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More madness in Florida

Disco Duck

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I read about this a few minutes ago. Everyone involved should have, at the very least, lost their jobs and pensions. Not to mention, the man's family should sue the pants off the county and the private company that runs the jail.



The link below is to a follow up article.


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I could have said something similar about your sexist "blonde" joke, Mudslider (what an apt name!). Unfortunately there's a crew of men on this board who think it's ok to indulge in sexism and abuse of other members here, but get their panties in a twist when someone says something they don't agree with.

The really funny thing though is that that essay about the tragic incident was about police stupidity and incompetence. So, of course, it likely HAS occurred a hundred times across the country, and I guarantee you in each of those cases there has been a million dollar or multi-million dollar lawsuit. Oh wait---that isn't funny, because aside from being tragic, we paid for those lawsuits with our tax dollars. I think you missed that point, "Mudslider." Perhaps among many points you have missed.

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Don't take it personal Scarlet, Mudslider is one of many older white guys slowly seeing the status quo of power shifting in this country from white only dominance to a multi-cultural inclusion. People like him are simply afraid and you know why? Just like the dude who is always cheating on his wife is positive his wife is doing the same (people like this only see life from their perspective), the older white guys who have used and abused their power, lording it over women and minorities for 2,000 years, they feel the oppressed will become the oppressors. Little do they know that is unlikely to happen as not everyone is as narrow minded as they. Either way, they are simply scared, old men who are raging against the passing of an age. They are soon to be relics of the past, barely remembered if remembered at all.

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Take your racist anti-white BS out of here. This was unfortunate, but has likely occured a hundred times across the countrey over the years with people of all races.

It's not BS if it's true. I don't have any medical training, but if I encountered a middle aged man who couldn't move one side of his body "stroke" would be the first thought that popped into my head. How in the hell did train paramedics and nurses miss such an obvious symptom?

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Don't take it personal Scarlet, Mudslider is one of many older white guys slowly seeing the status quo of power shifting in this country from white only dominance to a multi-cultural inclusion. People like him are simply afraid and you know why? Just like the dude who is always cheating on his wife is positive his wife is doing the same (people like this only see life from their perspective), the older white guys who have used and abused their power, lording it over women and minorities for 2,000 years, they feel the oppressed will become the oppressors. Little do they know that is unlikely to happen as not everyone is as narrow minded as they. Either way, they are simply scared, old men who are raging against the passing of an age. They are soon to be relics of the past, barely remembered if remembered at all.

What does this have to do with the story? This is a tragedy! I feel for that guy's family.

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Your an idiot. More whites die each year from the hands of blacks than the other way around. There is no powershift, but a redistribution of wealth that is killing america and stagnating the economy. Socialism does not work.

Don't take it personal Scarlet, Mudslider is one of many older white guys slowly seeing the status quo of power shifting in this country from white only dominance to a multi-cultural inclusion. People like him are simply afraid and you know why? Just like the dude who is always cheating on his wife is positive his wife is doing the same (people like this only see life from their perspective), the older white guys who have used and abused their power, lording it over women and minorities for 2,000 years, they feel the oppressed will become the oppressors. Little do they know that is unlikely to happen as not everyone is as narrow minded as they. Either way, they are simply scared, old men who are raging against the passing of an age. They are soon to be relics of the past, barely remembered if remembered at all.

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"Do you know that Negroes are 10 percent of the population of St. Louis and are responsible for 58% of its crimes? We've got to face that! And we've got to do something about our moral standards. We know that there are many things wrong in the white world, but there are many things wrong in the black world too. We can't keep blaming the white man. There are things we must do for ourselves."

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 1961

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"Do you know that Negroes are 10 percent of the population of St. Louis and are responsible for 58% of its crimes? We've got to face that! And we've got to do something about our moral standards. We know that there are many things wrong in the white world, but there are many things wrong in the black world too. We can't keep blaming the white man. There are things we must do for ourselves."

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 1961

What does this have to do with the neglect and mistreatment Allen Hicks experienced at the hands of the police, EMTs and nurses who either failed to recognize or ignored his stroke symptoms?

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Your an idiot. More whites die each year from the hands of blacks than the other way around. There is no powershift, but a redistribution of wealth that is killing america and stagnating the economy. Socialism does not work.

Capitalism sure as hell doesn't work.

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It seems to work in China. 'Commie-talism'

And I thought Florida was the sunshine state. <_<

Not really, what the media have been projecting to the American public regarding China's prosperity is not quite 100% accurate. In fact, if they continue building empty, un-sellable, un-leasable buildings their economy will collapse within three years causing a depression making the 1930's look like a Gordon Gekko parade.

Regulated capitalism and regulated socialism are fine depending on the culture and needs of the population. Any economic system without regulation and oversight is a recipe for disaster.

Lastly, as the above article points out, once again, it sucks to be black in Florida.

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Your an idiot. More whites die each year from the hands of blacks than the other way around. There is no powershift, but a redistribution of wealth that is killing america and stagnating the economy. Socialism does not work.

Really, tell that to the Northern European countries like Norway, Sweden, Germany, Finland, and the Netherlands. You know, the most prosperous countries on the planet with the happiest and healthiest populations...all socialistic democracies.

Regarding your black on white freakout scenario, you are either nuts or simply pulling shit out of your ass since it is not true. However, since you claim this is true, how about a link to that proven statistic sizzle chest???

Now don't worry Mudslider, I promise dat evil ole darky wont be doin you no harm. Next time you see one I suggest you fall to one knee, raise your hands to the sky and pull an Al Jolson, "Mammy!!!" The approaching black man will be utterly confounded by what he will perceive as a seizure or something and move to the other side of the street.

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Not really, what the media have been projecting to the American public regarding China's prosperity is not quite 100% accurate. In fact, if they continue building empty, un-sellable, un-leasable buildings their economy will collapse within three years causing a depression making the 1930's look like a Gordon Gekko parade.

Regulated capitalism and regulated socialism are fine depending on the culture and needs of the population. Any economic system without regulation and oversight is a recipe for disaster.

Lastly, as the above article points out, once again, it sucks to be black in Florida.

Yes, I saw all those new buildings the Chinese have built and they are all empty with phony signs and everything. How ridiculous. It's like developers near here that want to put 6,000 new homes in. I guess they just want to sit on it all til their profits shoot through the roof. Meanwhile, they could care less about removing the trees and covering the land with those ugly, bland looking homes that are packed next to each other like sardines where you can hear your neighbor cut the cheese.

On a positive note I actually found a car part the other day that was MADE IN AMERICA!!!! I about fell over. I'll take capitalism over socialism any damned day. The bottom line is that if there were no rich people there'd be no jobs. No jobs means no welfare checks. It's a vicious circle.

And racism will always be, no matter what part of the world you're in.

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On a more serious side to this topic, yes, there is madness in Fla.

My wife and her oldest sister, and the oldest sister's grandkids are in Destin for a week as I write.

Had to chunk that bit out to ya'll because... well, just because.

Don't believe any mind changin's gonna occur in this thread.

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So stating the truth is playing the race card? How exactly am I playing the race card?

Yours was a "whitey has it coming" comment that lowlifes like Al Sharpton would be proud to call their own.

Content of character, not color of skin. It's the only way things get better.

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There is no powershift, but a redistribution of wealth that is killing america and stagnating the economy. Socialism does not work.

You're right. the '08 Wall Street collapse showed the world what happens when you allow capitalism to do whatever it wants to do. Everything needs oversight and regulation. Obama hasn't done a thing to curb the problem. He bowed to the big banks in '09 and the reasons we had a meltdown are still a major problem.

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