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How about Bob Costas' eye after sleeping on one of those clean, new pillows?!? :blink:

The stories that are gonna come out after these Olympics, associated with the deplorable accommodations, is gonna be something! Not to mention all of the theft, etc. That country is the mob on steroids!

Um, yah what is that in Costas' eye?!?! I thought they weren't supposed to go near the water!!!

As my friend who is a travel agent said to me last night..."These games are being in Siberia for crying out loud, what do you expect?"!!

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Um, yah what is that in Costas' eye?!?! I thought they weren't supposed to go near the water!!!

As my friend who is a travel agent said to me last night..."These games are being in Siberia for crying out loud, what do you expect?"!!

You can tell your travel agent friend that Sochi is not in Siberia. It's on the Black Sea coast. Too far south to be Siberia.

So poor Bob Costas got pink eye? Wonder what other health horrors will pop up during these Olympics.

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You can tell your travel agent friend that Sochi is not in Siberia. It's on the Black Sea coast. Too far south to be Siberia.

So poor Bob Costas got pink eye? Wonder what other health horrors will pop up during these Olympics.

It was a joke, Strider. We were just sitting around talking about the remote location of Sochi and she made that comment.

Gee wiz.

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So poor Bob Costas got pink eye? Wonder what other health horrors will pop up during these Olympics.

When the hotels tell you not to wash your face with the sink water, that's a problem. I've never seen pink eye look like that, btw. Plus to the American public, he was the first face we saw from over there after all of the "dog holocaust", side-by-side toilet, and dark yellow drinking water stories that have seeped out from behind the iron curtain. The post Olympic stories are going to be something....

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But you know what? Millions of people go to Cancun and various other places in the Caribbean every year and are told not to leave their resort alone, you can't flush toilet paper, (they have trash containers next to the commodes) and don't drink the water.

I wonder why we are all of a sudden shocked and surprised at these conditions yet we tolerate them for our vacations? I don't mean to be argumentative here, it was my random thought for the day.

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I think it comes down to perceptions and differing levels of tolerance depending on expectations. I think people are willing to put up with certain inconveniences in countries perceived to be "developing" or Third World...ie Caribbean or South Pacific countries. With the beach and warm weather, all you really need in those tropical paradises is a sleeping bag.

But in First World countries, the standard for amenities and comfort is much higher. No matter how remote Sochi is, it is still in Russia, and the perception is still that Russia is supposed to be a First World country. First world countries should not have problems building a hotel or have brown water.

No mistake...this is a black eye for Putin and Russia.

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I think it comes down to perceptions and differing levels of tolerance depending on expectations. I think people are willing to put up with certain inconveniences in countries perceived to be "developing" or Third World...ie Caribbean or South Pacific countries. With the beach and warm weather, all you really need in those tropical paradises is a sleeping bag.

But in First World countries, the standard for amenities and comfort is much higher. No matter how remote Sochi is, it is still in Russia, and the perception is still that Russia is supposed to be a First World country. First world countries should not have problems building a hotel or have brown water.

No mistake...this is a black eye for Putin and Russia.

Sorry, I don't agree. After all the money that is poured into these countries, first, second, third, I don't care...you shouldn't have to be afraid of water. Black eyes for all of 'em!

I feel like the news cycles are quiet and the Olympics are the flavor of the month so to speak, so lets have at it. Much ado about nothin.

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....and a red eye for Costas! ;):lol:

:hysterical: You should write for Jimmy Fallon.

Sorry, I don't agree. After all the money that is poured into these countries, first, second, third, I don't care...you shouldn't have to be afraid of water. Black eyes for all of 'em!

Perhaps. Running water shouldn't be a problem, yes, but a dependable power grid or high-speed wifi may be asking too much in some of these countries who seem to have only the vaguest conception of Thomas Edison.

I feel like the news cycles are quiet and the Olympics are the flavor of the month so to speak, so lets have at it. Much ado about nothin.

Life isn't a news cycle. Whether the news is quiet or not, the Olympics are always going to garner attention. Justin Bieber...Miley Cyrus...Gov. Christie...these are flavours of the month. The Olympics have been going on for 100 years and involves most of the world...like the World Cup, it's going to be noticed and talked about.

Doesn't mean everyone has to like it. I'm not that passionate about the Olympics either. Fortunately, because of the weird way NBC treats the Olympic broadcasts, it's easy to avoid the Olympics altogether and never notice they're on.

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:hysterical: You should write for Jimmy Fallon.

Perhaps. Running water shouldn't be a problem, yes, but a dependable power grid or high-speed wifi may be asking too much in some of these countries who seem to have only the vaguest conception of Thomas Edison.

Life isn't a news cycle. Whether the news is quiet or not, the Olympics are always going to garner attention. Justin Bieber...Miley Cyrus...Gov. Christie...these are flavours of the month. The Olympics have been going on for 100 years and involves most of the world...like the World Cup, it's going to be noticed and talked about.

Doesn't mean everyone has to like it. I'm not that passionate about the Olympics either. Fortunately, because of the weird way NBC treats the Olympic broadcasts, it's easy to avoid the Olympics altogether and never notice they're on.

Im not talking about the sporting events, Strider. That is what the other thread on the forum is for! I was referring to the drama created by the media, ie, people crashing through bathroom doors, etc. like, really? Does that have to be the lead story of Olympic coverage?

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^^^ I know, us too!!

I asked my Dad where he was 50 years ago...his band was new so they were practicing before the show.

My mom was 16.

My daughter has to work tonight but my son has friends over and we are definitely watching in 10 minutes!!!!

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What kind of country asks you to throw your stinky, shitty toilet paper in a trash can instead of flushing it down the toilet where it belongs? Good old Mother Russia! :slapface:


Refer to post 39 in this thread. ALOT of countries ask visitors to do that. A country that has no infrastructure for one!

Btw, IMHO, the money spent to prepare this 'country' for this event has brought it just outside of the threshold of the STONE AGE!!! Lmao

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