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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. A new kitty update: We found out it's a she, and we changed her name to Raleigh. Now we have two jet black female cats with yellow eyes. She's eaten a little and drank a lot of water....we're hoping to get her to a vet as soon as possible.
  2. We just adopted a stray cat. It (we don't know gender yet) is so malnourished, has a cut on its paw and is so loving and sweet.....I couldn't bear to leave it outside in this cold and rain. So....its name is Oynx and we're going to the vet tomorrow.
  3. Both Barack Obama and John McCain appeared at the Alfred E. Smith Foundation dinner last night, and both of them were utterly hilarious. I'll post the links to their comments below, however I will say this. Even though the campaigning has gotten very nasty and very negative the last few weeks, it was great to see the both of them seemingly having a good time poking fun at each other. I thought McCain was funnier than Obama, really. Too bad he hasn't been like this the whole time, maybe the race would be closer. Obama (whole bit) McCain pt 1 McCain pt 2
  4. Ignorant bitch? Awww, thanks. You're too kind.
  5. True, but I was thinking of another word beginning with "s".
  6. RealClearPolitics, which takes an average of all polls out there, has Obama leading by almost 7%. Furthermore, there's two different Gallup polls being used now; one deals with likely voters, the other with registered voters. The next three days will show results from the last debate trickling in, and since every news organization and snap poll gave the debate to Obama, again I expect to see him get a 1-2 point bounce from that.
  7. You'd be incorrect. BTW, I get a kick that you're calling your opinion "American" as if those who disagree somehow are not American. What a nice introduction to this board. I hope you have your tin foil hat at the ready.
  8. Dude, don't go there. That's not right. He'll just (hopefully) never post here again.
  9. Yeah, keep thinking ACORN is going to be responsible for McCain losing, if that should happen. Keep forgetting that ACORN are the ones pointing out the faulty registrations in the first place. Also keep forgetting that unless all these fake people show up and vote, there is no voter fraud. If Daisy Duck is registered to vote, but Daisy Duck never actually votes (because she's an anthropomorphic duck), then no fraudulent vote has been cast. Didn't I explain this yesterday? I swear, the tin foil hats are strong with you guys.
  10. Seeing my dad smiling after a long day of work. Today is Bosses' Day and the collectors he has under him, chipped in and got him a nice card, some money to buy his favorite bottle of scotch and a really nice homemade pound cake that is made by a woman who works with him. He's a great boss; he had people follow him from Chicago to Atlanta and then from Atlanta here.
  11. He needs to take a shit ton more states than that.
  12. Joe the Plumber is related to Charles Keating.
  13. Anyway, why don't we get this thread back on topic and talk about last night's debate. Did anyone who was previously on the fence feel that their minds were made up as a result of this debate? What about that candidate stood out more after this debate, as opposed to the last two?
  14. No, there's a difference between going after my opinion or what I say and insulting me or my family. One I tolerate the other I don't. And the people who end up on my ignore list are the people who do nothing but insult me. I don't need to nor should I have to put up with that crap, so I don't. There's a lot of people here whom I disagree with a lot, and I read every single one of their posts and respond to most of them.
  15. I'm sorry, do you think I give a rat's ass about your opinion of my living situation? I work. A lot. My mother is unemployed. Right now, every single dollar that comes into my house has to make sure our bills get paid. Which means any money I would be squirreling away to move to Richmond with my former roommate has to go to making sure our fucking mortgage gets paid every month. My mother is 59 and has no college degree, no one will hire her. My dad cannot be expected to shoulder the full burden of making sure we don't get thrown out onto the fucking street. So rather than moving out and leaving my dad hanging by his dick, I'm sacrificing FOR MY FAMILY so we can keep our nice home. I don't particularly feel like living in a tent in the park. I don't know why I even bothered explaining this, it's not like you care and/or can even empathize, but whatever.
  16. And? It's better than dead air. I've seen too many debates where a candidate is asked a question and rather than say "uhh" or "umm", they just stand there staring into the abyss like they're on a Thorazine drip. And every time they need to formulate their answer and make sure that they hit all the necessary points, they continue to say absolutely nothing. That hurts in couple ways. One, it gives the appearance of not paying attention or what the kids like to say "zoning out". Two, it makes it look like you don't have an answer and are therefore compiling some bullshit to spew out. Three, it makes you look ill-prepared and poorly coached. No one will call Sarah Palin a great intellect, but at least when she was asked a question, she started responding immediately, whether the answer was even relevant to the question or not. When people use this as a valid "criticism" of Barack Obama, that tells me there's not much there to criticize him about. I think most Presidents of my lifetime have "uhh"d and "umm"d during debates/speeches.....I don't recall anyone really commenting on it. Pick a new poorly thought-out GOP talking point, please.
  17. BTW, someone clue John McCain in on the fact that Sarah Palin's son has Downs Syndrome, not autism. There is a very clear difference between the two.
  18. McCain spent more time attacking Obama and his policy issues and less time actually outlining what he'd do, and how it differed. I had hoped to see that from him. I thought considering the position he's in, he'd realize how steep this hill is he has to climb and do something to at least reassure his base and the right-leaning Independents that he hasn't lost complete grasp of his sanity. Following the Ayres/ACORN/Lewis section, he completely lost it. Obama was obviously prepared to discuss it, realizing that it's the only card McCain had left to play.
  19. JFK doubled our troop presence in Vietnam? O RLY? Seeing as Jack was dead in 1963, I'd like to know how he escalated our involvement in Southeast Asia. Sounds like the high influx of American troops into Vietnam came at the hands of the Johnson administration. No one is debating that Kennedy sent troops there, hell Eisenhower sent troops there during his administration. However the role of those troops, the number of those troops and the purpose of our involvement radically changed and did so under LBJ, not Kennedy.
  20. Seriously, always keep Tylenol or Advil PM around the house. Whenever I can't sleep, I take 2 and I'm out like a light. It's cheaper than getting an Ambien or Lunesta prescription.
  21. I thought McCain came out strong in the first 30 minutes, but then it fell apart. Obama basically bitchslapped him on Ayres/ACORN and brought up McCain/Palin rallies and the "kill him" comment and all that stuff. I didn't think he would honestly, seeing as Obama has run a basically even-keeled campaign. However, considering this is the last debate and the last time the both of them will have an audience of this size in which to speak to, something needed to be said about it because it's fucking despicable. What's worse is that McCain defended it. I couldn't believe it, even my dad was like "what the hell did he just say?". Obama was a little boring, but in order for McCain to change the narrative of this election and desperately turn things around, he basically needed to pull an Ali on Sonny Liston and he didn't come close. So now he's got 20 days to somehow flip about 10 states.....hell, he's currently 2 points down in Arkansas right now. Frickin' Arkansas.
  22. Bob Schieffer was an excellent moderator tonight. I really thought he did better than Lehrer and Brokaw. He was far tougher and a lot more intent on making both candidates answer the questions than the previous ones had been. That alone made this debate better than the other two. Edit: I liked this bit at the end on NBC: "McCain complained about being labeled a racist, Obama complained about people yelling for him to be killed." No one thinks you're a racist, John. However your crowds need to be controlled.
  23. http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/10/15/go...-obama-graphic/ I bet the people who made that graduated at the top of their class.
  24. Right........and Bush won Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004 completely above board. If you think for one nanosecond that voter registration fraud is something confined to the Democratic Party only, you're dead wrong. Here's the thing.......you can make up 1,000 names and addresses, register them to vote and it means nothing at the end of the day. Why? If they don't exist they can't vote, right? If they can't vote, there's no fraudulent vote to discount. If there's no fraudulent vote to discount, there can be no complaints that a state was won by ill-gotten reasons. No vote = no voter fraud. If Mickey Mouse is registered to vote, said rodent will have to show proof of identification at the polling place, right? They'd have to check to make sure that Mickey Mouse is real and that he is really registered, right? When I voted in 2000 back in Cook County (IL), I had to sign a piece of paper so they could verify the signature matched the one on my driver's license so that they were assured that I was in fact, who I claimed to be. When I voted in 2004 in Fulton County (GA), I had to show my voter registration and my driver's license. Who knows what Forsyth County, NC is going to require, but I'll have proof of ID regardless. These people are paid by quota. You register 100 people, we give you X amount of dollars. The fraud exists in paying the people for registrations that are not real. If they verified the names/addresses BEFORE payment, this would be gone in a New York minute. Since they don't, this is what happens. Voter fraud/election fraud......this is what happens when votes are fraudlently cast. If these "people" don't exist, there are no votes to be cast.
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