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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. On 4/22/2022 at 8:32 PM, SteveZ98 said:

    I didn't do a matrix, just remastered the soundboard. I'm finishing up a stereo remix and remaster of the 3/21/75 Zep show. After I post that, I'll post the 2/15/96 P/P show.

    Hey Steve, Were you able to resurrect the guitar in Kashmir at all? That sumbich is BURIED under the keys even in the Cuztard Pi matrix.

  2. 8 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    Can you show me any official Russian government statement that claims their intent is to take over all of Ukraine?

    His 5000 word essay “On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians” makes it crystal clear. His rhetoric whenever he discusses Ukraine and how it is an essential historical important piece of "Russian history" which ramps up leading into the war. As does the fact he did not launch an offensive to seize the Donbas region, he attacked the entire country from all available sides with the firm but mistaken belief it would take literally days to achieve total control. Put it this way John, if Russian forces went more along the lines of what they thought would happen - Zelensky and the Government flee, the resistance is minimal, Russian troops occupy the entire country - do you think Putin would simply have withdrawn from Western Ukraine??? I don't see how you can reasonably hold the view Putin did not want to absorb Ukraine into Russia by way of FULL annexation, or at the very least a Belarusian type puppet in place - as was made obvious when Putin wrote:

    “I am confident that true sovereignty of Ukraine is possible only in partnership with Russia.”

    No question what so ever Ukraine as an independent country is what Putin is trying to erase. They chose to look westward. Putin cannot tolerate the fact they even have that choice.

  3. 6 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    I'm sorry but this is just paranoia.  I doubt even the Poles believe he wants to do this kind of thing.  I thought it was mainly an American characteristic to have a cartoonish, Manichean view of history and foreign affairs (good guys vs bad guys, nothing in between).  Evidently not.  At any rate I have yet to see an explanation of why it's America's obligation to defend Eastern Europe (or any part of Europe).  Why don't you push for Australia to lead?

    The issue re. Yemen is not simply the hypocrisy of it, which is bad enough.  The issue is the total moral panic and hysteria around Ukraine, but not these other foreign policy horrors that the US was either directly or indirectly responsible for.  All the times in recent memory that the US government and media have lied, but this one time, they're telling the absolute truth?  Yeah, right. 

    Moral panic is always a sign of either desperation or deception, and if you can't see the problem with that, then I'd say you're in worse shape than those hostages Azov is still holding.

    Paranoia? Nah mate, just my view based on what I watch and read from various sources, including the analysis on what Putin himself wrote about Ukraine not actually being a legitimate separate entity from Russia. Oh he wants it all baby, make no mistake.

    The explanation as to why the US should give a fuck about eastern Europe is the same as it was in WW2 - that is, if you don't fight it there, eventually it will be on your doorstep. Russia and China are rising and along with some other cunty nations and one day soon (at least in my kids lifetime) may be able to form an axis that rivals the west. That is good for no one who has the basic belief that societies are best to be based on individual liberties, free markets, and the rule of law. As for pushing AUS to lead, pfffft, we are barely in our teenage years in terms of a countries maturity. We struggle to cope as a "middle power" which we are - or are becoming.

    Russia supports - with the use of great force, those like him (see Belarus and the other former soviet countries where loyal strongmen are in charge despite the will of those countries peoples). The US should support similar free thinking democracies simply because from a humane view it is the right thing to do. Like you don't see a reason for the US to jump in, I don't see how it can be justified they don't.

    I 100% understand the distain for how Ukraine is elevated while so many other fucked up wars/internal strife barely gets a mention. I reckon one of the biggest things people will talk about in 100 years from now looking back at how we rolled will rightly point to the fact "the west" didn't give a fuck about any actions by any countries - with very few exceptions (like this one) and just kind of turned a blind eye in the interests of trade. The almighty $$$. MBS chops up a journalist, moral outrage fades and no real action is taken. Horrors so extreme they border on unbelievable in a few different African nations by groups or sects, meh... who cares? Of course the insanity of the "culture wars" which threatens to collapse cohesive societies would also likely be a major topic along with a few others.

  4. 16 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    Yes, this is hilarious. We are still massively naïve (I'd say just shit) at strategic vision and self interest given who/where we are, our size and circumstance. It's like waking up at 11.30am thinking "Fuck! I have that thing this morning at 7.30!!!"

    It's no different than when "Dr no!" (Tony Abbott) said he would "Shirt front" Putin over the MH17 disaster. Just a bad meme at best.

  5. 21 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    Russia taking full control of the Donbas region will give Putin a territorial and ideological accomplishment so significant he could declare victory and halt the war. Inevitably, Russia would annex it just as they annexed Crimea. On the other hand, if Putin decides to continue the war, Ukraine will be waging it without what is its industrial heartland.

    No chance. Regroup, make peace deals that mean nothing, bide time, then strike again, probably when China kicks off against Taiwan so the odds of a focussed counter by the US is near nil. Putin wants the old Soviet restored. He cannot accept Ukraine is an actual "thing".

    21 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    Joe Rogan & Vladimir Putin. Rogan is a superb interviewer who does not accept his guest's answers at face value, he deep dives into them instead. Watching Putin respond to Rogan's questioning would be like matching two masters at chess playing chess.

    I actually thought about this a few weeks ago. I think that ship has now sailed, but yeah, that would have been an absolute cracker. :popcorn2:

  6. On 4/24/2022 at 11:23 AM, JohnOsbourne said:

    Any country can petition to join NATO, although the original reason for NATO's existence - the real threat of Soviet-led communism to western Europe - has long since passed.

    Apparently not. Putin is trying to restore the old Soviet system and take back Eastern Europe to post WW2 borders. I'd say NATO is as relevant now as it was then given Russia - which essentially means the will of Putin, is entirely against self determination for these Eastern European countries and entirely against western democracy. Not just different to it, but entirely against it. This is also what the interest is for the west. To stand by would be to abdicate responsibility for the international rules based order that was agreed on after WW2. The US leads. Like it or not, and I hope they continue to lead given what the alternative is. As toothless, far from perfect, hypocritical and useless as the UN is, it is also necessary. Or - "might is right" and endless war will be pretty much the human experience which would no question end in nuclear destruction.

    There is plenty of hypocrisy with other horrors that are not covered like this, no question. Yemen is equal a nightmare for that population as Ukraine. That does not mean the actions taken and the unity shown by the west against Putins aggression is not valid. It's long overdue.

  7. 36 minutes ago, SteveAJones said:

    I hate to break it to you, but when the Donbas cauldron is destroyed in a few weeks, the war will be over and Russia will achieve pretty much all of it's objectives. 


    Far out, Steve, how?

    37 minutes ago, SteveAJones said:

    The only interesting thing will be seeing what the American media does

    Fuck me, you have to be kidding. The same as it always does. What else??? I swear Steve, I'd love to know your take on who the best interview would be. Interviewer and interviewee and why.


  8. 21 hours ago, Bong-Man said:

    If a limited small nuke is launched, this requires a small tit-for-tat response?  Don't think so.

    It requires a response - otherwise, he won't stop. That is the sad undeniable reality of that cunt being in charge of Russia. A retaliatory "limited" nuke as a response? I wouldn't expect, but I also wouldn't write off as legitimate and rational a response. Putin cannot be the sole parameter defining force in this.

    21 hours ago, Bong-Man said:

    Kind of like covid studies from, "The Committee to Unleash Prosperity".


  9. 1 hour ago, jsj said:

    This set off to be a really funny thread. You may remember it was about tinder profiles. Then it got turned into a row about politics 

    Fuckin right. get back to the hilarity that is human courting. As funny now as it was when I cracked onto my missus. Oh, the exuberance of youth.....

  10. On 2/4/2022 at 1:52 PM, 1975NQ said:

    Barney: "When we have our special time, I couldn't help but notice ... you keep calling me Fred. But my name's Barney. Sorry to bring it up, but it's concerning me. It's been 14 times now. I was hoping you could clarify?"


  11. 26 minutes ago, EmpireFaust said:

    I hate to necro this thread, but I also don't want to start a new topic, and am unsure which of y'all I should PM, as a start. Does anybody have a FLAC link to this, in 2022? (I found the 320-mp3 version on a Japanese archive site, but the gaps between songs are ALL sorts of messed-up, and I can't just cut the silence in Audacity because the actual lines of the waveforms necessary to bridge the tracks seem to be cut off, also.) Pretty please and thank you, all.

    PM'd you.

  12. 7 hours ago, 1975NQ said:

    Been listening to 73 shows all weekend, mainly Vienna and Essen so I could compare,, and yeah gotta agree - Essen DAC for the win. 😀 Unbelievable performance.  

    I have to listen to Essen again, I couldn't believe how they all transitioned to these different soundscapes multiple times flawlessy. I can't imagine a better DAC. @gibsonfan159 is right about the start dragging a bit, but it was still great. That second half though. Completely insane! NO ONE else can match Zep when they are like this. It so perfectly demonstrates to me how they really are - and will remain - unmatched. The best to do it.

  13. 7 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Sorry man, but as you live in Australia, if "The West" does get more aggressive, it will be us who gets it and not you down under.:(

    That's the rub Chillum, if the west is overly cautious and continually allows Putin to be Putin, it is Russia that will become a greater threat to y'all over there. He will escalate for many reasons. perceived weakness or restraint by the west is a BIG reason.

    .....and if it gets down to full on unrestrained war, we will be in no way immune. No one will be.

  14. On 4/7/2022 at 10:31 AM, 1975NQ said:

    I think this is a fair assessment. I go back and forth between Essen and Vienna for all-time fav DAC.

    Vienna is another BEAST. They make some astounding transitions and some passages are insane like 17:20 to 17:55. The outro, the whole song. All of them connect amazingly at different times but for me Essen has it.

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