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F***ing Scammers


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And how. Tonight a Nigerian bank has awarded me $7M! I was one of one eighteen specially selected individuals worldwide!! Time to step it up London ATM Awards Card. Then I'll send all my info. Really! :lol:

$ 7 mill !!! You know I've always considered you to be a dear close friend but I just wanna say that I love ya now....smoooch :lol:

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I get all sorts of variations of these from different lotteries, alleged inheritances and casino winnings. Mostly from the UK, former European eastern block countries and various in Africa. They're all scams and I don't even open up any of the links or think about contacting anyone who's address is left in the email. If any of these were true, I could have quit my job years ago. I don't bother putting these under Spam as they use hundreds of different addresses to get they're scams through.


Edited by SuperDave
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