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Roberts vocals


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robert still sounds very similar in lower registers as he did in the 70's with zeppelin. the other day i was listening to a page and plant rendition of going to california, and it was hard to discern it from 1970's versions. when he got to the higher parts he was able to hit the highest notes but he had to do the next line in a lower octave. it's a diaphragm or air issue more than a deterioration of his vocal chords from abuse. it takes very strong lungs to pull off. he commented on that semi recently. he said something to the affect that he could still hit a lot of the higher notes but it was more difficult continually moving that much wind through his throat to do so. so it's stamina and fatigue issue on top of age related deepening and thickening of vocal chords.

if i were to be so bold as to offer advice to long time singers or him. for maximum mileage and a tune up. i'd put him on a strict diet and exorcise routine along with diaphragm strengthening and training. he'd be good as new. another factor is you need longer resting periods for your voice between shows. as we age our ability to heal slows down a lot. so i'd also recommend shorter sets and fewer shows too. other than that i like his voice still, there's more than one way to reach the western shore.

oh and...clonedale!? robert owns him still. and would even if he gained a hundred pounds and smoked 3 packs of non filtered cigarettes + drank a fifth of scotch a day.

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From 1971-08 his voice became less potent, and from the start of 1973 onwards his voice had a completely different register. Recovered some of the old range from 1977 onwards, sounded like a sick cat throughout most of the 80s when he tried to hit the high notes, now has a much better tone since the 70s, and his range has been improved a lot in the last couple of years ago.

Things are looking up for Robert. :)

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