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11:00pm Curfew at the O2?

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Does anyone have any OFFICIAL info as to the rumoured curfew at the O2 as being at 11:00pm?

What if Zep finishes at 10:45pm and wants to do encores until 11:10pm...what will happen? Will the O2 Management announce to 20,000 frenzied fans that "No, Led Zepplein CANNOT do 1 more song due to our Curfew of 11:00pm, thank you -goodnight. Drive safely."

The place will go insane...Tampa Bay '77 anyone?

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Many arena/theater type venues have the 11 o'clock curfew because they have to pay stiff union penalties for every minute over 11:00 they play. Even non-union venues have late penalties. I have no idea what the ubion scenen for that type of stuff is over teh pond but I'm sure it's pretty similar.

I'm sure for an all night/day event such as this they have planned in the budget for a little spill over time and placed the set times appropriately. When people say a band can't play past 11:00 that isn't necessarily true. They can but it will cost them a fortune.

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