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Everything posted by BonzoLikeDrumer

  1. What is and what should never be = Led Zeppelin
  2. I believe she started it on one of the variety show's she was on before Laugh-In or in her stand-up gig's. The link I posted is to her site, it has a lot of info and some cool stuff too. If you feel like looking it up... "I don't have the time!!!" Ha Ha Ha (that was one of Ernestine's line's) Be cool my friend
  3. Born under a bad sign = Pat Traver's Band
  4. I Was Born to Love You = Freddie Mercury
  5. Castle's Made of Sand = Jimi Hendrix
  6. Spanish Lullaby = "Marty Robbins"
  7. You do look like Lilly Tomlin if you ask me. That's what I thought when I saw your avatar picture. "Have I reached the party to whom I am speaking?" You got to love Ernestine!!! http://www.lilytomlin.com/charns/ernestine/1snort.htm
  8. Doh Doh Doh .... Doh Doh Doh Doh Lets Go = The Car's
  9. Great stuff to see! The only down side is that now that it's been plastered all over YouTube they are no longer rare or even collectible's. Well, maybe if you have the original format copies in mint condition, that would be a rare collector's prize. But there is so much info out there it make's it less (in my honest opinion) a valuable idem. What do you guy's think?
  10. Aaaa...That bring's back some old memory's Deb's! Well, I never did a show in a Medieval (or what ever century that place was built) setting, I do remember some difficult load in's and load out's! I like watching this sort of stuff! What can I say, Modern Marvel's is one of my favorite TV show's!
  11. Man! That guitar is flipping me out! Sort of an electric with a Bass string and a odd shaped neck.
  12. Bottle of Wine = The Kingston Trio
  13. Always did like those cool looking helmets the Storm Troupers ware. And you know the chick's dig the dick cup in there crotches!
  14. Here in Piedmont N. Carolina the first cool snap is heading our way tonight, high tomorrow is going to be 40 something! Not getting much warmer for a few day's after that. And it was so nice this past weekend! Winter is coming!
  15. Is it little like this one? http://www.sciencentral.com/articles/view.php3?article_id=218392153
  16. So, what am I thinking now Fan_S? I say your thinking "Thats The Way" = Led Zeppelin!!
  17. Mmmmm, raw track's! No verb, no delay, no dynamics processing, no automation (mixing volume levels) to make every thing sound even in the mix! Wish I had a multi-track of this recording! If I did, I wouldn't come out of my studio for a month ! I would emerge with pale skin, 20 pound's lighter and a mix of this song that would stop a truck! I think I've heard this a long time ago but I'm not sure. Thanks for digging it up for us Deb's!!
  18. Nice pic's all, pagemccartney95 do you play music? I have a set of Ludwig's that look just like (older model set) the one's you posted the picture of. Well, here is some of my spare time gaming screen shot's, from my currant Medieval 2 Total War campaign playing as the French. Main map's Real time battle's
  19. I'm walking to New Orleans = Fats Domino
  20. One of these Nights = The Eagles
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