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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. 6 hours ago, Strider said:

    I think there is a bit more than he lets on, especially in the studio stuff of the band recording.

    Interesting Strider. I recall he has said pretty firmly there is nothing left of studio stuff on the shelf while promoting the re-release series. In fact, I found it a bit positive the way he seemed to be careful when saying this - he always specifically said studio material. I always took that to mean he does have some live stuff on the shelf but doesn't want to talk about that (leave that card up his sleeve).

  2. 20 minutes ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    He makes an outlandish and absurd claim that he's forced to backtrack on, and you commend him?  I'm afraid your problems go beyond anything that a vaccine will cure.

    No, I commend him for being one of the only examples you will ever see of a politician admitting error and changing his position. You know - like normal people do when they realise their previous position turned out to be wrong. That is all. You just don't see that in politics.

    My problems? You know me well enough to form a view of the scope of my problems? ok... Can we just remain civil John? I disagree with a lot of your views but will refrain from personal attacks as I don't know you.

    Cheers mate.

  3. 2 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    What I took from that - being someone who think Andrews is a twit (thankfully, he's Victoria's premier, we've got our own twit!) is this..

    This prompted an admission of guilt by Andrews, who said: “We apologize. We try to get the best information out as quickly as we can. Nothing is perfect and no one has ever pretended that it is."

    At least he accepts the previous position was wrong and corrects for it. That is to be commended.

  4. Lockdown lifted for us after a little over a week, only 4 new cases in QLD. Yay! Stopped the numbers in their tracks. NSW is much worse, hopefully they are turning the corner now.

    By October we should have enough people vaccinated that we can get back to normal.

    Another 4 weeks and we get the second AZ jab. Bring it on....

  5. Lockdowns here, tougher than before. No one allowed to go into the office unless you carry proof of need (letter from the company/boss) and only if you are classed an "essential worker". Kids now remote learning. No casual Saturday arvo casual trips to Bunnings...

    Cases going up, but not exploding like NSW - poor buggers...

    We'll see in a week if this works...

    about 4 week till my second Astra Zenica shot....

  6. I wonder if....

    Any recording of that first rehearsal jam at Jimmy's house will be part of the doco....

    It was produced in such a way that a second doco going from 1970 onward would nicely flow on - if ever considered.

  7. 1 hour ago, Aitch58 said:

    Just curious, why is this track so well liked by Zep fans?

    I think a part of it is It's a part of their skillset to produce that kind of variety. From D'yer Maker to Communication Breakdown to Down By the Seaside to so on and so on.... Even the re-release with the extra's had even more with stuff like 10 Ribs & All / Carrot Pod Pod and St Tristan's Sword which sounded like the opening to a '70's action packed "hard edged cop/detective" type of TV show.

    Plus like SAJ says, find a more poignant song than that!

    ....and that middle section is magic.

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