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Rock Historian

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Posts posted by Rock Historian

  1. Interview with Paul Rodgers: http://www.rockcella...s-is-the-voice/

    RCM: You recorded that album on the Swan Song record label, launched by Led Zeppelin in ’74. Did Bad Company and Led Zeppelin ever jam together?

    PR: I remember Zeppelin standing on the side of the stage at a concert in the Finsbury Park Astoria in London, and I waved them onstage because they were just standing there enjoying the show. They looked at me and went, “What!?” because they weren’t at all expecting it. So they came on stage and we grabbed a bunch of guitars and we had the most amazing jam session. It was incredible. The audience was high at the end of our set, but when the Zeps walked on they went absolutely crazy. We played some blues numbers, I think we did Rock Me Baby and if I remember correctly, Every Day I Have the Blues.


    RCM: How far back does your relationship with Led Zeppelin go?

    PR: Back in the early days I remember meeting Robert Plant in Birmingham before Led Zeppelin were formed, when Free was touring with Alexis Korner. He had a jam session with Alexis Korner and afterwards Robert came back to the hotel with me and had a cup of tea. He said, “You know, I’ve been invited to go down to London and form a band with a guy called Jimmy Page, have you heard of him”" And I said, “Yeah, he’s a session guitarist that everyone is talking about down there,” and he said, “Oh, yeah, well they offered me 30 quid or a percentage — what do you think?” And I said, “Take the percentage, man!” So, yeah, we go back a long way.


    RCM: You recorded two albums with Jimmy Page in the mid-’80s as The Firm. Do you keep in touch?

    PR: I do. Jimmy is a wonderful, really warm, quiet person. He’s a sweetheart and I always enjoy his company. I play with John Bonham’s son Jason sometimes also. He’s a fantastic drummer.

    Thozil, thanks for posting this. I always love a good Firm write-up. It's nice to hear Paul is still in touch with Jimmy...maybe that collaboration will surface again one day.......

  2. I don't view the re-release of DWII or LR as "new" music. In the case of DWII, it's merely remastered. In the case of LR, it's a release of an unfinished work.

    I love Pagey as much as the next guy, but when he promises new music or says he can't wait to perform live again, and then he gives us (overpriced) LR, then as an artist, he is open to his fans reactions. The reactions may seem cruel. Some take things more seriously than others.

    I do agree with the poster that said when he has been appearing live, he has sounded excellent. It makes it all the more frustrating that he does nothing...

    I honestly have a gut feeling (have had for some time now) that something is brewing with him that's gonna be as earthshattering as the 2003 DVD release/HTWWW . It's no secret, he's the caretaker/overseer of Zeppelin archives (as much as he can be). Zeppelin's his baby....

    Being a man of his age, I'd guess he's got few more "pressing" tricks up his sleeve, be it new music or some Zeppelin surprises, I don't think the mans done just yet...be patient-it's coming.

    Just my intuition......

  3. ^^^ Possibly the greatest YES song ever in my opinion. Made me play this one off the follow-up album, Fragile. Perfect for a Sunday Sunrise here.......

    Heart of the Sunrise


    "Love comes to you and you follow

    Lose one on to the Heart of the Sunrise


    How can the wind with its arms all around me

    Lost on a wave and then after

    Dream on on to the Heart of the Sunrise......"

    Love Rick Wakeman's playing, wow. :)

    What a bad ass tune...great choice-wherever your Sunday finds you.

  4. Normal? Her and her genre are not normal. Pop music is not normal, its goofy and untalented.

    Now your talkin out ya ass.....That's a false concept. Not ALL pop music is talentless. You still have the majority of Gangsta Rap and Death Metal to consider first...... ;)

  5. Discovered a new record store in the city called Domino Sound. Really trendy little shop, with a well organized, clean selection of "oldies but goodies". There I managed to find a few "must haves" to add to the collection. (Most of which I owned at one time). Black Sabbath "Master of Reality", James Browns greatest hits, The Original Star Wars music from "A New Hope" and lastly The Beatles "Abby Road". This is my favorite Beatles album from start to finish. Every song is good/ great! Anyone wanting to discover or re-discover the Beatles cannot go wrong with this one. I bought all 4 records for under $30. Not a bad deal.

  6. If anyone has Netflix, be sure to check out the Black Sabbath "Paranoid" episode from the Classic Albums Series (that you can stream instantly to your TV, computer, etc.or have sent by mail) ^ Shown above (Ady's post)

    It's very interesting, and one of the better ones offered. They showcase some recording techniques used in the studio. I just watched it last week. Also, Rush "2112/Moving Pictures" and the Pink Floyd "Dark side of the moon" are really good ones too.

    here's a little taste:

  7. Just went outside to gaze for a few minutes..It's a really clear sky tonight. I can barely see the stars in the sky because the Moon is so incredibly bright. Wish I still had my telescope..........

  8. there was a car in the whacky races that was a spooky house with i think a stormcloud ...

    here ya go

    When I was in tech college a few years back-for Electrical work, they had this guy in my class that laughed exactly like "Mutley". I gave him that nickname for the next 4 years....talk about funny. I think people even called him that out in the field.

  9. I think you (RH) and my younger brother had the same favorites :)

    All time favorite: Scooby Doo

    Tom & Jerry

    Bugs Bunny (especially Wil-E Coyote and Foghorn Leghorn)

    Kimba the White Lion

    Captain Caveman


    Well, I didn't want to post every single cartoon that I watched as a kid - It would be pretty selfish to do so, but I do LOVE Tom & Jerry, as well as Mighty Mouse, Speed Racer, Grape Ape and even The Smurfs were cool!

    Captain Caveman was GREAT!! I forgot about that. The 80's were a great time for loads of fun things to watch on Saturday morning. I appreciate the contributions so far...some interesting post-and things I've never seen (Kimba the White Lion)......Care to share the story line/video of that?

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