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About LedZep342

  • Birthday June 16

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  1. Happy birthday! :)

  2. This is off topic but related to Zep according to the guidelines: Does anyone know of these two roadies/friends names? Center (filming Robert):
  3. The front looks like a lens and a camera (connected to a wire) and the back looks like perhaps a vent?
  4. The lens is too small and there isn't a wheel-like feature.
  5. Ledzepfilm, a lens can clearly be seen; you have no evidence whatsoever to support this.
  6. I noticed in this photo from June 29, 1969 (first show) an object that had features of the same as a camera, I know some shows were filmed at the RAH throughout this time period. I was wondering if anyone here could confirm what this object is (boxed in red)?
  7. The Monkees were always just another band I knew, I wasn't ever to fasinated with their work. Sure I've listened to a few of their tunes ("I'm a beleiver" comes to mind). But when I heard about Davey's death this morning, I was shocked, I had no idea his life would end so soon. R.I.P. Davey Jones
  8. So now you agree with me, way to go by saying "no shit sherlock". Another question is why do three of the photos contain a watermark? Is this from the Bonham archives, did a member of the Bonham family possibly take these photos? Captain Crunge, could you please provide a link to the site where you found these photos?
  9. Ledzepfilm, you said "No shit shurlock. I'm 40% sure they are." earlier. Now you agree that these are photos. Anyway, I've seen at least two of these photos before, as seen here the photos were probably captured from a computer, book etc. with some electronic device. The effect the photos have makes their appearance look like a video still.
  10. The Denmark '69 film wasn't shot in color, but b/w. And yes, I forgot what this was entitled. It's not a Zeppelin performance but a Jimmy Page performance.
  11. Under "TV", your missing "BBC TV Studios April, 23, 1970".
  12. It was shot using poor equipment planning, Zeppelin's set was shot with one 16mm camera, as were other bands. I don't know why they intended to make this into a documentary, poor film set-up inter cut with a bunch of audience scenes and/or footage of the band that isn't even synchronized isn't going to make a very good documentary, this is why they haven't made a release of the festival on DVD. Audio is another story, an audio release would be great, as there are I believe complete soundboards of every band.
  13. No, there was original sound, in the DVD booklet it is said that the audio was synched completely by hand, or maybe that was The Concert File ( either way, I personally think this is a complete exaggeration, as there was original sound).
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