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Funny Zeppelin In Print Or In Person


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I'm reading an older post, Favorite Plantations, enjoying the banter Robert Plant had with the audience, and recalling how funny it was the first time I heard him talk in context of the shows. He was a great entertainer, front and center stage spokesman for the band.

I started thinking about the humor of the band, and the critics. I remembered a recent article I picked up off the Internet: "Why Led Zeppelin Kicks The Everloving S*** Out Of Every Other Rock Band, Ever". The author named "Greg" trashes Zeppelin competitors with such pronouncements: "....And studies have shown that the Beatles would have been no different if they had replaced Ringo Starr with a ham sandwich".

And I think many of you know this one.

Greg's sometimes clean. Warning to parents - it's racy - not for children - and it's a riot, even the reader comments.

Does anyone else have a Zeppelin favorite to share, a picture/post/blog/article/book with raucous humor? Even a story of a meeting with the band that would make us laugh.


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"And he managed to bring his finger along......"

I like it!


P.S. I think the Ringo quote may have been a little too hard.... I do like his drumming a lot.....the ham sandwich got me.

So, I'll give another quote from the same post:

"Seriously, rock and roll scientists at the Institute For Killer Riffs And Blown Minds estimate that if every Zeppelin fan on Earth were to play Communication Breakdown at top volume simultaneously, the resulting blast would tear a hole in the fabric of spacetime, ending the universe as we know it. And that would still be less intense than seeing them play live."

I laugh every time I read it.

I would like more! A good night read before bed, a pick me up after a hard day at work, something for long rainy weekend. A Zeppelin scrapbook for humour.

I'm looking for some more very funny but uncommon newspaper articles/quotes/personal meetings/stories/pictures, etc.

PPS. I realize now that the above article was archived at www.led-zeppelin.org. My mistake - not such a rarity after all!

Maybe some one already did a similar forum page, but I still haven't found it yet. Maybe Zeppelin humor has been better covered at this site's "finding-led-zeppelin-in-unrelated-places" forum, which I'm now enjoying a first read.

If not, post away Zep world.


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"There's a hole in the wall called a door, use it" -- Jimmy Page abruptly ending what had become a contentious interview in 1988.

Thanks for the post. And thanks to Sathington for pictures.

Here's a funny comment I found online from Rolling Stone magazine's review of PG:

"Naturally, Graffiti is not without faults Zeppelin is too intuitive a band to cut a flawless album. Although Page and Bonham mount a bristling attack on "The Rover," this track, like several others, suffers from Plant's indefinite pitch. Other cuts, such as the ten-minute "Kashmir" and "In My Time of Dying," succumb to monotony..... Physical Graffiti will likely also disappoint those who prefer their rock laced with lyrical significance. ..."


I wonder if the band reads this with a laugh! They must read these RS reviews with affection, considering the 180 ° turnaround the magazine made in recent years. From the RS 40 greatest Zep songs - Plant in Kashmir - " his 15-second howl around the four-minute mark may be his most spectacular vocal moment."



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