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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. 6 hours ago, Bonzo_fan said:

    While Grant's method was probably the smart move financially in the moment, the Dead are now reaping the rewards of their approach decades later with subscription archival live release series, great box sets with corresponding merchandise, etc.

    Makes you think, if only someone would plant that seed into Page, and he unlocks the live soundboards he still has as a means to creating some brilliant ongoing releases, 'Best of' tours (1980 for example), compilations of runs like LA '77, stand out concerts from all era's in EU, Japan, etc, etc... all with associated merch. I think it's very possible something like that would go viral and become somewhat of a phenomenon to his surprise. Just look at reaction vids on Youtube to Zep. Some are meh... but a lot are genuinely amazed and hungry for more.

  2. I feel this. There is no other, they truly are on their own level to me. UNMATCHED. And yeah, seems to have a lot to do with the "combined effect". Each member being top 3 if not No. 1 in their respective talents. Jones contributing to song structures and iconic riffs as much as Page, the greatest rhythm section of all time (or at least in most peoples top 3?), Jimmy not only able to write magical songs, but compliment them with magical solo's that fit perfectly, Bonham perfectly complimenting Page with light and shade, Jones keyboard skills equal to his bass prowess... Then Plant. One of the best rock voices ever in perfect Sympatico with the musicianship of the 3. They were as close to a perfectly cohesive and in tune with each other outfit you could ask for. Throw Peter Grant in who created the space for Led Zeppelin to be Led Zeppelin, and BOOM! Best band ever! 


  3. Japanese culture (as little of it as I know/understand) seems one of the better ones on balance. Japan is the only non-speaking foreign country I would visit outside of some western and northern European countries for the history, architecture and natural beauty. The Japanese seem to have immense self respect and manners, a sincere reverence for elders (which is massively lacking in "the west") and are generally a clean and well adjusted lot. Like I say though, only what I garner from media. My daughter was going to go to Japan on a school trip last year until Covid fucked everything up. If I ever get the chance, I'll take her. She loves Anime and the Japanese culture and is eagerly learning the language. I of course would love to seek out some of those bootleg shops I have seen pictures of. They look awesome. And I believe Japan has some of the best snow for skiing in the world (my wife's boss who ski's has stated that a few times). I don't ski, but I'd try a snowboard (and probably break something).

  4. There are species that are far more intelligent than we currently are, and they've found a way to co-exist with us.

    This decision (by them) may be a highly contentious and subject to change without notification. (Yes, the Cows with Guns parody is welcome!)

  5. 20 hours ago, Strider said:

    But my favourite "Trampled Under Foot" just might be from the much-maligned July 7 1980 Berlin concert...because it is so radical.

    You got that right! Page was going for it, seemed to be almost lost or combative with Jones at times, but man, did they all roll with it. Bonham seemed to be looking on in renewed interest - and decided to provide some back to back beast fills. Radical - perfect descriptive I reckon.

  6. 21 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    I see the drinking resolution didn't work from 2019? :D 

    Mine this year:

    Grow more green

    Smoke more green

    Eat more Greens

    Go green

    Vote Green

    Happy new year Chillzeeee!!! 🎆🎇🎈🎉

    Drinking resolution(s) work, I stick to my commitments for drinking (time limited, but I always see them through once I announce the plan).

    This year it's drink less, smoke less (stick to weekends), eat healthier, save more money for house improvements.

    I'm already green enough with regular trips to the recycling drop off and my bike (not as fuel intensive as a car is my argument there :lol:)

    Vote green - hmmm, the green party here is too much like the majors. They cannot help themselves but only spew party lines without straying into actual personal thoughts/ideas on any given subject. ie, "tow the party line" - ugh....

    I can't wait to see what Led Zep boot goodies will be sprung upon us. I don't expect much in terms of official releases (except that doco they have in the can).

    Hope everyone has a great year!!!!!

  7. https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2021-01-01/january-sky-stars-galaxies-nebula-uranus-mars/12962128

    This is all kinds of awesome. The noted features are exactly what I love looking at this time of year. The saucepan (Orions Belt), the christmas tree (Hyades), and the cluster of twinkling starts (Pleiades) that looks to the naked eye like a weird-ass space ship as the light constantly twinkles and shifts. All visible in the north this time of year. And the two gateways to the south which I now know as the Southern Cross and the False Cross. I'll definitely be asking Santa for a telescope for Christmas this year. The $40 Op-Shop one I got is good, but the tri-pod connection bracket snapped and it's only very basic - although I have seen 5 moons of Jupiter with it.

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