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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. On 12/2/2021 at 5:39 PM, chillumpuffer said:

    Really :D

    Yeah, planted my herbs and spices, and some are going GANGBUSTERS. Got mad angry red chilli's already! 3 weeks of solid humidity and hard rain seems to green up everything. Even the fern tree and our other native didn't shed completely and is starting to green again (usually turn to just sticks in the summer).

  2. 1 hour ago, SteveAJones said:

    This we can work with. The issue now as I see it is despite whatever the overall vaccination level is it's clear the feral governments are continuing to push for it to be above 90% to be followed by untold booster shots. We've gotten so far away from "12 days to flatten the curve" it's preposterous. People really need to wake up that this was NEVER about containing a virus that by the way STILL has an ABOVE 98% SURVIVAL RATE for those infected.

    The push to go above 90% vaxx rate makes sense from a health/science perspective from what I understand - and I have not heard of credible scientific data/analysis that concludes vaccinations have a net negative effect, so it makes sense from a public health policy perspective from Government to push vaxx to 90% if the Gov. subscribes to the idea that the first duty of care (or at least equal first) is the health and well being of the population.

    Non stop booster shots on the other hand - yeah, sounds SHIT. But then again, I don't know Steve, what is the alternative? Let it burn through? Maybe. At this point I'd say it's a good chance that that may be inevitable, which is terrifying for me considering my parents will probably be taken out by this (as well as in-laws). I still want a healthy community and I want not to pass this wretched thing on to anyone else should I get it. Especially family. Then there is the long term Covid symptoms that are getting more attention now. Lack of energy, brain fog, weakness, etc. That also sounds SHIT - and could end up being a real problem for us all.

    I don't have answers Steve, and I appreciate your view much more now than at the beginning (seeing as you were criticised heavily for some views that were more inciteful than I think anyone realised at the time) and I continue to accept other views as legitimate *where that they are somewhat rational (I might not agree, but I think they are worthy of consideration and discussion - fuck knows I am not a fricking oracle!), and yeah, survival rates are high - but so is the death count. 5.2 million dead from 238.6 million infected. It's a pandemic after all! Not to mention the chance this thing will mutate into a much worse reality for humans is probably increasing the longer this shit is around.

    So what to do?

    I don't know of a better plan than to listen to the most educated in related fields of expertise (scientists, data analysts, medical and epidemiological experts) in our respective societies, and trust that Governments (at least in the West) really do have the populations best interest as the primary concern of policy making. Otherwise we are no different or better than authoritarian nightmares. I don't think that is remotely true for almost all western democracies - but that's another tangled conversation....

    I can agree with tons of points highlighting how bad government is at bureaucracy, how this party or that party is completely corrupt or self serving, but I have to believe that those that occupy the highest office in western democratic countries are at least not driven by bullshit "hidden agenda" ideas.

    In the end, without a scientific breakthrough that fucks this thing off for good, maybe protect the vulnerable and everyone can make their own risk assessments is maybe the only real position to take - which I believe has been your position for a while. I thought it was better off being fought against for a long time (especially since here in QLD, the fight has been amazingly successful) But we can't hide forever, and I don't like the trend of punishing the unvaccinated AT ALL. Even the never ending boosters aren't going to win the day. I expect sooner or later we (QLD) will have to deal with it.

    I'm just glad there are alternate views in here and out there that are at least giving me food for thought. I don't agree with a lot of what you say Steve, (as I am sure you would reciprocate with my views - which is all good) but I do consider you offer a reasonable perspective most times agree or not. At least when you aren't being a pitbull 😉

    Anyway, rant over, and I hope this is taken as it was meant.


  3. 13 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    I believe it is Plant which is preventing the release of Zep live material, at least that's what I heard. Either Plant does not want to compete with his former self, or, as what he has said in interviews, he is embarrassed by his "histrionics" as he called it during his Zeppelin years. I love Plant but he fancies himself more a crooner these days.

    If I am wrong please let me know but this is what I had heard from several other sources.

    I've read here and elsewhere the same thing. We can only hope Percy no longer gives a shit and the next time Page thinks about doing something he has the green light in that respect.

    I really hope Jimmy keeps getting the spark to consider more live releases.

    He has the Japan multi-track as I understand it. Bath is rumoured to be recorded, and some of the '75 soundboards are as good as it gets "unofficial quality" wise (Seattle, many others) which he could definitely work with.

    I noted in every interview when he was flogging the re-releases/companions, he was questioned about "what was left in the archives" he always answered studio material was done. Nothing really left. He always seemed to subtly quantify studio material - which was never picked up on or challenged by interviewers. I always thought this was careful, and he must have live stuff.

    The only other thing was the time a few of the Zep boys jammed with a few of the Black Sabbath lads. Apparently that was taped as they were in the studio. Someone must have it...

  4. The QLD quarantine facility is because the mandatory hotel quarantining is not working for ANYONE. The hotels - not really creating a returning customer base and great experience, the staff - copping mad abuse, those being quarantined - sometimes in rooms without opening windows, others staying at the hotels - who really were put in a shit position, the security - which is often an outsourced farce. Plus the cost is insane.

    That's all it is.

    We are not quite North Korea people.

  5. 2 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    An apolitical response to COVID-19 is so much easier to achieve in a homogenous society.

    Says it all. I suspect this goes some ways to explaining the differences in Brisbane to Sydney and Melbourne's realities. The two southern cities have a far more ethnically diverse society. Not saying that's good/bad - just that is the only real social factor I can point to to explain the massive difference in infection rates and outbreaks.

  6. 10 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    How Deep Chinese Influence Pushed Australia Into Astonishing Covid Tyranny

    A compromised political elite is responding to a virus likely juiced up in a Chinese bioweapons lab by adopting scientifically unprecedented, Communist-style social controls.

    How Chinese Influence Pushed Australia Into Astonishing Covid Tyranny (thefederalist.com)

    We are doing ok here Steve. Some of the states are a bit overzealous in their policies for sure, but by in large, most governments enjoy majority support (although even some die hard Labor supporters I know in VIC are pissed off with Daniel Andrews for SOME of what he is doing) and they will be changed within 3 years if deemed by the majority to be insufficient to the alternative. We are lucky in AU that both majors pretty much stick to near the middle. We don't really have a society that craves hard left or hard right political direction save for the well recognised fringes. Compulsory voting takes away the appeal of small but loud voices on the fringe to get traction. Not entirely, but it is effectively muted.

    I don't like the idea of Vaccine passports - and at some point the risk has to be passed back to the individual - but for all the over reach and not perfect policies, we remain far from communism. That sensationalist bullshit still makes me smile for what it is actually like living here.

    I believe you live in Japan? I'd be interested on your perspective of how that country is handling Covid as I have not looked into it. AFAIK The Japanese culture is significantly more empathetic and respectful of the elderly than the west generally is (some exceptions). I imagine that would be a focus of the Government there.

  7. The inclination of Australia to stand with the US - even in very questionable "first strike" conflicts (or even false flag ones like Vietnam) should be viewed PURELY as national interest. Failure to realise that is simply ignorance of the geo-political reality of Australia in the 20th century. We trade and are open to Asia, we - like other nations incorrectly thought engagement with China would bring the benefit of a more liberal China. We share the US, Canada, and Europe/Britain's view of western free market liberal government as not only superior, but worth defending against the authoritarian alternative. Western liberal democracies are far from perfect, but holds the right of the citizen above the power of governance by mechanism of free and fair elections. The people decide governance, not the powerful.

    WORTH DEFENDING. Worth standing together for.

    12 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    Taiwan is a free society of 24 million people that puts the lie to the Chinese Communist Party’s ultimate claim of legitimacy. Throughout its seventy years of rule, the Party has justified its totalitarianism on the basis that any other form of government would lead to chaos and corruption—features that marked much of China’s history and which some historians blame for why greatness and global power have eluded the world’s most populous nation.

    Taiwan is a living rebuke of this fiction. It shows that an ethnically Chinese-majority country can achieve stability and prosperity through democracy and the rule of law. Since Taiwan evolved into a full democracy in 1996, it has had three peaceful changes of power between political parties and its per capita income has grown to more than $50,000—now ranked twenty-eighth in the world. Furthermore, Taipei has achieved this despite persistent threats and intimidation from Beijing.

    Unfortunately, the US does not have a mutual defense treaty with Taiwan and the Communist Chinese own President Biden so if and when the Communist Chinese decide to take Taiwan I seriously doubt the US will do a damn thing about it.

    Well said.

  8. 4 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    Probably bullshit bluster, but if it comes to war, Australia will have plenty of precedent for locking down dissent:

    Australia Says It's 'Inconceivable' That It Won't Join the US to Defend Taiwan - News From Antiwar.com

    The view you have of Australia is completely baffling to me. Not your views on Covid, lockdowns and over reach, I get your views on those subjects, but I can't for the life of me figure out how you seem to believe we are akin to a authoritarian China/Russia style dictatorship. I get you think that applies in terms of our Gov's response to the pandemic, but jeez luise, you at time seem to really think we are 100% the opposite of what we are.

    I think it is similar to me watching police brutality videos on youtube one after another and thinking the United States is primarily a completely failed police state.

    I truly hope one day you get to visit here John, and if you ever do, I'd offer a catch up for a beer and some Zep talk for sure. I'd absolutely delight in having a laugh with you about the view you hold (held?) vs. the reality.

    Please don't worry too much about us mate, we'll be fine.

    As for the upcoming conflict (not certain, but more likely than not I'm afraid), we will no doubt have those that protest. Understandable given the horrors of war. I can't see the Government interfering in peaceful protests any more than they do for any protest about anything. And like Reggie says, we will stand shoulder to shoulder with you as always should things kick off.

  9. 2 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    For the most part it's because people like you insist the solution to every problem is more Big Government.

    I fully appreciate that position Steve. (Not saying Bob fits your view or is intitled to that response, but, agree.). Government overreach is practically unavoidable. So what works best - given the inescapable issue of having necessary bureaucracy? It undoubtably makes sense to (in certain situations) embrace "Big Government". It all (and always) depends on what the government thinks it's primary function is. That is key in these times more than other times it could be said - but I have not endured other times.....

    I just hope the fact that this period (which greatly accelerated the cultural shift from personal interaction to digital interaction) does not end up as a net LOSS for advancement.

  10. Masks now optional here. Over 80% of the population (QLD, not AU) are double vaccinated so lots of restrictions lifted. Doesn't feel much different to be honest as it has not been that bad in QLD (I do understand the people in retail/entertainment/etc. industries were much more severely impacted than I was, not trying to exclude their reality, and it is fucked up, no question). We continue to be surprisingly immune (pardon the pun) from cases. Maybe the "why" of that should be carefully considered.

    I likely will travel to VIC in late January for work, which I'm mostly looking forward to.

  11. 4 minutes ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    I think the EC shows are the last great shows they did, although I'd still say a bit on the overrated side esp. compared to the West Coast shows in March.  Actually my opinion of them has gone up recently, I'd now probably put them ahead of the LA run (after the 3-24 soundboard came out last year, it's really hard to overlook LA's sloppiness).  Still no way EC is above the Pacific NW run.

    Seattle - as the strongest - at least in terms of the quality of the soundboard/matrix. Compared to that opening, Earl's court had to be something different. How could you try to capture something like that? and as you say, the Pacific NW run. Just awesome. March has something for everyone. Earl's Court has great Audio and Video. Much more reserved, but hey. They still killed it.


    4 minutes ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    I think the EC shows are the last great shows they did, although I'd still say a bit on the overrated side esp. compared to the West Coast shows in March.  Actually my opinion of them has gone up recently, I'd now probably put them ahead of the LA run (after the 3-24 soundboard came out last year, it's really hard to overlook LA's sloppiness).  Still no way EC is above the Pacific NW run.


  12. The Wanton Song is the ultimate proof of just how good Bonzo was. Any other drummer contributing and that song is maybe half as good. Deep thinking about just how damn good JHB was.


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