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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. That's What Friends Are For - Elton John, Dionne Warwick & Stevie Wonder
  2. It would appear that the weather is gone from our area now. It's still going to be chilly, but no more rain/sleet/snow in the forecast, at least up to Monday night. Thank God, because I just finished shoveling the last of the snow/slush/ice from our driveway this afternoon and don't want to do it anymore.
  3. It's lightly snowing right now -- not much in the way of anything. Gosh, as much as I love snow I just wish it would stop. This is extremely unusual for this part of the country.
  4. Boy, I'm glad we don't live further north. I don't know if we could handle almost two feet of snow.
  5. It snowed again overnight, probably another one or two inches. Now it's raining. It's supposed to sleet/snow overnight again. When will this shit end? As much as I love snow, we left Chicago to get away from this stuff. LOL
  6. The Dark Side of the Moon is #137 this week on the Billboard 200. For some perspective, that album came out 37 years ago next month and has now logged a whopping 748 weeks on the charts. It actually went up 3 spots from last week. How embarrassing for artists who released music recently and they're charting LOWER than that.
  7. I thought about it and couldn't narrow it down to only 1 song. However, I was able to come up with a list of 10 songs that if they were the only 10 PF songs I could ever listen to for the rest of my life, I'd be okay with it. They are in no particular order. Comfortably Numb High Hopes Burning Bridges Wish You Were Here Time Biding My Time Cymbaline Sheep Learning To Fly Echoes
  8. Tea For One. While Plant/Page might have done it, the whole of Led Zeppelin did not, and that's a damn shame. I love it. I know they tried to do When The Levee Breaks, but they couldn't re-create the drum sound that is featured on the album, so that'll be another choice.
  9. I prefer the acoustic set featured on HTWWW, myself. The version of That's The Way included is absolutely breathtaking and far exceeds the album version by a good nautical mile or more.
  10. Yes, my new profile picture IS delicious, is it not? I can't resist, I'm afraid. Much like dark chocolate, Starbucks and the Yankees....David is a weakness of mine. *sigh*

  11. Found this picture online.....hadn't seen it before:
  12. The Founding Fathers also thought black people were 3/5 a person. Just because it's what they thought doesn't mean it should be followed today. The Founding Fathers thought a lot of things that are not feasible, appropriate or possible if applied to today's government.
  13. Happy Birthday, Mandy! I hope you have a great day.
  14. How much of that factors in not one but TWO wars?
  15. Thank God when we moved, we remembered to bring the snow shovel! Our neighbors thought we were nuts until the first major snowfall and then we looked like geniuses. I figure, unless you live in Phoenix or Miami, assume you could get snow during the winter. Better be safe than sorry.
  16. The only people he's "alienated" within the Democratic party are the far, far left. What gets me is the people who claim Obama is "super liberal" or "socialist" or "far, far left".....when he's actually closer to center. These people wouldn't know what real "socialist" or "far, far left" politician was if it bit them in the taint. This country will never have someone that far left or conversely, someone far to right in the White House. It'll never happen. You run on the left, you govern from the center. The same applies to a Republican; you run from the right, you govern from the center. The majority of Americans consider themselves centrist/moderate/Independents and governing from either end will get you nowhere. The problem with the far left in this country is they thought Obama would govern from there, and he can't. Not if he expects a more center-left Congress to pass anything. I truly feel the more moderate Dems, such as myself, haven't gone anywhere.
  17. He has a higher approval rating after one year than the vaunted St. Ronald of Reagan, whom all Republicans seem to think crapped rainbows. Also, his "approval rating" varies greatly depending on the pollster used and their leaning. Left-leaning polls have it higher, right-leaning polls have it lower. I think the truth, like in all things, exists somewhere between the two. That said, I would put it closer to the high end than the low end. It's Congress that I'm fairly sure people continue to have a great dislike for, myself included.
  18. High Hopes (live at Earls Court; October 29th, 1994) - Pink Floyd The last track, on the last album, from the last ever concert. Amazing.
  19. Some of you people crack me up.
  20. If Obama was REALLY doing what he wanted re: health care, something would have been passed and signed into law by now. The fact it hasn't shows two things. One, the GOP is absolutely incapable of reaching any compromise with the Dems on this subject and two, the Democrats in Congress are spineless twunts being led by two jackasses, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Obama can only sign bills into law, he can't make them. It's up to Congress to give him something.....they haven't. That's not on him. That's on them. Also, it's been ONE YEAR. What the hell did you expect him to get done in one year? I certainly didn't think anything earth-shattering would be finished in 12 months. Anyone who did is absolutely nuts, and that goes for people on all sides of the fence.
  21. High Hopes (live at Foxboro Stadium; May 19th, 1994) - Pink Floyd
  22. A friend of mine sent me a boot for a Pink Floyd show in Philadelphia back in 1987 I didn't have. Now, that's not what made me happy.....although I was certainly glad to have it! On the third disc, are some sound checks they did before show in Vienna in 1988. One of the "untitled jams" was based on Heartbreaker.....and not Pat Benatar's version. David was doing a little homage to Jimmy Page! That's the first time (that I've heard) of him doing any thing Zeppelin, even as a gag or jam. Two great guitarists....now THAT made me happy.
  23. I said approve. I would have preferred him to hold off on health care until after the midterm elections and focus more on the economy, but he felt strongly about doing it as soon as possible. I thought he put a little too much on his plate, but I'd rather a President try to do too much than not try to do enough. It's one of those things where he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't -- I'd rather him be damned if he does. I was however, greatly boosted by his desire to have Don't Ask, Don't Tell repealed. It's about damn time, as far as that goes. One of the few things about the Clinton administration I do NOT like. I certainly don't regret voting for him, in any event.
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