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Everything posted by cryingbluerain

  1. Speaking of trust, the current President offered Zelenskyy an inducement to betray the Ukrainian people with a ride out of the war zone. Which side do you think Biden was trying to help with that move?
  2. Liquor stores in Canada, US refusing to sell Russian vodka (yahoo.com)
  3. Yep, if they are successful Poland or the Baltics could be next, not to mention Taiwan. This is what happens when you have weak leadership and appeasement abroad. History tends to repeat, scary times indeed.
  4. Nope, just reality which some still refuse to recognize until it bites them in the ass. But even then they still ignore it.
  5. Ukraine in flames, Vlad and Xi licking their chops. But, but climate change..
  6. Defending him? If anything it's the current admin that has made him stronger by stifling our domestic energy production that has helped boost energy prices and made him richer. You know this mess wouldn't be happening with the big bad orange dude still in office but keep the spin going because that's all you've got.
  7. Yeah, that's Vlad laughing his butt off at our weak, inept potus.
  8. If the data doesn't fit your narrative just stop releasing it. Anti-vaxxer concerns force removal of deaths by vaccine status data from Public Health Scotland reports (msn.com)
  9. Money and Power is all these bastards care about..
  10. Not a mask in sight at the Super Bowl while the kids in school are forced to wear them. Talk about child abuse.. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2022/02/14/super-bowl-mask-hypocrisy-was-on-bold-display-while-kids-in-school-still-have-to-suffer-n521899
  11. Trucker convoy protests spreading. Globalists may have awoken the sleeping giant.. ‘Freedom Convoy’ Covid Protests Force Car Factory Shutdowns And Spread Around The World (forbes.com)
  12. Right, no ivermectin but they're going to hand out crack, meth, heroin, fentanyl in the street. Brilliant..😡
  13. Just like the J6 "insurrection", takes one to know one.
  14. Unfortunately the vaccine doesn't prevent transmission.
  15. Look out below if they get pressured into ditching Rogan imo.
  16. Although they claim to be otherwise the left has revealed themselves to be all about anti-freedom of expression, anti-freedom of speech, etc. Just look at how they are celebrating Neil Young's latest idiotic move. Rockin' in the free world, yeah right..
  17. Except people in the USSR were trying to escape tyranny while we are rushing right into it, damn the torpedoes full speed ahead.
  18. Yeah, plus it looks like they're cooking up things to divert attention away from the covid shitshow plus other brandon disasters - inflation, economy, border crisis, etc. - with a possible war in the Ukraine brewing.
  19. Expect to see many more stories like this in the coming months as people wise up to the Covid scam.. World premiere: Covid vaccination under criminal investigation in England - The Rio Times (riotimesonline.com)
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