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Name That Song Game


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Rules is there ain't no rules! (Except a few)

Someone names a line or 2 or 3. Someone else guesses the song or the artist or the next line. Simple.

They get to post a line or 2 or 3 and someone else guesses. Or Hell! Feel free to post the video if you know it.

*If no one guesses in a day or so - start a new one! I'll kick it off.

When I first met YOU, didn't realize.

I can't forget YOU, for your surprise

You introDUCED me, to my mind

And left me wanting, you and your kind

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^ "Sweet Leaf" by Black Sabbath.

Try this:

"Well, Billy Joe told me, everythings lookin' fine

Got the place all secure, got the icebox full of wine

He said hurry on over, and don't be late

Got three lovely ladies, that just won't wait..."

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Rory Gallagher -- I Fall Apart

The fireball that we rode was movin'
But now we've got a new machine
Yeah yeah yeah yeah the freaks said
Man those cats can really swing

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Deep Purple - Space Trucking

Okay, I miss a one minute.

Deep red are the sun-sets in mystical places.
Black are the nights on summer-day sands.
We'll find the speck of truth in each riddle.
Hold the first grain of love in our hands.

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