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Yeah i also had a dream the other night that we all met up it was a good dream but strange seeing as none of us have ever actually met :(

Yeah the snow isnt settling here either :( and now i have a driving lesson in the snow. Í'm worried actually as i've never driven in the rain before (crazy i know seeing as i live in england) but my test is in a couple of weeks and what if it rains that day which it will because im an unlucky person! i wont know what to do!

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Don't worry, I had my driving test on the 26th of November and I failed. I shouldn't have failed but the instructer was a grumpy old git...no kidding. I am 100% positive that I would have passed if i had someone else. :(

I had a driving lesson about an hour ago...its not bad in the snow, you will be fine. Don't worry about your test...they are easy, just take a deep breath and go for it. DON'T FORGET TO USE YOUR MIRRORS!!! :lol: Yeah, I was so calm and relaxed...I drove safely and consistently, but like I said, before I got in the car the guy had failed me in his mind.

But you are a girl...so that won't happen. :lol:

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Yeah...seriously do not worry Heather. I have driven in all sorts of conditions. I was out in a terrible thunderstorm where rain was literally pouring down the window. All you do is put your wipers on...simple as that. Then just drive a little slower and be really cautious because stopping distance is lengthened and sometimes the blur from the road can make it difficult. Perhaps you should ask your instructor if there is another time slot you could go in as a one off...perhaps in the evening so you can try driving when it is dark...you know, just so you can try something different. But seriously, do not be worried about driving in rain...just make sure you are a lot more vigilant with your observation, that's all. :kiss:

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Yeah...seriously do not worry Heather. I have driven in all sorts of conditions. I was out in a terrible thunderstorm where rain was literally pouring down the window. All you do is put your wipers on...simple as that. Then just drive a little slower and be really cautious because stopping distance is lengthened and sometimes the blur from the road can make it difficult. Perhaps you should ask your instructor if there is another time slot you could go in as a one off...perhaps in the evening so you can try driving when it is dark...you know, just so you can try something different. But seriously, do not be worried about driving in rain...just make sure you are a lot more vigilant with your observation, that's all. :kiss:

Ok thanks! Anyway gotta go for my lesson, byeee!! xxx

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It rained! And my lesson went really badly :( i just wasn't focused. Hey Noora, I have Msn PM me your address and I'll add you! Same to all others on here except continue coming on here because its fun here!

Oh I'm sorry to hear that Hetty :console:

Ok, I'll send you a PM :D

How are you btw?

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