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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. On 7/22/2021 at 2:16 AM, BobDobbs said:

    if you are saying you are Frosted Flakes and instead I get Fruity Pebbles I am not gonna be a happy camper.


    On 7/22/2021 at 2:34 PM, kipper said:

    not withstanding that one time in a dark crowded bar near Subic Bay when the 7th Fleet was taking liberty, and the entire Thailand tuna fleet was also in port.  Yeah, sometimes shit happens as they say.


  2. 4 hours ago, kipper said:

    People complain about crime and cartels, and then support them by buying dope. And pot is in that group too.  For people to believe the drug cartels are the major pot suppliers, people who murder, rape, and wreak havoc all over Mexico. Maybe some folk ought to think about that the next time they light up a doobie.

    Many people will whine about clothing companies with slave labor, only to support the drug cartels by their "recreation substance" of choice.

    Couldn't agree more. All the more reason to fully legalise dope. I smoke, my 18 year old son knows I do (I don't flaunt it, but I don't lie) and is completely uninterested - which is great.

    Could not agree more.

  3. So its dead middle of winter, and I'm taking a break from tidying up the backyard in shorts and tank top, sweating my ass off and decide to check the BOM to see the forecast. Will this magnificent warm weather continue? today it's 25c (77). Just magic.

    The forecast for Ipswich is 29c tomorrow and 30c Monday. 30 (86) fucking degrees in August. I love summer, but I'm really not sure about the one coming....

  4. 1 hour ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    Martial law:

    Australian military to help enforce Sydney COVID-19 lockdown as cases rise | Reuters

    Australia has a population of 26 million and has had 1000 covid "deaths".  Yes, seems entirely an appropriate response, we don't want the virus to win!

    OK, not really martial law by any stretch.

    So what is happening here in Australia and what are peoples attitudes - just from a bloke who lives in Brisbane, just a perspective.....

    First - vaccinations seems to be a mess. The EU fucked us over in that we had signed contracts very early on with "guarantees of supply" built in (LOL!). The EU needed to supply themselves. What a fucking surprise. We must have been piss-weak negotiators, or the Gov't just fucked up. When shit hit the fan, the contracts went out the window. Scomo (Prime Minister of Australia) actually apologised publicly!!!! He says the supply situation is now improving, but meh... how'd you fuck it up in the first place mate???? Why should I trust you now???? - but overall I expect he will be returned next election as overall he has handled things very well. The BEST thing he did was immediately call a fortnightly meeting with all state leaders to agree on strategy and policy so there was no bullshit politics. This achievement should NOT be underestimated.

    So the Governments (federal and state) here decided on an overarching strategy to...

    • contain the virus (masks - border closures between states where outbreaks become a worry)
    • contact trace (Gov't APP to check-in to retail and other venues so if someone tests positive, potential contacts can be identified and advised)
    • limit movement (Lockdown).

    While there were/are some protests - I don't personally know of a single person who was actually anti-lockdown. Don't get me wrong, the pain is real, the job losses and brutal change to a LOT of peoples lives was/is intense. For the first year - at GREAT cost, our Gov't decided to assist small business by paying the payroll of everyone who could not work for lockdowns. My missus (Dental assistant) was a beneficiary of this - was a great scheme. Things turned, we seemed to be killing it, started opening back up and back to work - BOOM - new outbreaks, back to lockdowns. This seemed to cycle for a while - and benefits were wound back ("too costly"). Like I said the pain is REAL for far too many. The point here is it was/is painful, but most people were onboard with the strategy. The worry here was the elderly, and having everyone pretty sick at once (hospitals beyond capacity). Most people understand there are no "good" options - it's a fucking PANDEMIC after all.

    Luckily in Bris-Vegas - we have avoided the worst of it despite some clowns doing the wrong thing.

    Sydney and Melbourne - The two big Australian cities - so akin to LA and NY in a kinda way (loosely). They have had multiple lockdowns and yesterday the Premier of NSW announced 239 new cases - a record for a daily "new cases" since the pandemic began. That probably seems like a nothing-burger to you guys in US/Europe/England - but it was a record for Sydney - population just shy of 5 million - very much condensed and very fast would be a nightmare if no controls were attempted. We don't want to have mad death tolls. So far so good.

    I fully understand and appreciate Australia is different to the US in almost every way - as with the EU, as with Great Britain, as with anywhere else. I am not trying to convey anything about any countries approach or situation as I know fuck all about the US/EU/GB/other experience/reality. This is just how I see it from here - at my desk. 

    Any military response will be in assistance to local authorities. It is NOT tanks in the streets. I have not heard of a call for a military assist outside of that story, it is interesting, but not concerning. "martial law" - is laughable. Pure hyperbole that is just not reality.

    How I think it will play out here is once 70%+ are vaccinated (specifically elderly/vulnerable people) we will adopt a more open approach. At the end of the day it seems we need to live with this until an actual cure or vaccination program eradicates it (see polio/measles/whooping cough/chicken pox/etc..)


  5. I can't imagine Zep, and the bands of the late '60's and '70's era will ever cease being popular. The sheer quantity of great music that was put out is unmatched. The song writing, musicianship, and the general calibre of the top tier bands, where every member was not just filling in, but contributed evenly to the band's success, has not been repeated. And there was something for everyone then from Country to soft rock, to folk to blues, etc...., and all the genres' produced brilliance. There seemed to be an almost never ending supply of top shelf song writers and musicians creating brilliance.

    And Led Zeppelin were chief amongst the lot. They will remain popular for the simple fact of the quality and appeal of their work. Their catalogue and how they connect with their songs/albums is ridiculous. I can't think of another band that has non-stop great songs. Even casual fans would not skip many of their songs. I can only imagine how they inspire and challenge young musicians now. Their stuff must be equally challenging and rewarding to play.

    They will retain their place in rock history at the top and rightly so. You just cannot go past really great music. And Led Zeppelin delivered that on all albums.

    Then there is the Mystique Jimmy crafted and the attitude of being rock gods in that era. They truly lived the dream.

  6. It really does try to be winter here, and succeeds of a night, but had a cuppa out the back with the cheese and kisses this arvo at 3pm and had to go back inside as the afternoon sun was cooking us. Absolutely magic when the wind is not spoiling it.

    I do not look forward to the coming summer given how the northern hemisphere copped it this year... :unsure:

  7. 5 hours ago, Xolo1974 said:

    Actually - i may have justy got this from Guitars 101. Is this the "David. E mix"? Says that this uses source 3 as the primary source. 

    Xolo, flick me a link maaaaaate..... :)


  8. 10 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Personally I am with Strider on this one. I believe alien life exists simply due to the number of potentially habitable, Earth-like planets we have found thus far and that only represents a handful of the trillions upon trillions of habitable planets likely out there. However we are socially and psychologically stupid as F, and I mean REALLY stupid as F. Strider pointed out the obvious. Why would any alien species capable of either faster than light travel, wormhole or stargate tech, or even intra-dimensional visitors want anything to do with an extremely stupid and aggressive species? The only logical reason I can surmise is they think we could possibly pose a threat to our neighbors if our technology gets to a certain point before our monkey brains have developed to where our automatic instinct is to kill and / or destroy anything we do not understand is purged from our id/ego. In other words, if aliens are visiting us it is because they are deciding to either eradicate our stain from the universe before we really start cocking things up, or, to quarantine us from the rest of the galaxy. Either way, the likelihood of an alien race wanting anything to do with such primitive, emotional, and extremely stupid life forms is about nil.

    Exactly. I don't think they will land and announce themselves for ^this exact reason.

    If there is disclosure, it will be the Govt. coming clean on recovery of crashed vehicles or something akin to that - which is unlikely.

    There may well have been some recoveries of off-Earth tech by the US and it continues to be hidden under the veil of "national security" concerns - which are somewhat legitimate. Even if the Govt. now wanted to disclose this, they can't. Imagine the blowback. "Oh, by the way, we did actually recover some alien tech back in 19xx (or whatever) - and we have been lying to you about it ever since!" - meaning a "Democratic" Government lie and hide from their people by far the most important scientific discovery man has ever made. I don't think "it was in your best interest for us to keep it a secret" would fly. Faith and participation in democratic Government would be severely shaken. Russia/China/Dictators/Totalitarian systems of government would have no interest in disclosure due to their "control" nature.

    Of course, hiding such an important thing seems beyond the capacity of US intelligence services, but it is possible. To that end, I really don't think Bob Lazar is "full of shit", so there is that....

  9. 3 hours ago, LedZep123 said:

    Euthanasia on the other hand, even though the idea is good, it can be corrupted way too easily. People these days will take whatever it is to get money, and might even kill their loved ones just to do it.

    Yes, it is always going to be a problem in terms of ensuring no exploitation of the sick/week/stupid/unfortunate - but at the end of the day, if someone wants to check out before a particularly nasty cancer turns their life into nothing more than unbearable and untreatable pain with no prospect of anything but more of the same until death - you have to allow people that option in my view. The "worst of the worst" cancers are beyond belief for what will happen to you before death finally takes you. Denying someone the right to die on their terms instead of on the illness' terms is cruel.

    I don't have the answers to the fact that Governments are basically really shit at these important kinds of issues and cannot be trusted to pass really good legislation. Even really good Government, it's just too challenging.

    And weed is the least deadly drug for sure. Funny how alcohol is the most deadly (by far) but is legal and aggressively marketed (at least here). Aussie culture is largely a drinking culture. It's a bit shit.

    5 hours ago, cryingbluerain said:

    Do you want a bunch of stoners building your car?  How about your airline pilot, surgeon, etc.


    I'd rather someone stoned than drunk. No question. Since neither is advisable, it's a moot point.

  10. On 6/30/2021 at 3:31 PM, redrum said:

    Yesterday (Monday) was the absolute worst. It felt like the sun had stopped in the sky at 5 PM and took forever to finally set, but everything in my place was hot to the touch. Hell of time getting to sleep. Guessing it's time to invest in a window air conditioner as summer has only just begun. 

    If you don't have roof insulation and whirly-gigs I'd look at that too. Ours work really well and alleviates the load on our modest A/C. We don't flog the poor little thing as hard now.

    It makes a helluva difference.

  11. Rather warm for approaching the middle of winter. While cool I was still able to ride in vest and fingerless gloves last Sunday. Pretty amazing really. 2-3 years ago it was my electric gloves to warm the hands around this time albeit a bit earlier (morning work commute).

    I dread a summer like you guys in the US are going through. I like summers and the heat, but not stretches of crazy heat.

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