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On Stage Mishaps


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You saw nothing exciting because Joelmon didn't say anything worthy of banning, I'm sure. He is open and honest with his posts, and very funny as well. If people have "old" grudges then maybe they should just ignore him.

You're sure. How are you sure. What's your source. What's your relationship with Joelmon. Have you PM him. Do you think think the mods just didn't like him? He always questioned people sources, which is the right thing to do, but people perceived that as a put down. So Sunshine Baby, what info do you have behind the banning of Joelmon, or are you stating an opinion. or is this Joelmon I'm talking to. When you say he's open and honest, it doesn't mean he didn't write something that was in complete bad taste. I'm sure he got railroaded just like i did by a few people here. Just to clarify i don't know joelmon, but I have heard that the same people who he has problems with are the same ones i don't like.

Edited by Pb Derigable
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I would just like to say, so this thread isn't deleted because the original purpose is really quite funny, that Joel was booted because of old grudges some people had against him that are best not discussed on board…

He was a great addition to the forum, quite funny :)

BTW -- love the Iron Maiden ones :lol:

Edited by zoso13zeppelin
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With all due respect to you, why don't you mind your own business. Since Joelmon isn't here to defend himself, maybe you should just keep your opinion to yourself.

I have never read anything on a thread that was worthy of banning. I have not read every single post on this board, so i can't swear there wasn't something, but i highly doubt it. See above, i agree with what was said. Certain people here have past issues and unfortunately they must have some influence as well.

How do i know Joel? I have read his posts and been friendly with him for almost six years. Yes, i am stating my opinion.

I think Jahfin has as much right to state his opinion as you do. Furhtermore, he said IF it was for the same thing as before... and voiced his opinion.

A whole hell of a lot of people have had "old issues" come up regarding a variety of things. Some of those people *coughvictoriacough* even started threads raising all kinds of hell and saying all kinds of things about other posters, blah blah, yap yap, etc. etc.

And zoso13dude, if you think he was banned cuz others had 'old grudges', perhaps you might consider the possibilty that he carried just as much of an 'old grudge' as anybody else might have... or maybe nobody had old grudges. (I just thought I'd toss that in there because sunshinebaby forgot to chastise you for voicing an opinion that involved people who 'can't defend themselves'.

Maybe folks know why someone was banned, maybe they don't, what the fuck does that have to do with stage mishaps? Or is this thread derailment a "staged mishap"... and therefore, on topic? I have no fuckin' clue anymore.


Anyway, back to the vids and clips... please.

Edited by Lake of Shadows
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I have never read anything on a thread that was worthy of banning. I have not read every single post on this board, so i can't swear there wasn't something, but i highly doubt it. See above, i agree with what was said. Certain people here have past issues and unfortunately they must have some influence as well.

How do i know Joel? I have read his posts and been friendly with him for almost six years. Yes, i am stating my opinion.

Thank you

I'm not sure if we can state our own mishaps but hears mine.

My buddies and I wrote a song about Physics for a school project. We did it in the theater in front of the whole junior class (about 500 kids) It was a simple song with a 7min jam part in the middle. Now at the time i knew a little bit about setting up the sound. I miked my 80watt tube bass amp along with the vocals through the very nice P.A. system. The Drums were fine and the guitar had enough power through a pevey combo. it was video taped and the sound was perfect. the mishap happen when i set up the mixing board. The kid who was in charge was fucking around with the dials. after setting it up he fucked around again. So i set it up once more. Well after the song, the teacher spoke but the Mic wasn't working (she had it off we found out) well the kid started to twist knobs and turned both my Mic gain and the master volume way the hell up to fix the prob supposly. Finally she gave up and screamed. We then asked to play some more. The first song we did was dazed and confused. I turned my bass volume knob way the hell up to make sure it's heard for that song. Well when i hit that first note, with the system at full blast, I blew out the entire P.A. System. You heard this loud note then nothing. Later i found out the entire system had to be replaced at a cost of $12,000. The guy told me it was for plays and meetings not for heavy rock music. It was brought in from another school with a bigger theater, but they used smallr speakers, which blew along with half the amps.

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For the record, I don't have a problem with Joel. He's a very knowledgable member of the board and his contributions are most welcome. However, if he's up to his same ol' tricks again he definitely needs to not only be banned from the board, he needs to seek professional help.

Sunshine Baby, I thought I recognized your posts but got you confused with Heaven Knows. I also thought you were Victoria for a while. If indeed you're the same person, why the multiple usernames?

Edited by Jahfin
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Then why are you so loyal to him? I love the old Tull. Aqualung is one of the all time classics in music.

I recognize the fact that Ian is a workaholic and a perfectionist. He's been going at it for 40 years. So I overlook, and in fact enjoy Ian's temper tantrums. As most Tull fans do.

And you my friend need to expand your Tull horizons. There is life beyond Aqualung. You should buy the remastered version of Stand Up with bonus tracks. Released in 1969 it is really an exceptional Tull collection. Steve Vai once listed "Nothing is Easy" as one of his top ten guitar tracks.

Interesting Ian fact....Ian recently sold his salmon farms located in Northern Scotland. He was quite proud of the fact that he employed a large number of people in an area of Scotland where finding work was quite difficult. He also recently sold his land on the Isle of Skye which covered a large portion of the Black Cuillins.


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