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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. HAHAHA to the first bolded statement. Also, after Roger decided to be a twat and leave the band, they didn't replace him, they didn't add anyone else to the group. Pink Floyd then became David, Rick and Nick. Period. They didn't do what they did when Syd was too mentally incapacitated to perform anymore and add someone else legally to the group. The band went from a quartet to a trio. Guy Pratt became their bassist for live performances, but he didn't join the band. He is not a member of Pink Floyd. Neither is Jon Carin who played keys. They didn't replace Roger Waters in the band. They simply moved on without him. WTF do you know. Also, HAHAHAHA to the second bolded statement.
  2. My copy of Ummagumma got scratched up when we moved, so I replaced it. $18 including shipping for a VG++ copy (vinyl and jacket) that the person I bought it from purchased himself in 1969. Not bad!
  3. You're missing something. How many seasons of American Idol have their been? How many people have been on the show? Now how many of those people are actual bonafide successes? If the show is supposed to find the next big whatever......I'd say they have failed miserably at doing that, save four specific cases.
  4. Actually, there hasn't been a lot of success on the American version. Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood are the only winners who have had any kind of measured, consistent success. Chris Daughtry didn't win his season, but his group has had a slew of hit albums/singles. Jennifer Hudson didn't win her season, went on to star in Dreamgirls and won a damn Oscar. That's what.....4 people out of the near 100 that have been on the show since Season 1? Other people have come off the show, had success for like....an hour, and then they're gone. The actual number of people to come off that show and actually become something is extremely small.
  5. Jimmy Page is a great guitarist no doubt, and has created and played many memorable riffs and songs. IMO though, I wouldn't call him my favorite.
  6. I own 90% of Pink Floyd's catalog on vinyl, in fact I just bought another one today on Ebay. I have all of the Eagles albums on vinyl, and about 65% of Led Zeppelin's albums.
  7. This is not true. I have more boots pre-77 than I do post-77 and a lot of the shows they did before Animals were absolutely effing phenomenal. Every single boot I have from the Wish You Were Here tour in 1975 is spectacular, not just in sound quality, but in the quality of the performance. Maybe you listened to some crap recordings.
  8. It's impossible to choose the best Pink Floyd song. I can't even choose which album I love the most, because so many of them are damn good.
  9. NBC royally fucked this up. Conan O'Brien was promised The Tonight Show back in 2004 and then after he hosts it for 7 months, uproots his family no less, Jay Leno wants it back? Fuck him. I hope celebrities blackball him and refuse to appear.
  10. Now you understand why I broke away from the Church when I turned 18. I'm sorry, but telling me that using birth control will cause me toburn in hell and that french kissing is on the same level asmurder.....which will also cause me to burn in hell, makes no goddamnsense to me on any intellectual level. Maybe it's not mean......so much as completely fucking stupid.
  11. No one should replace him, they should cancel it. Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood are the only winners I think, who have had any significant mainstream success. Daughtry has been doing quite well, but he didn't win. Jennifer Hudson didn't win either, and she got an Oscar. That's what.....4 people? The show jumped the shark. It's over.
  12. I can never get enough of this guy. Those eyes.
  13. The Scientist - Coldplay God damn do I love this band. Also, the song makes me think of Rick Wright for some reason, since it's so piano-heavy.
  14. The cognitive dissonance that must have been on display for him to get the damn thing had to have been impressive. That would be like someone who is a militant white supremacist getting a degree in African-American Studies or an atheist getting a doctorate in Theological Studies. How do you sit through class after class and write paper after paper and take test after test, for a subject that at its cornerstone, contains something you don't think exists? It's absolutely mind-blowing.
  15. I'm sorry, but an Ivy League institution gave a Masters in Biology to someone who DOESN'T believe in evolution? Haha, wow.
  16. The Division Bell is pretty damn good, but I agree it's better than The Final Cut. I love his solo stuff......I have all three of them on vinyl and the vinyl issue of On An Island cost me a pretty penny, but well worth it.
  17. Have you been touched by his noodly appendage?
  18. Stairway To Heaven. IMO, it's not even the best song on the album. I get why people love it, they have this emotional thing with it but it just......no.
  19. David Gilmour is a god. Truly. Listen to his work on Obscured By Clouds.....such an underrated album.
  20. I'm not religious. That doesn't mean atheist, however. I used to be Catholic.....haven't been excommunicated or anything, I just haven't been to church in over a decade and really don't care to go back.
  21. The Final Cut......ugh. Don't get me started on that one. If you like it that's great.....but I don't even own it.
  22. At what point does the constant pimping of 9/11 go from reminding people what a horror it was (as if anyone could actually forget that) to exploiting it? Dead serious here.
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