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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. 19 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:



    Whilst us here in the UK are going backwards. 



    Same here Chilli. Legalization is not even on the political radar. Most likely well over a decade away from starting to consider it.

    Fucking horrible.....

  2. On 4/19/2021 at 12:50 PM, Ross62 said:

    2 Killed in Driverless Tesla Car Crash, Officials Say

    “No one was driving the vehicle” when the car crashed and burst into flames, killing two men, a constable said.


    Elon Musk, Tesla’s chief executive, earlier on Saturday had promoted a recent safety report from the company, writing on Twitter that “Tesla with Autopilot engaged now approaching 10 times lower chance of accident than average vehicle.”

    Tesla, which on its website calls Autopilot the “future of driving,” says the feature allows its vehicles to “steer, accelerate and brake automatically within its lane.” However, it warns that “current Autopilot features require active driver supervision and do not make the vehicle autonomous.”





    I still remember the story from decades ago about the lady who got her dream motor home with cruise control, promptly set it on the freeway, and off into the back to make a nice cup of tea - resulting in the inevitable crash. I believe she sued and that is partly why there are such ridiculously obvious disclaimers these days. "It should have had a warning!" I believe was the gist of her suit. 😆

    You just can't account for stoopid...

  3. 10 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    We do need to have a unified, heavy hand regarding China otherwise we may regret it.

    100% this. At present it seems war is more inevitable than avoidable given the Taiwan problem alone. My son turns 18 next month, I really do now fear for his future in that he may well be subject to a "draft".

  4. 10 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    I also understand physics

    This is one of the most interesting aspects of these phenomena. It seems to defy our current understanding of how these thing operate within our understanding of physics. It seems to stretch the 'boundaries' of what's possible.

    While I would say there is a value to be discovered that would propel mankind forward in terms of further understanding this (and long term, probably), realistically there is no "mankind". There are competing societies which boils it down to strategic military value to begin with. That's why if ever one of these things was to suffer from some kind of mechanical failure or stranding for whatever reason, it would be covered up. No question about it. And this is why I do not dismiss Bob Lazar's story AT ALL. He may well be full of shit, but it doesn't read that way at all to me. I expect there is a sergment of the US intelligence/military that knows a LOT more that will likely not be exposed for decades yet.

    As I said before, all fun speculation.

  5. On 6/6/2021 at 12:14 PM, JohnOsbourne said:

    Sorry to see you need to be spoon-fed things;  I mean really, who cares that it came from the Daily Mail?  Like the the NYT is any better?

    The US military is saying three things through these press "briefings":

    1.  These aren't ours.

    2.  They might be Russian or Chinese (hypersonic drones, etc.)

    3.  We have no comment on whether they're extraterrestrial in origin.

    In true Pravda fashion, the MSM focuses on #3.  Various Team USA meat-heads fret that we're falling behind the Russians and Chinese in a new "space race" (#2).  As intended (all con-men get you to watch one hand so you don't notice the other), #1 gets (intentionally) overlooked.


    Calm down mate, I don't recall being rude to you.

    Yeah, "They aren't ours" is about all they can say as some of the flight characteristics render the events unexplainable/beyond our current understanding of this type of technology - by at least a century.

    The rest is fun speculation.

  6. 5 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    Here's some classic misdirection:

    US military says UFO sightings could be aliens or new hypersonic technology from Russian or China | Daily Mail Online

    They toss out some horseshit about aliens so that no one calls them out for their disavowals of being US hardware, which is simply not believable.  Typical limited hangout.

    Yes, that misdirection is classic tabloid trash.

    There are enough separate, independent encounters that suggest this phenomena is a semi-regular thing. May well be a natural anomaly that we don't understand. Maybe it is Gov't tech of some sort. 


    It is definitely fascinating.

  7. 1 minute ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    Ultimately, what makes more sense:  human military aircraft, or space aliens?  I'd say the former, clearly.

    I edited my post, but didn't save it before your response. (FYI)

    I don't know about that. I'd say equal chance, if not more the latter. if a country possesses the technology to throw conventional flight theory out the window, that is a game changer militarily. Like "take over the world" level change. I cannot see "human military aircraft" being the explanation. If so, I hope it is US technology. Fucking hell, it is HELL otherwise...

    If it is US tech, I think it is based on science and engineering in line with what Bob Lazar speaks of. A technology that fell into our hands, not an understanding we have naturally arrived at.

  8. 1 hour ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    The tip-off here is that it seems to be only the US military that reports seeing these things, not Russian or Chinese.

    With respect, I don't agree. Take China. It is beyond the comprehension that such an authoritarian regime would entertain the idea of allowing this to be disclosed. They are simply NOT an open society. So no reports from the PLA is not only understandable, but MUST be expected.

    There have been some interesting Russian based stories, but similarly, anything not fully understood is highly unlikely to ever be publicly acknowledged, let alone disclosed (from Government) unless it suited a political agenda/narrative.

    The concept of non disclosure - for whatever reason - no doubt some absolutely VALID national security reasons, also applies to the US, but the US is the most libertarian (by FAR) system of governance. At least we now have a chance at some real discussion as to what might be happening. What the fuck might actually be happening.

    So the lack of Chinese or Russian "experience" with similar phenomena is understandable. There may well be some experience, but would those authoritarian systems of Government contribute to a discussion on such things? No. By their very nature, no.

    So I don't agree.

    This is NOT to say these things are not experimental/prototype/advanced technologies that the US are testing.
    I just think it is more likely that the US does not actually understand technology that allows up to 700 G-Force movements and have devised vehicles that they test, and are being observed by others (US Navy).

    But I definitely think that is a possibility, just not the favourite.

  9. So what to make of the fact that there legitimately seems to be unexplainable "craft" interacting with, or at least disclosing themselves to, the US Navy (probably among others) with multiple credible (highly trained and experienced) eyewitness pilots - with multiple witnesses for the same event, Lidar and radar evidence (I think that's right...), and the IR video from the fighter jets. So what are the most important questions now?

    Obviously what is going on, which to my mind must be one of only.....

    1. Interdimensional craft.

    2. Interplanetary craft (classic "ufo" definition)

    3. From the future - either from mankind, or alien, but from the future. That "problem" figured out and the technology available to service the answer to the problem (travelling back in time).

    4. US advanced and undisclosed tech.

    5. Russian, or Chinese, or Israeli, or.... etc, etc.. undisclosed tech.

    I don't think it is terrestrial. I could be wrong of course. If it is not of a terrestrial origin, do these thing contain life, or is it more like a drone or probe?

    UFO's as a conspiracy seems to not be a conspiracy now.

    It's fucking fascinating to me.....

  10. 5 hours ago, NegativeCrepe said:

    I will be satisfied when the master recordings of every single soundboard ever recorded with Jimmy Page playing guitar in a public setting has been uploaded to a free public database website in 192kHz/32 bit quality with lower quality options available as well.

    As the starting point. Freely available with any "taxation" applied to bootleg productions going DIRECTLY to the estate.

    Win, win, win, WIN.

  11. '77 La Forum run so some magical remaster/matrix can be produced with Mike Millards legendary tapes - adding some lovely detail to the otherwise stellar AUD recordings.

    With tech advancements, LA '77 SB's + Mike the Mike's tapes could be made into an official release that would be insane (and would sound nothing short of official quality).

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