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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. Companies that pay workers 2 bucks an hour, then rely on a forced "Social welfare" of the customers to bring the pay up to something resembling reasonable, naturally allowing for shit cunt bosses to stiff their lowly workers by keeping tips, is just insane.

    It's a baked in "small business welfare scheme". Complete bullshit that is akin to a form of bastardised socialism.

    I tip at restaurants here when the service is good - which it almost always is. I think equal to tipping (here - since wages are much less of an issue) is I make sure to say good evening and a big thank you to the waiters/servers. But that's just good manners.

  2. 7 hours ago, slave to zep said:

    This has been the mildest summer I can ever remember. 

    Today I'm wearing a jumper in the middle of summer in Australia. 


    maaaate, even up here (Ipswich) it's another mid-20's day that has not stopped raining. We have dead set had about 4 days of summer in total so far.

  3. When we stream Nights with Alice Cooper of a weekend here, it is from Friday night's show and streamed from an American radio broadcast so we get to hear American ads. We (missus and I) are constantly amazed and laughing at how insane US advertisers are. The Ads there are crazy different in the approach to "selling".

    Liberty ads are annoying, always some short irrelevant story that makes us cringe/laugh followed by the jingle. Then there is that "Oh, your a Dad, be a good Dad!" ad. "Brought to you by the Ad Council" - whatever the fuck that is. It is always entertaining as we don't really get used to them. There is also an anti-bullying jingle that we still can't figure out who it's actually aimed at. The jingle is so funny we do a little dance to it now.

    It's always fun listening to those kooky ads.

  4. Feeling good again after a week of feeling like absolute shit. Non-stop headache and just drained. Don't think it's the Covid, even took a RAT - which was neg.

    it's good to feel good again in time for my birthday and a 5 day weekend.

    And I have garden fresh herbs to boot! :banana:

  5. 15 minutes ago, slave to zep said:

    And so much for global warming

    yeah, I'll take it! The older I get, the less tolerant of the heat I get. Seems summer is a younger man's game unfortunately. Still hoping to get up to the sunny coast one more time for a swim, but man, this summer is MIA.

  6. 23 hours ago, slave to zep said:

    Have you seen starlink yet?

    I haven't,  but would love to!

    Not yet, last run around was (I think) 3 am last week or so - but that's why i love this site, sooner or leter it will pass over at a good time on a good (cloud free) night.


    I have however seen a couple of the older satellites that tumble in such a way they appear to "blink" - on for a second or so, then off, and repeat. They are also pretty cool. I have seen the ISS a few times with the kids which was exciting as well.

  7. 2 minutes ago, 1975NQ said:

    I saw that same clip with the math guy, can't remember where it was from either. But yeah, of course not only are we not alone but there are likely thousands or even millions of intelligent life forms throughout the vastness of the universe - just from a mathematical perspective. As far as aliens, here's my own cray cray theory - they aren't alien, they're human. We're related to them. They could be from another dimension, super far away, from the future .. doesn't really matter. The intelligence differential is astronomical. The closest analogy I can think of would be a lab rat trying to have a conversation with the lab scientist. It just ain't gonna happen. If we operate under the assumption that they are real, we must then come to the conclusion that we have no idea why they're here and will never know unless they decide to tell us. 

    I personally don't think the government is in "the know" any more than we are. The gov has access to things we don't (for instance, satellites), and I think *if* any of it is real, they would absolutely keep it under wraps so as not to freak people out. If any of this were to be officially revealed as "truth", there would be huge societal - and economic - problems. Our bullshit fiat house of cards money system would fall right quick.

    I once met someone whose grandfather or great uncle or something like that was high up in the Area 51 section of the gov (I never met him myself).  He wasn't allowed to say shit to anyone, and they made it very clear to him that his life would be over if he did (and whoever he spilled to).  So, he never said jack to anyone. However, he did once tell her this one thing: "if people knew the truth, they would be scared out of their minds". She was also in the military (military family) and had no reason to make that up.

    I've also met a lot of people with interesting stories on their own experiences (like many posters on here themselves). I have a close family member who has had some crazy experiences. It's all very interesting. I've never seen one myself and am kinda glad about that.

    Seeing Bob Lazar on Rogan cemented for me that he was not a con-artist just full of shit. Does not fit the facts at all. (him knowing about the element that was confirmed publicly 10 years later - even by name/number!, the fact they tried to wipe his entire life/existence which is largely now known/proven). So given his experience, yeah, I think the Gov't (probably other Gov'ts as well) have things they could well "disclose". Problem is, imagine the US Government admitting they had lied about, and kept hidden from the public, the most important discovery in human history for decades! I reckon they have painted themselves into a corner because of this. Distrust of Govt is already a nightmare, this could well be catastrophic in that respect.

    Not only that, there is a genuine national security case to keep things on the down low. If such advanced technology is in the hands of the Govt, it is a potential game changer in that if successfully reverse engineered and understood, it is nothing short of world domination for the society first past that post.

    That is why I genuinely think we are not ready in terms of disclosure, but it is a great pity.

  8. I believe people who can't help themselves exist. Case in point, hijacking threads, just can't help it????

    10 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    I don't think we're the only intelligent life forms in the universe.

    I have seen a mathematician (or scientist, can't remember detail) give an answer that statistically, other life simply MUST exist due to probability and mathematics. It is practically impossibly this one happenstance of events is not repeatable/never happened elsewhere if indeed Earth self-seeded life. I also believe the leading theory is life did not begin here, but was brought here. Seeded either by design or by random events from afar.

    I always thought it made sense aliens would not want to reveal as we are not ready but fuck me I wish it would happen. I also think disclosure from Governments about what they do know is a possibility, but again, I don't think en masse we are ready, or they are willing/capable at this point.

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