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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. 22 hours ago, Pure Frosting said:

    I did one track. It's on my youtube channel, but the problem is that I used the Supersonic Seattle, and I need to find the Year of the Dragon version, which is a better starting point. It's not on dimeadozen on tradersden. Any ideas?

    I have that. I'll provide a link for you.

    *Edit - I can't see where I can PM you. I can provide that version. Ping me if you need it.

  2. We interrupt this report for an update on the weather from down under. In the city of Ipswich, south west of Brisbane, there is more hot humid days ahead with very unseasonal cool evenings. Days will remain in the low 30's to the high 20's (c) with nights getting down to high teens - but feeling cooler.

    Perfect firepit weather one might say!

    That's all I've got from this end of the world. Jim.........

  3. 10 hours ago, LedZep123 said:

    Been a couple weeks but ay-okay

    A couple of weeks? Hope you weren't under the weather - or Covid afflicted. Good to hear you'r ay-ok.

    I hope everyone had a pleasant Christmas full of good music and good cheer.

  4. Had a cracking good Christmas lunch - BBQ chook and a pork with crackling. Time now for a cheeky CC and Dry on the back patio and watch the sun go down.


    A great Christmas day. Merry Christmas all.

  5. 8 hours ago, paul carruthers said:

    Avoiding the rain, if possible...

    I hear that. More so avoid the humidity. Leaving early tomorrow for a 3 night getaway down the coast. I hope the predicted rain is reasonable enough to allow pool and beach time.... Might post some pics for you guys....

  6. 15 hours ago, GeorgeC said:

    Why, why, why? I prefer my LZ remote, mysterious, unhyped, and uncommercialized.  They can't need the money the licensing of their name and iconography brings in, and I doubt the surviving members would have sold off their rights to approval of stuff like this.  😞

    I usually agree with this sentiment - but I think there are valid exceptions, and I think this is one. Who wouldn't love this machine in their man cave if money was no longer a concern??? I know I'd be rockin one.

  7. ok so I made the mistake of going into the noise solo with the set up song - OTHAFA. My God. Must be equal to their best ever. That solo. :ohmy: I can't imagine one got better than that from all 3 but especially Jimmy. He backs himself in and goes for it. Nuts. And Bonzo and Jones are equal to the task. it just goes OFF. The noise solo was interesting and strong in places, but I understand how you really did have to be there. This recording delivers a really good idea of what it might have been like sonically, knowing what you're missing visually. And I imagine as Strider has said elsewhere a lot of people would have been glad for the piss/drinks break. But thats not to say it's to be skipped, although it does stretch. Achilles sounded fast to me, but devastating by Bonzo.

    I need to go from the start of the show now, but I imagine if this is somewhere on soundboard it would be worth a fucking fortune. Imagine the remasters that could be done from this show with a clean soundboard?!?!?!

    I get how a lot of you say '77 was not their best in your view, and ok, but OTHAFA. That solo was not possible in '75 or earlier. Not possible. So '77 still does hold some of (a lot of) their best. As does 1980 for that matter. But I digress, that is a different topic, and I'm rambling. 😁

  8. On 12/9/2020 at 3:00 AM, Bonzo_fan said:

    Soundboards actually aren't ideal for the noise solos IMO -- the dry tone and lack of ambiance doesn't do them any favours.  Purely performance-wise, my three favourites are, going chronologically, June 13, June 22 & June 26.  June 13 has my favourite theremin section -- really controlled and haunting.  June 22 has the best sound quality of those three, and it helps that it flows into the GOAT Achilles IMO.

    I appreciate that Bonzo_fan - thanks, :thumbsup: I'll probably dive into the June 22 since it goes into such a strong Achilles. I hope the aud is not too "bootleggy"... If I'm suitably impressed, might do another couple, like what Strider has mentioned.

    Cheers all....

  9. 5 hours ago, LedZep123 said:

    Good morning, how is everybody feeling today?

    Feelin' good, Friday!!! Will be listening to the noise solo later this evening after a puff, then probably a Zep show like Destroyer or something these forums recommend.

    How you feeling maaaaaaate?????

  10. We along with NZ will probably be the last country in the developed world to get the vaccine. Good! 1. We don't need it in a hurry. As @Reggie29 pointed out, our conservative Government did a stellar job here. Not perfect, but bloody well good. Federal Government worked in coordination with all state leaders. Completely non-partisan work for the good of the country. and 2. if there are any issues that are born out from the rest of the world taking it, then we dodge a bullet!

    win-win baby!

    I hope y'all stay safe and healthy.

  11. Those that do get something out of the noise solo's - what are the better ones? (good delivery, but more importantly, good quality sounding SB or GRREAT audience source?) I want to give one a go, but one that is known to be one of the better ones. LTTE???

  12. Brissie is steaming along now. Full fledged humid summer days. Well over 30c all week, but there were 2 nights this week that cooled right down, and 2 where the bedroom fan stayed on all night. I hate the "too hot for love" summer nights....

    40 tomorrow with lawns to mow, back slab (under tin roof) to clean up, and other outside work that will probably not get done for the heat. 🥵

    Too hot to bloody ride too.

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