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Dallas 1973 Remaster

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I have long sought a decent recording of the Dallas gig on May 18, 1973, as it's one of the only show in which I know someone who attended.

The only known recording is a soundboard cassette which ends after Stairway. Unlike most of the surrounding shows in which the soundboards sound very good (Mobile, Ft. Worth, Denver) the Dallas recording is one of the worst ones I had ever heard. 

That is until ZepHead315 kindly sent me a digital recording from the supposed first gen tape he had recently acquired. It became apparent why most releases of this show sound very compressed and tinny... the tape has much more hiss on it than usual (possibly as a result of years of poor preservation). Pretty much all releases remove the hiss, but at an expense to the music.

While this is the best form I have heard this show in, it's still far from perfect. The crowd is barely audible, Page's guitar in the mix is inconsistent, and the overall sound is still more compressed than usual. 

With guidance from ZepHead, I made some improvements by adding reverb and treble for more atmosphere and clarity. My goal is to give this recording to the person I know who attended the gig, and I'll add songs from the previous show (Houston) to make a complete concert. 

Here's a sample I prepared for ZepHead, and he suggested I post it here too...


Again, the sound isn't perfect, but it's the best this show will sound... for now. Hopefully a decent audience recording will spring up one day!

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