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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. On 12/22/2021 at 11:28 PM, chillumpuffer said:

    As I live in The Hills in North (ish) England, the beach is something we only visit on holidays. It's too far away for a days trip. I don't mind the beach. I lived on one of the most beautiful Thai Island beaches on and off for 3 years so I know the beach. Trouble with this country is, a hot weekend and the lemmings head for the beach. I don't particularly like people. They get right on my nerves (most of the time). So we tend to give beaches in the summer a wide berth.

    I'm with you, people are the worst. It's a good 1.5hrs to the beach for us, but worth every klm as it is one of the best spots in AU and no crowds.

    The smallest of storms yesterday, and back to hella-heat and humidity today. Still, the garden is in full grow mode. Tomorrow (Christmas day) is 90% chance of rain. Wet, hot Christmas.

  2. 1 hour ago, chillumpuffer said:


    When I say cold it's not numbing cold. We don't get that cold in the UK. It's about 3-5c. Average is 8-10c and Christmas will be mild at 13c.  To be honest I would rather it be cold so you can wrap up and set the fire than intense heat where you can't sleep and have to have AC.

    The older I get Chilli, the more I am coming around to that. Summer is a younger mans game. But I have always hated the cold. Anything below 15 and I long for summer. Nowadays, in Bris Vegas, it's not too bad, winters are really short and the summer heat is usually broken up by crazy storms to cool everything down for the night.

    But I'm still in the summer camp. Can't beat the beach, which was 25c water temp last Sunday with a lovely 3-4ft swell. Practically PERFECT.

  3. It is here now and cases doubling every 3 days. If the Omicron variant is what the early data suggests - very virulent but not nearly as potent/deadly, maybe this is the chance to let it run through as a means of getting us to the other side of this. While cases are rocketing here, hospitalisations and deaths are thankfully not.

  4. I hate to admint it, but yeah, there is no next. The only glimmer of hope is the doco sparks something up in Page to revisit the Japan release - or a proper Earls Court, but it looks like that's a  1-5% chance at best. I can only see further pro releases from the "estate" well in the future - and who knows how likely that is.

    More the shame considering other artists releasing stuff on the shelf that is quality enough to their loyal bases.


  5. 16 hours ago, Electrophile said:

    Dude. Chill. Alcohol and nicotine are legal, but restricted by age. A 12-year-old can't walk into a gas station and buy a bottle of Bud and a pack of Marlboros. That's what I was talking about. Legalize it and tax it like you would any vice. That way, people who want to partake in it can, provided they're old enough, and your locality's coffers get a much needed boost of extra tax revenue. A win-win all around.

    Yeah, sorry mate, a shit post for sure when considering yours.

  6. 17 hours ago, Electrophile said:

    Treat it like alcohol and nicotine.

    Why? It is MUCH less destructive (I would argue net beneficial on a whim). Alcohol is actually poison to a human being. POISON. Anything is addictive to an addictive personality. Some addictions are very useful. Addiction to work, to driving that race car better than anyone else, etc. Hooch is definitely not for everyone, same with alcohol, coke, cigarettes, speed, etc.

    The special treatment MaryJane has traditionally been given is purely born from political considerations - and is ridiculous. The criminalisation of pot has a very clear history that can be easily researched. The price of this hypocrisy is immeasurable in terms of real human cost.

    There is NO logical/rational/moral reasoning for the criminalisation of exploring ones own consciousness. Some methods may well be dangerous to individuals and/or society. But so is driving a car (or owning a gun in an American "rights" sense).

    drink, don't drink. Smoke, don't smoke. It all should be up to YOU. As long as you are not infringing upon others directly/specifically.

  7. On 12/6/2021 at 10:21 AM, BobDobbs said:

    IMO he comes across more as a session player than a composer. He has some very good solos (I'm Gonna Crawl, ITE, & FITR) throughout but it's very obvious who the writers and arrangers were.

    That exactly how I see it. With what the others were able to craft (the usual level of excellence in developing their ideas in the studio), Jimmy contributed his solo which matched what he had to work with. Enhanced it in exactly the way you'd expect. The four of them together - unmatched musical genius.

  8. 20 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Tax revenue from weed here would be the same I would imagine. However, when sense falls on the senseless, it doesn't make sense to them! They are quite happy to see the hospitals packed every weekend with pissed and injured (from fighting drunk) people and the misery alcohol brings. Never heard of anyone spending an evening in A&E after smoking a joint.

    That shop looks great. Prices are cheap compared to here. Of course you have to buy it from a dealer unless one grows one's own. I haven't bought weed for about 10 years I think. As I have said many times, it will never happen here. NEVER

    Take it easy BM

    Fucking PREACH my brother. When will the insanity end? Too late for me I imagine but I'll get on anyway. Fuck the hypocrisy!

    We are in the same boat as you Chillz. No major party is even talking about reform. Sense falls on the senseless. GOLD.

  9. 21 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:



    Summers been a bit shit down there this year so I've been reading. The Ashes starts on Wednesday in Brisbane and the forecast looks a bit rough?

    No too bad, but 40-70% chance of rain and storms all week, so not good.

    Funny, winter was not wet at all. So far, summer is just rain.

  10. 8 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    Point 1. The CDC estimates there have already been 146 million COVID-19 infections in the United States. This means, essentially, that fully half of the US population has already attained immunity.

    Point 2. The first confirmed Omnicron infection the patient was fully vaccinated. 

    As I repeatedly stated in the earliest days of this planned-demic, the only way out is herd immunity. The feral governments didn't go that route because there's neither monetary nor political gain in doing so.

    This was NEVER about a virus, the virus is merely a means to an end.

    Point 1.... yeah, that is a good point and should be considered when health/Govt officials are hashing out policy direction. I'm unsure if that equals "immunity" - but ok.

    Point 2.... So that is a good thing for that person. There is no doubt being vaccinated puts you in a far better position should you catch it. Yeah you still are infectious and spread it, but the vaccination is meant to mitigate the more extreme effects up to and including death - which I don't think is in question. Even here where we were largely successful in keeping numbers low our public hospital system was strained to near break point and thousands of nurses have now left the industry due to pure burn out.

    "planned-demic".... I'm unsure how to take that. I'll assume it in the best possible way (as being polite is important) but that term certainly does indicate a belief in a global conspiracy that this was whole thing was planned for whatever reason by whatever "global forces" I presume? Which is insane. Again, I'll presume humour/sarcasm/fun/whatever else - not literal.

    The feral governments didn't go that route because there's neither monetary nor political gain in doing so.... So ALL Western democracies are in on it - or ALL Governments see through the lens of political gain above anything/everything that crops up in their respective countries up to and including a global pandemic? The first thought of EVERY Government is how to leverage the situation for power and wealth??? I fucking hope not Steve, Jeeeez, I am incredibly sceptical of Government - especially two party systems and how stupid, irrelevant and corrosive two party bullshit systems are to efficient and strong democracy that truly serve the people, but that does seem over the top cynical/conspiratorial. I don't see our Government here like that. No chance. And like I said, they are mostly self serving cunts for the most part, but at least here they stick to policy that actually is accepted by the majority of the electorate. And I don't think our lot are clever enough to masquerade and cover truly fucked up evil intent.

    This was NEVER about a virus, the virus is merely a means to an end..... Agree to disagree. You/I/others might not like how it was dealt with or the response, but I don't get the leap to "means to an end" theory. However, I do think it is already evident (pre-pandemic) the west is becoming more a variant of authoritarianism in some ways, I get that (and think that's unfortunately very real) - so the framework within which a response is constructed could therefor not go against the movement toward more granular control because that is how everything is already heading (bigger picture - pre-pandemic) - but I don't think in and of itself the virus and response is "a means to an end". I hope that makes sense.

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