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Everything posted by Juliet

  1. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Mr. Prime Minister...what is your response to the down turn in the stock market? Well..one could see it as a good opportunity to buy stocks at this time.... Buy with what a**h***? ....I just lost my f****ing job!!!!
  2. D'yer Maker Today FM 96 ...London Canada http://www.fm96.com/
  3. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Hi M: I didn't watch it...on the advice of my holistic dietician/mechanic/therapist ...I am to avoid all toxins..I mean politicians...to achieve inner peace. I should not watch a televison if I intend to drive afterwards because he doesn't have any of my parts in stock in the event I should be upset and smash into the nearest Tory...oops I mean stop sign.... Juliet ...green tea
  4. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Hi P: Thanks for this info....Colm Feore-actor will return to Stratford next year to perform in Macbeth.. http://www.stratfordshakespearefestival.com/ to see this year's program...
  5. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Yeah......good wheels... I'm goin' try to have an attitude like yours....not worry so much..my health is more important than an oil tycoon..politician...and all the other ******* who upset me..
  6. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Hello.... I'm trying to watch the leaders of all four parties on their election trails....Do they have any concept at all of how upset people are about....everything?? Members of parliament can write off their expenes...many will get fat salaries and pensions...They may be aware but hey..they'll just take their money and run when their terms are over...Now I just need to become one...Can't beat 'em...join'em! Gas is supposed to be going down in price as a barrel is under $100 now...it's still over $1.35 in my town...I'll have to go searching out cheaper gas...and signing up for a French class!!! Juliet
  7. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Hi Zep: Yeah..just what I need to hear...as if the current gas prices and weather are not bad enough to wreck my weekend...oh..I mean my holidays.....I'm supposed to be on holidays now....I definitely do not feel like I should celebrate.. Between listening to CNN, CBC and CTV Newsnet...I'm pretty low....better turn some Zep on...that has always cheered me up...helped me rise above all the *** in life..... I tried to listen to Justin Trudeau (son of former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau) explain the carbon tax...he said it's a great idea...well he's from a wealthy family...I don't think he has the worries the average person has... Juliet
  8. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Hi Z: I hear ya... Carbon tax??.....no thanks Stephane... Stuff that went down in English speaking rural Ontario during Chretien....pretty scary times..... Pas Stephane...pas meaning "no"
  9. WELCOME i baker: Yes there are alot of London and area fans here. I think there are not only many Zep fans in the area but there are many people of British descent... THE HAWK appears to have changed their format. I don't hear them saying THE HAWK much...I mainly here 103.9...I rarely listen to it anymore....the tunes seem to be more TOP 40 stuff... Juliet
  10. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Ohh....I need to correct ... it's his birdie not his doggie I'm refering to the current immature ad put out by the Tories in their pathetic attempt at trying to hurt Dion... Juliet P.S. Those Tory ads featuring Harper in a livingroom with his cozy sweater are so sugary sweet...I think I'm goin' to hurl
  11. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    ALLY: You sound like the lectures my father gave on politics when he wasn't lecturing me about the men I should date I will definitley vote....after all the rhetoric, ads, bs etc etc I heard yesterday after the election was officially called... OCTOBER 14........ Juliet
  12. Hi: I've heard a promo for Zep music on Erie's ROCKET 101 station..their promo is called ZEPTEMBER.... CHECK IT OUT http://www.rocket101.com/
  13. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Wow.....the gloves appear to be coming off...I'm watching the CBC today and the Premier of Newfoundland, Danny Williams, is hot....hot...hot..... He's being called a "dictator" because he has told his MPP's to not support Harper...The minister of fisheries, Loyola Hearn, called Williams a type of fish...Williams responded by stating that Hearn should know about dictators.."He works for one"...this is better than a soap opera... Juliet PS Hearn by the way is not seeking re-election.... PSS Stay tuned for the continuing story of THE CANADIAN FEDERAL ELECTION TO BE...I THINK???? Next episode...Sunday..When Harper supposedly is going for THE WALK.....and not so his doggie can have his "do-do"...
  14. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Hi: Well...I guess the decision will be soon... Stevie babe...just has to walk up the street to visit the governor general...then we are off to the races... I could care less....there isn't much difference between the candidates in my riding..they scratch each others' backs sometimes if you ask me...one minute opponents...the next...friends!!!! Money is the real source of power anyhow...not some two bit politician...
  15. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Hello: I see that Harper made a law making a fixed election date for October 9 /09...then he broke his own law so he could call an election now because he doesn't think parliament can function even though he expects another minority... The writ has not been dropped nor the date been set but the election ads have started... So why do we have a governor general? Why do we have laws? Why do we have a Steven Harper? Perhaps her Majesty, QUEEN ELIZABETH, should intervene?
  17. Hey Birthday Boy: I heard Misty Mountian Hop this am on my fav station fm96.. I cranked it up while I was sitting in the parking lot of my fav coffee shop..I told the staff "that's me with the loud radio ..I'm listening to Zep..it's Robert's 60th birthday today!!" I also went on about how I heard him in London in 05 when he was on his solo tour..the staff just smiled..I think she likes Robert to!!! Juliet Once again...HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBERT
  18. Hello: I prefer the London station fm96..They include less familiar Zep tunes as well as familiar ones. They are not a classic rock station. They have newcomer as well as veteran artists...I think this makes the station more interesting. The fans get a variety of tunes.....and we all know the saying "variety is the spice of life"... http://www.fm96.com/
  19. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    RD: I'm goin' do about the same thing...no cabin but I will be at the beach...gotta go and get on the road.. Juliet PS MZ...Yes..I know about the Halifax explosion...it claimed alot of lives....
  20. When the Levee Breaks I heard it yesterday on FM 96...London Canada
  21. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Hi: Glad to hear all TO Zepfans were not affected... I saw a list on the Hamilton news of these plants...there's alot in Ontario...some small..some large... I hope the victims get compensation.. The mayor of TO said it's a provincial regulator who makes these decisions about the propane places...If there hasn't been an inspection in 3 years...then that inspector should get his walking papers right into a jail cell and throw away the key!!!!! Juliet
  22. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Toronto Zep Fans: Was anyone affected by that big explosion over the weekend? I'm worried about you, Roxie , ronniedawg...queen without a king...let me know if you and your friends and family are ok. Juliet
  23. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Hi: I hope the doctors examine the man and find out what went wrong..Canadians need to know..Was the man unaware he was so ill? Did he have an allergic reaction ? What went wrong? We need to know so we can travel on the bus or train and feel safe again..
  24. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    R.I.P. TIM MCLEAN..... This young man was savagely murdered and beheaded this week while on a bus in Manitoba.. He was only 22...
  25. COMMUNICATION BREAKDOWN... Today... http://www.fm96.com/
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