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More madness in Florida

Disco Duck

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You're right. the '08 Wall Street collapse showed the world what happens when you allow capitalism to do whatever it wants to do. Everything needs oversight and regulation. Obama hasn't done a thing to curb the problem. He bowed to the big banks in '09 and the reasons we had a meltdown are still a major problem.

Yes, and the government's support of giving home loans to people who could never pay them back had nothing to do with that, nothing at all. The idea that we have unfettered capitalism run amuck in this country is silly; perhaps we should try it.

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Yours was a "whitey has it coming" comment that lowlifes like Al Sharpton would be proud to call their own.

Content of character, not color of skin. It's the only way things get better.

Nice to see you cannot read or comprehend a sentence. I never once said "whitey had it coming" in fact I clearly said the opposite. I also said white THOUGHT he had it coming which is obvious the average white guy believes simply by the responses on this board. We have in fact become paranoid this will happen, again just look at some of the posts on here claiming the black man is killing the white man in disproportionate numbers which is an outright lie.

I don't hink anyone has it coming, that will not solve the problem. We need to accept all races and peoples as equal and move on, together.

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Yes, and the government's support of giving home loans to people who could never pay them back had nothing to do with that, nothing at all. The idea that we have unfettered capitalism run amuck in this country is silly; perhaps we should try it.

Not true and you know that, blaming the fed is ludicrous. The banks were not forced to give those loans, they did it not only willingly but happily. If a poor family with a combined income of $30,000 came in for a $100,000 home loan the loan officer would steer them to a $300,000 home loan with a ARM that balloons after five years. But hey Mr. & Mrs. Poor Folk, don't worry about that because home prices are rising and you can sell that house you cannot afford and make a huge profit in three years! Yeah! The American dream baby!!! WHat they failed to disclose to those folk who could not afford the loan was the banks were selling those as derivatives and betting the loans would default so they could make billions on the default swap.

In any other civilized country that would be called illegal, but here, without the government oversight and control, we get an economic crash, millions homeless and jobless, all the while the bankers are making money hand over fist with no legal repercussions.

Yeah, if that is not a clear example of unfettered capitalism I don't know what is.

So, black man has stroke and is arrested for bothering the cops and as a result dies. The super-rich banker fleeces billions from the American people and he gets a multi-million dollar bonus. We indeed live in twisted times.

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I read about this a few minutes ago. Everyone involved should have, at the very least, lost their jobs and pensions. Not to mention, the man's family should sue the pants off the county and the private company that runs the jail.



The link below is to a follow up article.


Have you contacted Al and Jesse about this?

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Nice to see you cannot read or comprehend a sentence. I never once said "whitey had it coming" in fact I clearly said the opposite. I also said white THOUGHT he had it coming which is obvious the average white guy believes simply by the responses on this board. We have in fact become paranoid this will happen, again just look at some of the posts on here claiming the black man is killing the white man in disproportionate numbers which is an outright lie.

I don't hink anyone has it coming, that will not solve the problem. We need to accept all races and peoples as equal and move on, together.

Maybe I misinterpreted you, my bad if so. I certainly don't think Trayvon had it coming, we've all been young and dumb. Conversely, he certainly wasn't the little angel the press made him out to be when this story broke either. If there's a lesson in this as far as I'm concerned it's "don't be a tough guy, walk away." If Zimmerman didn't have a gun Trayvon would have been bragging about this to his friends. As it was it appears he picked a fight with the wrong guy and the result was tragic.

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