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The Return of Led Zeppelin


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After reading all the quotes from the band, I think it is safe to say that Led Zeppelin will continue to perform together and hopefully record some new music. It is quite clear that the Magic of Zeppelin is back, and the rehearsals are going fantastic. Page, Plant, Jones and Jason Bonham all look great, and are ready to remind the world of who the Greatest Rock Band Is.

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The music won em over, their very own beautiful - rockin - intricate - exotic - phenomenal music! as well as being the greatest musicians in their fields those tunes are just beggin to be let loose.

In all the excitement and cover shots Plant seems to be enjoying himself more and more, that smile tis a joy to behold.

major busy myself with a house move lately and always lurkin back of my mind... Zep are back! Zep are back! its everywhere. radio, tv, play them in work, car... I'm near tearing up! the music is just so right and deserves a full on worldwide celebration.

never seen them, wont be at o2. but still happy happy happy joyjoyjoy :)

I really hope they return with a tour. they can only triumph.

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It is good to see that the band is back for at least one more gig. I think they all realize now how special Led Zeppelin truly was/is. There is no sence of putting the genie back in the bottle at this point. While I listen to "The Show Must Go On" by Queen.

Edited by Wolfgang
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They really have made a comeback. It's amazing how a band can come back after all those years and make such an impact on today's music scene.

I think it's safe to say the impact happened a very long time ago (and will be felt for a very long time to come) and has nothing whatsoever to do with any sort of "comeback". Hell, they haven't even played the concert yet.

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