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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. On 9/26/2021 at 10:34 PM, RainbowElf said:

    Bought me a couple of Zeppelin T-shirts yesterday, the Led Zeppelin June 22 1977 at Inglewood California and my first Zeppelin shirt I had as a Teen the one with the old man father time looking down over a cliff.



    On 9/26/2021 at 10:36 PM, RainbowElf said:

    And this one:


    I have both of those, the 1977 tour one is pretty faded now, but I think that adds to the look of it. I've about 28 shirts now, 3 shorts, and a Page and Plant collared long sleeve dress shirt from the tour when I saw them in Sydney. I usually have something Zep on every day now.

  2. On 9/15/2021 at 3:50 AM, Bong-Man said:

    Went to the optometrist for the first time in 3 years.  Bought new glasses and sun glasses, and it was only $800 bucks.  That was with decent insurance.  Being poor and trying to take care of yourself must be very depressing.   :'(    

    Fuck me that's expensive. "SpecSavers" here offer 2 for one with no gap ( good range of designer frames and the lenses) if you have private insurance which we do - but they then sting you with the "oh you want them polarised?" "oh you want the scratch resistant coating/materials/whatever?" so ends up around a hungie, but that's 2 pairs of glasses/sunnies.

  3. Amazingly Covid is still unable to get a perch in Brisbane/Queensland. Given for the last 20+ days NSW has been reporting over 1,000 cases per day, I've been fully expecting an outbreak of some kind. We are not that far away from Sydney (12hr drive if you go hard non stop). While we have implemented fairly strict border controls, we still heavily rely on road freight and there are truck routes that continue (with checkpoints/checks/tests etc.). How there is still no outbreak at all up here is interesting. Of course, whenever there are 4 or 5 cases, we shut down a lot of things. It seems to work but is painful for a LOT of small businesses and individuals.

    I went to Bunnings (hardware/nursery massive warehouse like stores) and street markets today and noticed only 1 in 50 people if that were not masking. From what I understand, the virus is not a "winter" - or cooler climate thing (attested to by what's doing in Texas and Florida). Weird how it's not an issue in the warmer climate up here vs. NSW and VIC. So not sure why QLD so successfully is avoiding Covid, but I'm glad we are.

    Soon enough vaccination levels will be high enough that the new strategies of living with it will start to roll out.

    Have a lovely weekend y'all.

  4. On 9/15/2021 at 1:05 AM, No Quota said:

    It looks like the sack Robert is holding is missing from the reflection. Hair curl is different too. My vote is photoshop.

    I'm 50/50. An uneven reflective surface like that will do strange things to the reflection. It's either someone having a lark turning Jimmy into Robert (which is quite clever and funny), or it's legit. If Sam reckons it's legit and Steven agrees, good enough for me!

  5. 16 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    I love TSRTS. When I first saw the movie in 83' I was blown away, realizing immediately the impact the movie had toward MTV and music videos. Without TSRTS I doubt MTV would have come about, or if it did likely not until the late 80's early 90's. So FWIW it did inspire a whole new concept in music format. Yes, the movie's fantasy sequences were a bit funky but the only one which did not age well was Plant's. Page, Jones, and especially Bonham's I think aged well.

    What always struck me was Zep only had very limited film clips to accompany any songs. The You Shook Me promotional one is corny, but it's one of the few video's to go with a song Whole Lot of Love another one. Even their final album (while still together) ITTOD, no film clips for any songs. I guess they were just ahead of that "era", and I'm sure Jimmy would no way have been interested at the time ("the music should speak for itself!" I can almost hear him now...)

    I'd freakin' love me some great quality fan vid's to the catalogue.

  6. 2 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Now that was a damn fine album

    I have that. I recently acquired the vinyl from an Op-shop. My mum had it when I was a kid and it got plenty of play up loud (along with Hot August Night).

  7. 5 hours ago, Cookie0024 said:

    I thought this was interesting when I read that part of the Associated Press report but that's not actually what she said in the press conference.

    "It is an unusual way of making a documentary but it’s more like a feature film way of making documentaries and that’s probably what we would like to do next after this, would be a feature," is what Allison actually said. She didn't say she wanted to make a feature film about Led Zeppelin, just that her and Bernard would like to make a feature film next.

    I've published a full transcript of the press conference here: https://ledzepnews.com/2021/09/04/read-in-full-the-becoming-led-zeppelin-press-conference-in-venice/

    Yeah, you're right, I just watched the press conf.

    I loved Jimmy's comment how he views the legacy of Zep as a textbook for musicians. Damn right it is!

  8. ^Exactly.

    No reason to (from their POV) and no desire to.

    So nope, it's over.

    The last bit of hope I held on to was JPJ and JP doing a project of some kind. I'm a bit surprised nothing ever happened in that respect (apart from appearing at a Foo'ies gig for two songs), but it's all too late now I'd say. The best we can hope for is Jimmy to re-assess what live stuff he has and making a project or two out of it. Even that is a long shot it seems..... :unsure:

  9. 9 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    Australia and New Zealand are hardly the woke utopias they have long insisted they are.

    We have? News to me Steve. it's great here (in terms of how much I enjoy my cost of living/living standards, the reality of society here, the beaches and general coastal topography and features, successful melting pot) - but utopia? Not sure who is insisting that. LOL!!!

    I love to say best country on Earth, but I expect a LOT of people in a LOT of nations would say the same and I'd raise a glass and cheers them!

  10. 11 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    No. Not at all.

    It is a Quarantine facility so we don't keep putting travellers in hotel quarantine. NSW is getting around 1200 cases a day now. QLD has the occasional one but contact tracing and quarantining is keeping Delta out so far. (we share quite a large border for those not familiar).

    John, any comparison to North Korea is laughable (and a bit weird). I was going up to the Sunshine Coast tomorrow to visit my folks for Fathers Day. 1.5hrs drive. No restrictions apply except wearing a mask if I put petrol in the car. Dad has taken a turn and is in hospital (not covid related) so we are not going now, but besides wearing a mask when in the shops here, it's pretty much normal. Interstate travellers have to quarantine. The restrictions in place will narrow once vaccination rates hit 70% and 80%. Our leaders are basing policies on the best medical and scientific advice which is NON partisan. It is evidence based. Not political, not religious, not populist. Science based advice. The policy implementation is not perfect by a long shot. But big Government bureaucracy never is.

    Like others have mentioned, it is getting a bit nasty in this thread and really shouldn't. It's an important topic, but like everything else it has degenerated into a political fight which is mental.

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