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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. It's as high as it's ever been here, but has been for about 2 months, so maybe about to skyrocket. :(

    WFH helps a GREAT deal, and wifey works 10mins away, so not too bad.

    I saw a clip today that showed every POTUS back to and including Nixon giving the "We must end our dependence on foreign oil!" speech. Seems it has just been too damn hard up to now. Why even fucking say it?!?!?! :rolleyes:

  2. Floods. Almost as bad as the 2011 one. Couldn't get #1 son off to work as just too many road closures including the main motorway. Poor buggers at Goodna once again lose everything. At least the rain has stopped. First time in 3 days it isn't raining.

    Oh and the potholes. maaaaaaaan, some are deep enough to kill a poor unsuspecting car.

  3. 3 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    The Ukrainian's are standing strong and kicking Russian ass. Several Russian tank columns destroyed. Thier planes being shot out of Ukrainian skies. Mass protests against the war in Russia. Russian shipping vessels being seized on the high seas. The Ukraine President did not flee, he is actually fighting. The Mayor of Kyiv is currently killing Russian soldiers, not running away. And on and on. Putin thought this would be easy, he was wrong, and I guarantee he is feeling the heat.

    My worry is what happens if Ukraine turns into Russia's Vietnam #2? The Afghans kicked their ass which contributed to the fall of the Soviet Union. If old Vlad is put in that situation, I have no doubt he would start firing nukes, no doubt at all as he has said as much. That is the real worry.


    It's hard to believe Kyiv can hold out for too long unfortunately. If it keeps looking like a shitshow for the Russians and they are getting bogged down beyond what old Vlad accepts, I don't doubt he will give the order to take the gloves off and go hard even against the civilians. Any pretext of fighting the armed forces only will be out the window. Which is also when the unrestrained bombing campaign will begin. Cities will become rubble. Putin will not have a single fuck to give and blame the west.

  4. RAIN. Will it ever stop? 400mm on the sunny coast yesterday/last night with fatalities and missing people (woman attempted to drive through flood waters, mistake). 300mm now predicted for the Gold Coast with Brissie to cop flash flooding as well.

    So the summer of 21/22 here never showed up, replaced by almost non stop cloud/rain/storms. My work mates in Sydney have also copped flooding overnight. Seems the east coast of AU is a shitshow of rain and floods.

    I hope you get a decent summer soon Chilli and others in the old country...

  5. 18 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    So Eunice exited the country. We got away with it in comparison to other parts. The South West/ Wales.

    Yes of course the papers are full of pictures from Londonstan. The odd tree down, 1mm of rain, usual shit from down there. The trains were cancelled . So what? That is regular up here. But hey anything to tell everyone how bad it was for them. The only thing they can learn from by reading the papers, is that they get to know that other parts of the country actually exist. A map to help them is always handy but still their eyes can't get past The Cotswolds. Ask most Southerners if they know where Newcastle is and the ain't got a fucking clue. Is it near Cardiff??

    We were fine. It got a bit hairy in the afternoon. Roof still on and garden in tact.

    Good stuff mate, glad you rode it out with no big dramas.

  6. On 2/11/2022 at 2:28 AM, BobDobbs said:

    I have to respectfully disagree. I have ridden in the past and have a bunch of friends who ride. If you actually know how to ride and not ride like a damn fool, you can have a quiet bike and not worry. One of my biker friends is an 83-year-old woman who has been using motorcycles has her primary form of transportation since the 1950's. She has never had an accident though she rides daily, city & highway.

    Now every single rider I have known who were in accidents, were riding with the loud, modified exhausts and were driving like nimrods.

    I believe it's less about the noise and more about the driving of the biker. Just because you have a bike which is considerably faster and more maneuverable than a car does not give the rider the right to drive like a jackass.

    That being said I have no idea regarding the riding conditions down under and how car / truck drivers drive and react so, I might be talking with my sphincter on this one 😉 


    Bad riders is a distraction from the premise "loud pipes save lives".

    For me, there is no doubt idiot riders get a lot more grief - and deserve what they get. Idiot riders with or without loud pipes are an endangered species - endangered by their own stupidity/recklessness. I ride as defensively as anyone, I had a brilliant teacher (ex-cop who rode on the force for decades). The most valuable - and one of the first - lessons he imparted is everyone on the road is out to kill you, that's your starting point. An invaluable approach as most situations only "appear out of nowhere" because you are not thinking of the worst possible thing a driver can do and what the response is to avoid entanglement. You are already preparing for the response. This has saved me numerous times from clowns who are generally not paying enough attention (trying to kill me). This is not to say I don't relax and enjoy cruises, not at all, but in traffic I pay very close attention and get clear of any shitty conditions ASAP.

    But this has nothing to do with loud pipes.

    Riding along at a normal acceleration and pace is not by itself overly loud (at least my bike), but if I give her some juice, yeah, it's nice and loud, and serves the purpose of alerting others who you suspect are not really paying enough attention to your presence. This alone makes a huge difference as once people know a bike is approaching or nearby, they at least now know. Usually I am accelerating with noise to get clear of a bit of congestion. The noise is an alert to all around me that I am on the move to get the fuck away from them, find a nice patch of relative open calmness, and continue on my merry way enjoying the ride.

    I have at times been caught when in my car not realising a bike had snuck up on me until it announces itself via the noise. (snuck up on = me not scanning enough)

    Fucking rain, now I wanna go for a ride.....

    But yeah, agree to disagree. B)

    Cheers mate.

  7. 12 hours ago, Tainted cheese said:

    I have been reading replies to this post for awhile now and have enjoyed the many ideas and opinions. I have listened to many of these shows mentioned here but I keep coming back to FEBRUARY 14 - NASSAU VETERANS MEMORIAL COLISEUM, NY. when needing a '75 fix! The band is top notch form and Plant especially sounds healthy and strong given his struggles during this tour. This show is easily in the top 5 (top 3 in my rankings) for the '75 tour and my personal favorite.

    The pics from Throwing the Wild Seeds alone are awesome. Not sure if from that night (anyone?) but have been produced very nicely. Sick Again, that outtro. Inspite of the bass heavy start, Sick Again turns into a BEAST. That outtro is insane.


  8. 8 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    NATO is no longer needed because the entity it was intended to defend against - the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact - no longer exist.  There is no legitimate American interest that depends on what happens in Eastern Europe (the main focus of action right now).  It is the classic example of a bureaucracy that's outlived its usefulness.  (Its extent of claimed influence goes well beyond the North Atlantic, e.g.)  America has more than enough problems at home it should deal with, it shouldn't be defending Europe militarily.  


    6 hours ago, BobDobbs said:


    Well slap me on the arse and call me Mary. You two agree. :friends:

    My take is a bit different - although I don't disagree with the sentiment, and I'm not convinced, but I offer....

    There are intelligence/military/geo-political strategist minds that are the selected advisers at the top levels of the US Government (no matter the party in power) - that you'd like to think contribe views and options that are not dogmatic, not partisan, just facts and viewpoints considered, and evaluated by leaders. They do their job in delivering their expertise for others to consider along with other views.

    So one respectable/arguable position is to say NATO is valuable in that while the USSR has ceased to exist, Russia and its current President and outlook, for right or wrong, should be considered a potential threat to NATO, and non-NATO democracies. So while I am interested in the position that NATO has indeed outlived it's usefulness as it makes perfect sense, I believe there is a valid, if not strong counter to that.

    So you make a good case John and I largely agree with it, but I can't help but think NATO may be a good counter balance to Russia's view of itself, history, and what Putin might consider as "righting past wrongs" from his perspective. The dog that the US has in the fight is simply a matter of promoting (preserving?) Democratic values and systems of Government over Autocratic - or less desirable (and demonstratably LESS efficient/advanced) systems of Government. I don't think that is in and of itself a bad "thing" - but how far should the US go?

    If the US are not the "police of the world" - someone else will be. Better it be the superpower that has liberty and people as central to power at it's core than authoritarians.

    I would go so far as to say it is more dangerous to let authoritarian systems expand unchecked in the world than to actively engage and counter them. Diplomatically first and foremost, but also as if it means something to you.

    9 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    I believe that the world is very complex, we only see what our brains will allow or can handle. I think we will be seeing a phenomenal amount of changes in the next decade or two. I have a 13 year old daughter, and to be honest I don’t feel that we or I can even begin to imagine what life will be like for her generation. 


    2 hours ago, slave to zep said:

    I believe the universe is vibrations and dimensions and what you put out returns to you.... I try to give thanks and be grateful every day.

    And aliens 👽. Aliens are definitely real.


    Joe Rogans DMT experiences, which he has gone into in depth with while interviewing interesting guests who took similar journeys at the least speaks to other dimensions or potential planes of existence that - at least for those who take that journey - is very, very real. Our 5 senses are great. What of the alien life form that has 8, or 12, or 50 senses? What of the lifeform that cuts through what we basically lack through our own biological limitations????

    To think the human experience is the "height" of biological possibility is the absolute extreme of over confidence.

    But then again, Humans produced the music of Led Zeppelin.


    Cheers my friends!

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