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... I`ve been looking at newer clothes to bring myself into the none hippie style but it just isn't me,..

As soon as the work day is done there is two things I like for style:

Jeans, not just any jeans, but I always like to tear the bottom part of the leg behind the ankle, why I have no idea, but I like it, and jogging pants. It's funny because when people see me outside of work, they are always sort of shocked because I leave the ties and monkey suits for work.

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you are totally right on CJW, I`m the rock `n` roll outlaw, bleeding heart romantic poet, loner, music junkie, dirt faced angel, tie-dye hippie, jewellery wearing geekfreak. so bollocks to you if you don't like the way I`m just ME!... as I`ve no way of playing vinyl until the new units arrive I`ve been looking at my old vinyl`s of two bands which I`ve not hear anyone else talk about here so they are Dogs Damour and Hanoi Rocks they are IMHOP the great dirt rock `n` roll bands. both from around the `80`s arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh! where`s the turntable... I couldn't even play my Guns `N` Roses vinyl`s too!... I`m still laughing about the monkey suits... ooh I`ve been moved off nightshift to swing shifts in 2015... well you`ve all added so much happiness, laughter and fabulous friendship so all please have a wonderful Christmas and an even more wonderous 2015... I`m hearing in my head the ac/dc song highway to hell, but I don't now why... isn't there any hmm The Cult fans here to...

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wow we its the more unknown unlikeliest misfit that seem to slot into the most wonderful desperado`s off-the cuff outrageous hard rock `n roll bands, I`ve always found these bands more exotic, extreme and explosive musicians. there is always a bigger founder limited masterful musicianship as you`ll find one possible three top quality bands, just look at the likes of the sex pistols, zeppelin, stones, ac/dc, aerosmith, Hanoi rocks or dogs d` amour. to name a few classic rock bands which having in extra pure listening pleasure for many years oh I`d forgotten guns and roses too... well I`ve still to do the usual Christmas gift shopping the only part I`ve a large hate for as the shops are over crowded d`oh... right I`ve been trying to searching for the absolutely amazing music find of all time, maybe there isn't one to find... we`ll be busy to the end of the year with the revamp and Christmas/ New Year, but a that's the way it is...

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right in it with the last few working days of the nearly Christmas holidays and I`m still nowhere near finished with work as the madness of extra output is needed to ship to U.S.A which isn't so small workload... are well its another day in paradise looking forward to the shopping trip to the hi-fi centre I`m seeking new tuner, speakers(floor) and possible turntable I`ve been waiting to improve my old hi-fi... we`ve no I`ve gotten the Mrs GF to buy for yet its just I`ve been thinking of something to bring a smile to her face but I`m in no mans land what to get... well that's the end of no music I`ve gotten out the old boom box to go lol...

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right in it with the last few working days of the nearly Christmas holidays and I`m still nowhere near finished with work as the madness of extra output is needed to ship to U.S.A which isn't so small workload... are well its another day in paradise looking forward to the shopping trip to the hi-fi centre I`m seeking new tuner, speakers(floor) and possible turntable I`ve been waiting to improve my old hi-fi... we`ve no I`ve gotten the Mrs GF to buy for yet its just I`ve been thinking of something to bring a smile to her face but I`m in no mans land what to get... well that's the end of no music I`ve gotten out the old boom box to go lol...

Hold on to that old HiFi, don't throw it out, message me what you have for gear.

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Hi boys!!

right in it with the last few working days of the nearly Christmas holidays and I`m still nowhere near finished with work as the madness of extra output is needed to ship to U.S.A which isn't so small workload... are well its another day in paradise looking forward to the shopping trip to the hi-fi centre I`m seeking new tuner, speakers(floor) and possible turntable I`ve been waiting to improve my old hi-fi... we`ve no I`ve gotten the Mrs GF to buy for yet its just I`ve been thinking of something to bring a smile to her face but I`m in no mans land what to get... well that's the end of no music I`ve gotten out the old boom box to go lol...

Hi Geekfreak! Happy Holidays!! Maybe you could get your wife one of her favorite albums to enjoy with you on your upgraded hi-fi? :)
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well I`d like to say yes to the gift of an album but she isn't a music lover... yes I`ll message you when and whatever I buy... its nice to hear from you lipslikecherries you`ve been offline for a while have a great holidays yourself. isn't there anymore interesting highlights within your life, mine been mostly getting up to the highest brightest natural highs which is a wonderous feeling to be so full of happiness... the only painful side is being without the hi-fi which is a total pain in the rear end... right there is an outer world vinyl actuals which is waiting for a few spin`s once the hi-fi is up a running, I`ll tell you all about it once its... there`s the annual Christmas Carol Singers to look forward to... the upside downside to the revamp is the house as not gotten the Christmas feeling to it... there isn't any other way to fill your brain to form the spark of for filling the grey cells to fill in all the information you are seeking... well I`ve been out of the world of music for so long as this...

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well I`d like to say yes to the gift of an album but she isn't a music lover... yes I`ll message you when and whatever I buy... its nice to hear from you lipslikecherries you`ve been offline for a while have a great holidays yourself. isn't there anymore interesting highlights within your life, mine been mostly getting up to the highest brightest natural highs which is a wonderous feeling to be so full of happiness... the only painful side is being without the hi-fi which is a total pain in the rear end... right there is an outer world vinyl actuals which is waiting for a few spin`s once the hi-fi is up a running, I`ll tell you all about it once its... there`s the annual Christmas Carol Singers to look forward to... the upside downside to the revamp is the house as not gotten the Christmas feeling to it... there isn't any other way to fill your brain to form the spark of for filling the grey cells to fill in all the information you are seeking... well I`ve been out of the world of music for so long as this...

see all now all say all

well I`d like to say yes to the gift of an album but she isn't a music lover... yes I`ll message you when and whatever I buy... its nice to hear from you lipslikecherries you`ve been offline for a while have a great holidays yourself. isn't there anymore interesting highlights within your life, mine been mostly getting up to the highest brightest natural highs which is a wonderous feeling to be so full of happiness... the only painful side is being without the hi-fi which is a total pain in the rear end... right there is an outer world vinyl actuals which is waiting for a few spin`s once the hi-fi is up a running, I`ll tell you all about it once its... there`s the annual Christmas Carol Singers to look forward to... the upside downside to the revamp is the house as not gotten the Christmas feeling to it... there isn't any other way to fill your brain to form the spark of for filling the grey cells to fill in all the information you are seeking... well I`ve been out of the world of music for so long as this...

d like to say yes to the gift of an album but she isn't a music lover... yes I`ll message you when and whatever I buy... its nice to hear from you lipslikecherries you`ve been offline for a while have a great holidays yourself. isn't there anymore interesting highlights within your life, mine been mostly getting up to the highest brightest natural highs which is a wonderous feeling to be so full of happiness... the only painful side is being without the hi-fi which is a total pain in the rear end... right there is an outer world vinyl actuals which is waiting for a few spin`s once the hi-fi is up a running, I`ll tell you all about it once its... there`s the annual Christmas Carol Singers to look forward to... the upside downside to the revamp is the house as not gotten the Christmas feeling to it... there isn't any other way to fill your brain to form the spark of for filling the grey cells to fill in all the information you are seeking... well I`ve been out of the world of music for so long as this...

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well here its the finial working day of the week as its Christmas eve on Wednesday. we`ve been having mostly under stress of under pending under currant of the lack of music. which isn't the worse of it its the none inter action of me and music...

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well hmm its so tip -top bollocks within the household as there`s always something going upside downside every now and then... ha ha ha shit happens you deal with it and move on... I`ve never been able to understand why there isn't more worse times to be given the notice to end your money making workplace can you`s... we`ve been really trying to making Christmas Eve but its not to filled within happiness yet... no music to up lifted us this day or most of 2014... isn't the numbers of life`s human caring gone to the endless paradise for the few, the homeless here some will find a bed, food and friends whom help out at the centre which is a highlight for me and Mrs GF...

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sorry to say there is going to be not everyday I`ll be on forum, until I`m re-employed... but if the upside is the boom box out music pumping out Grace Potter & the Nocturnals, the roaring 420`s, Andy Tillison, H I M and elehant stone totally heavenly amazing music... bollocks I`ve some reading to do to classic rock mag...

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well with all the trouble within this 2014 we`ve been trying really trying to having a full on happiness Christmas. but sadly no we`ve both feel we`ve nothing much to cheer about lately with one thing or another... the view of the being the least likely to overcome the upper, lower or in between crap than me isn't to far of the mark somewhere/sometimes I`ll again over come the downsides of 2014, fill 2015 with all the peace, love and happiness... there`s the little music playing as up lifted my inner childlike mind to seek out the secret garden, which is where I`ll hangout for the timeout of reality for however long I`d like to hangout within the secret garden. which is filled with sweet music, sighting the purple skies, colourful dragonflies... well there isn't a small part of inner, outer of bodies viewing around the minds eyes whichever of my inner dreams will taking me...

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Spent Christmas eve at the hospital, handing out fruit, veggie, cheese, and meat trays to the medical staff as a thank you for the work they do, it's important to try and do something good. Last night I decided to do something to make me kids smile, so we set off fireworks. One of the perks living outside of the city

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After a mixed 2014 and spending that year revaluating myself, I'm seriously thinking of going self employed.

I have a few interests and I tend to be quite arty

but to turn that into some kind of job that brings in income, I am uncertain about that. All I do know is that I cannot spend another year being unemployed and having to live off from handouts, and as for the employment situation in this country, well I don't think I have to mention that again.

The past month I have been attending a programme that is supposed to get me a job but after two workshops in which one has told me how to write the perfect CV (mines has been professionally done by an advisor nearly a year ago) and the other workshop has told me which "colour" I am based on my personality....frankly these workshops and the programme itself is a waste of time and an insult to my intelligence. I have no choice but to attend because if I don't, I get money taken off me (a paltry £71.50 a week is what I'm entitled to). So in my eyes, there's a bit of goverment blackmail thrown at the likes of me.

There was a guy at my last workshop that was a former boss with his own company (now defunct because of the recession) and here he was sitting with a bunch of unemployed people including myself, with someone wittering on about "what colour he was"...well lets just say this guys face just said it all.

His face was like "I've been in business for 40/50 odd years, and now I'm sitting at a table with someone telling me what colour I am....what the hell is that to do with me getting a job??"

I just have an uncertainy feeling hanging over me, I am excited about the thought of being my own boss, but I have no experience of doing that.

In the plus side, I have been keeping in contact with my ex boss and he has been giving me a few tips but also a friend has said to me to stick by him, watch and learn from him etc.

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look its always those whom are down on there luck which seem to be bitter, twisted and full of self pity. which will pull themselves down and deeper down... so just brush yourself down chin up and smile... there will be a few hours when you`ll need a friend to pick you up so PM me for a chat...

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isn't life seems totally understated somewhere a long the rip ride tide waves of a roller coaster hellish ride. which means its more downward than upwards tides which means you`ll always seek others to befriend along the way through yourself style of lifecycles times. I`ve always been one of the few whom always seem to be the glasses half full to being only half empty guys, well you could also say its the (sad) clown/ bullet proof poet forever the looking for the good in the human race... its been more times playing music on the older boom box, which is great to listen to music till we ????????, sort the job front out...

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well my faith as been well and truly tested with the bosses bullshit, I`ve been given 30days notice to my fixed term is to end on 27/01/2015. well my holiday wasn't to bad under the pressure of the news given to me on 24/12/2014 oh yes. well there`s never a way of understanding the ways of the brain, which isn't the brightest issue I`ve ever undertaken the whole of our info, so I must`ve been insane to be as loyal to bosses in this case... rolling on to the highest musical mayhem of the enlightening music of the musicians later until the stress level as the term isn't always the nerve centre of the human beings I`ll need the music forever...

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well my faith as been well and truly tested with the bosses bullshit, I`ve been given 30days notice to my fixed term is to end on 27/01/2015. well my holiday wasn't to bad under the pressure of the news given to me on 24/12/2014 oh yes. well there`s never a way of understanding the ways of the brain, which isn't the brightest issue I`ve ever undertaken the whole of our info, so I must`ve been insane to be as loyal to bosses in this case... rolling on to the highest musical mayhem of the enlightening music of the musicians later until the stress level as the term isn't always the nerve centre of the human beings I`ll need the music forever...

Keep you chin up, don't let it get to you! Sometimes you gotta keep on keeping on and just keep looking for that next opportunity!

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as always your spot on Charles J. White, I`ve put out a few cv to test the market... the one good thing is that the old units are back so the yes the HI-FI is BACK... wow wee baby music is life, life is music... its always about the music... hittin` the note... because music matters.

dam right it MATTERS... I`ve been lucky Jools Holland on tv...

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as always your spot on Charles J. White, I`ve put out a few cv to test the market... the one good thing is that the old units are back so the yes the HI-FI is BACK... wow wee baby music is life, life is music... its always about the music... hittin` the note... because music matters.

dam right it MATTERS... I`ve been lucky Jools Holland on tv...

Jools Holland is interesting, I can take him in bits but that is about it. He seems to have a bit of an aversion to the electric guitar. Just watched an interesting Inxs clip on youtube from Holland.

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