying to say) that Joe Bonamassa didn't quite make my personal cut. And I wasn't trying to offend, xmas -- my comment was meant to be more humorous than hurtful.

    Also, I completely agree: blues is about emotion. To be more clear about my feelings on JB's music: it sounds way too polished -- like the emotion was scrubbed away. And that reminds me of later Clapton. All technical excellence, no grit.

    I actually feel the same way and would have to strongly agree with you on this - on both players (Bonamassa and Clapton) While out of the two, I feel Clapton is much more "soulful" than Bonamassa, I don't really care for either. Blues guitar (if that's what you wanna call J.B ) is about emotion. It's also a little too polished to be the blues. He's doesn't strike me as a blusey player in general, from the music I've heard (even though I'm sure he can be). He's a great guitar player-no doubt impressive to watch , but I get no emotion from his solo's besides a note hear or there. That's just me.

  2. I recently watched "The Wrestler" and "Shutter Island". Both great movies in there own way. I recommend them to you if you like darker type films and also suspenseful. I'm really stuck on alot of B-horror movies from the 80's and also some better budget flicks from John Carpenter.( The Thing, They Live, Escape from New York, Halloween 3)

  3. WOW! I thought Roth's voice was kinda funny in this, but I can imagine VH recording this as a song, because it's sounds like their style back then. They totally originated it to their sound at the time. That's fuckin great! If you check out the one I posted - "The Rover", listen to the solo, it's killer too!

  4. Why the fuck is Fool in the Rain on there?

    No kiddin, huh. I'm really surprised that Carouelambra is on there too. That's gotta be one of their most innovative, risky, unexpected yet moving songs. It could have been better mixed with the vocals, but the song itself is driving and mysterious. I posted a thread "In through the out door". On it, I put up the lyrics to this song...unbelievable.

  5. At least two of their recent songs are New Orleans-related: Houston and Oh my Heart! They're both lyrically and musically connected, to the extent that the second song is actually a sequel to the first.

    During his stay in New Orleans, Michael Stipe took photographs of singer Patti Smith, who contributed vocals to Collapse into Now, the album they were recording in that studio (other recording took place in Berlin).

    I would have wanted an opportunity like you had, to meet them in a studio setting. I think it's a different experience, meeting your favourite musician, after a live show in a small venue maybe, versus meeting them in a studio.

    It's probably an idealisation, the way I see musicians in a studio, inputting various ideas towards a common creative goal and the body of work rapidly evolving into finished choruses, intros and finally 3 or 4 minute songs. That's the ideal.

    That's a open minded way of looking at it. As for me, I was already there, recording and working on a mix up until that week. So, the engineer I was with told me to come down early that day, so I did. I didn't talk to them very long-maybe 20 minutes while they took a break and ate something. We were all in a room together just eating and stuff-about 15 people in the room. But it was definitly a more relaxed atmosphere as opposed to meeting someone backstage after a show. There was no forced uncomfortable tention or anything, just guys hanging out-playing music. That's the way it should be. I'm glad my experience with them was a memorable one. I didn't get to the point of taking pics with them and all that nonsense, even though I should have (looking back)..... I was just happy to be there.

  6. IMO The Outer Rider tour was some of Pages best live performances since Led Zeppelin. The album itself was a sharp contrast though. But in all fairness from my understanding Jimmy had planned to do a double album but for some reason the material was "lost" and what Outrider turned out to be was little more than a fancy, stripped demo version by Jimmys own admision.

    I remember a few years back I came across a video that claimed it was one of the lost tracks from outrider. Im not sure if it was but it did sound like Jimmy on guitars and VOCALS as well! I must admit it sounded great, something that would fit well with P.G. But I'll be damned if I can find it again.

    Wow, I'd really like to hear that. On vocals too??? interesting. I know he did his own vocals for his single back in 66' but I don't think you would have gotten that confused with something from the Outrider era. I tell you what, this recording I have from the show I saw from that tour is a good one. His playing is raw and his tone was nasty and powerful. The drum solo that Jason B. did was kinda cheezy though. He'd play a few licks on his electronic pads and it would play it back for him. It got kind of rediculous...guess you had to be there. He was basically just beginning to be in the Rock Star limelight at this time, only having been playing in public for a few years prior. Besides the solo, he played wonderful. He did well enough for Mr. Page and that says alot. I'd hope to hear some unreleased tracks from that album if any exist. I really liked it. As a matter of fact, I have the Rockline broadcast he did about a month before the show in New Orleans. I remember staying up very late, even though I had school the next day, just to record it. That was common for me back then. I was obsessed with his music.

  7. Jahfin, let's play a game:here is my question:

    Who is better:Mozart or Lady Gaga?

    It's like a multiple choice test actually:

    A-You answer Mozart, and therefore you contradict everything you have said until now

    B-You answer Lady Gaga (no comment)

    C- You don't answer(it means you can't decide between Mozart and Lady Gaga...)

    D- You say they are both different, and you can't compare them( in other words you say that Lady Gaga can be considered to be as talented as Mozart, "it's just a matter of opinion")

    Good luck!

    Goldenguitar... I told ya he'd pick D, !!!!!

  8. Clip from the Music Shed, New Orleans, LA. I work with engineers at this studio as well. Had a chance to meet them while this recording session took place...

  9. Let me just say 'I Fucking Love the Stones', and....I totally agree that, most (not all) Stone's records contain a lot of 'fat'.

    They weren't too interested in 'quality control' past 1971. Lady Gaga...hands down.

    :hysterical: Love it! (humor) and the honesty from a real Stone's fan, that ADMITS their lack of abundance of good songs on record.
  10. Jahfin, let's play a game:here is my question:

    Who is better:Mozart or Lady Gaga?

    It's like a multiple choice test actually:

    A-You answer Mozart, and therefore you contradict everything you have said until now

    B-You answer Lady Gaga (no comment)

    C- You don't answer(it means you can't decide between Mozart and Lady Gaga...)

    D- You say they are both different, and you can't compare them( in other words you say that Lady Gaga can be considered to be as talented as Mozart, "it's just a matter of opinion")

    Good luck!

  11. I'm motivated to listen to music dictated by what mood I'm in at the time. It's not driven by who I think is "better". In other words, I find the whole "X is better than Y" approach to be futile.

    I listen to music for the same reasons you do. Music is all about emotion, mood, feel. However you FAIL to understand that for ME, The Stones catalouge is limited to the songs that I feel move me. As for you, their songs may appeal to you on a greater more vast level. I do not listen to a band on the single purpose of comparing it with anything else. But, I do know if I like something or not from listening to it. So to simplify it for you, there are not many Stone's songs that appeal to me other than the tracks that happen to be their most popular. Which is why I feel they are an "overrated" band..that also holds the media crown of "greatest rock and roll band". If you have anymore questions, comments, etc. make sure you shed light on the countless ones I've directed to you, with no reply.

  12. You've gotten a whole lot of nonsense out of things I never said. All I did was state my own opinion about how I feel about ranking music. For example, I never said I didn't respect the opinions of others. I'm motivated to listen to music dictated by what mood I'm in at the time. It's not driven by who I think is "better". In other words, I find the whole "X is better than Y" approach to be futile. That's not a knock against you or anyone else that feels the need to rank music, it's simply my own opinion on the matter. I fail to see what's so difficult to comprehend about that.

    I love how you play Mr. Innocent, after you basically demand an explanation...your a great actor-you should move to hollywood. Im sure I'll get many replies from you in the near future, if it's something you feel was written out of context or you think needs an explanation. I now realise I'm not dealing or debating with someone who is normal by normal standards. Good day sir, and good luck with that. And for the record, the only nonsense here is you. Your a joke. You try and make philosophies from musical opinions....I'll let someone else take over-I got a life to live- Go listen to The Stones, you may feel better.

  13. "Isn't not valid"? All I'm doing is expressing an opinion about how I feel about the ranking of art, in this case, music. I feel it's futile to do so. I'm not espousing a "theory", just an opinion.

    Should I write this reply to you in A.D.D. form?? Will you understand it better that way??? Get this through your thick, mindless, hard -headed skull....If you wanna call it "ranking" a band-that's fine..whatever you wanna turn it into , you will do so anyhow-so no matter what anybody elses opinion is, you will make sure it's understood by you at any cost. But ask yourself this very important question and it may answer anything you wanna throw back, Mr. Nobel Peace Prize Winner...without ranking or judging, how can someone then decide on who they like more, or if they like or dislike anyone at all??? You listen to a song and judge it to your own taste if you like it or not. Right???? You know if you like a certain genre of music, by judging it, listening to it, right?? Isn't that the way people have favorite bands, songs, etc. It is for me. I like what I like because I've listened to it. Therefore, calling a group "overrrated" is another way of saying that their music doesn't appeal to you as much as it may to the masses or to the media, who so many times crowns the Stones or The Beates as the "greatest rock and roll band"....I'm here to say that I don't agree with that, by my own taste. Their songs do not appeal to me or grab me like some other artist do. Your problem is, you don't RESPECT anyone elses opinion if it conflicts your own. If you don't agree, you wanna force a battle or explanation. There are plenty of people that disagree with me and plenty that do agree. The key is to be respectful to someone else's views, unless thay are taking it to another level. You FAIL to do that. You can't grasp anyone else opinion , but your own. But you sure do like to give your own....So here's the question....So if you do not rank art...does that mean that everything you listen to is completly equal??? I don't think so!

  14. Rush: easy to admire, impossible to love. Haven't made a great album since Moving Pictures. Totally unoriginal, and vastly over-rated. IMO.

    Unoriginal...I think not. Along with Yes, they brought progressive rock into the mainstream , and made it a recognizable genre in due time. I agree that their best albums are past them, but there are a handful of good ones even past Moving Pictures. Signals is a really good album. You won't find too many bad songs (depending on your taste) within the first 8 albums. Rush made a name for themselves off of sheer talent. All of those guys are fuckin excellent musicians and they wrote a countless number of great songs. Overrated?? Well, only if your not a big fan to begin with.......But, I respect your opinion.

  15. The Stones are a great band, but they were not creative enough, they didn't invent anything, unlike The Beatles, Queen or Led Zeppelin.

    According to me the Stones didn't take enough risks.

    I think Led Zep and Queen are the only two bands, whose unknown songs are as good as the most famous ones, that's why they are my favourite bands.

    I totally agree... I admire your taste

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