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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. 7 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Sorry man, but as you live in Australia, if "The West" does get more aggressive, it will be us who gets it and not you down under.:(

    That's the rub Chillum, if the west is overly cautious and continually allows Putin to be Putin, it is Russia that will become a greater threat to y'all over there. He will escalate for many reasons. perceived weakness or restraint by the west is a BIG reason.

    .....and if it gets down to full on unrestrained war, we will be in no way immune. No one will be.

  2. On 4/7/2022 at 10:31 AM, 1975NQ said:

    I think this is a fair assessment. I go back and forth between Essen and Vienna for all-time fav DAC.

    Vienna is another BEAST. They make some astounding transitions and some passages are insane like 17:20 to 17:55. The outro, the whole song. All of them connect amazingly at different times but for me Essen has it.

  3. 7 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

    Bottom line is we are fucked by Russia unless the FSB steps in and takes him out. The guy is nuts and is threatening nuclear war if we or NATO gets involved so it places the world in a no-win situation. 

    Sort of, but I think the West is being way too cautious and even dangerous in allowing Putin to dictate terms simply because he waves the nuclear threat around. To some extent, I think his bluff needs to be called. Specifically....

    Putin uses Belarus to launch attacks and stage troops. So he has set that "rule" or "limit" in this conflict. OK, then Ukraine can use 3rd countries as well - according to the rules Vlad set. This is not any kind of escalation, it is playing by the rules Vlad set. This would offer Ukraine vastly better tactical and strategic options, like being able to use/launch weapons that they are not yet familiar with (supplied by NATO/US/etc.). They should do this NOW. Fuck Putin's reaction, if he then broadens the war, it is not us that escalated, it is him.

    Anything but an outright loss for Russia is too dangerous for the west. The west needs to be more aggressive. Yeah, I realise the stakes, but so far it is too one sided.

    If he really gets serious about escalating toward WW3 - I am sure his military will be looking for an "out" rather than end the world. Everyone dead doesn't really lend itself to everyone doing their bit and following the "kill everyone including yourselves and all loved ones" commands.

    Yeah, the west needs to be more aggressive.

  4. So....

    I'm not trying to get in trouble or throw a molotov at the bee hive like in that movie ("The Bees"(?) (kid hides under the bin sweating like mad after throwing the molotov. Great scene...)


    Should there be a thread about Ukraine/the war?

    I'll assume not for the appalling and sad shitshow it is likely a chance to turn into - not to mention it's maybe against policy. (not sure, won't risk it)

    So, random thought on the subject....

    So Russia fucked phase one.

    Will [NATO|US] match Putin's aggression, and will the west stand for what the west actually lives and breathes and commonly believe in? The system whereby you are free to go nuts within your thoughts/actions and general "approach to things" as long as they don't fuck anyone else up. At least as a starting point of what things "should be" in a free democratic, open market system - or the best variance or upgrade of that system.

    Or is it Putin's logic?


    Putin rightly represents the worst option now in my opinion. (worst for all)

    Didn't always, but does now.

  5. 9 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:

    Pamper your canine kid as much as possible!

    Mate, half the time in bed I'm spooning the missus, the other half it is one of our doggo's. They are literally kings in this house and we wouldn't do it any other way.

  6. On 4/5/2022 at 7:22 AM, mrlowry said:

    Sad for those of us who want more live material but don't listen to bootlegs. 

    There are some really good boots out there well worth a listen. Some in a quality good enough that they are practically "official release" level.

    If you haven't listened to any as you don't have any but would like to sample some, reach out, I'll send some.

  7. 5 hours ago, slave to zep said:

    I'm so sorry, that must be so hard to come to terms with. 

    Thanks, I appreciate that. It is brutal. He is better today as he's no longer groggy from the vets and back to his happy self. But we know what's coming, and will ultimately have to make the decision of when the time is right for him to go. I just can't deal with how hard that is going to be.

  8. Kashmir from GOOD NIGHT VIENNA 26 June, 1980 is a great late Kashmir. Jimmy has a tone that is heavy as hell and they all go pretty hard except Bonzo, was solid as always, but very reserved - but still an absolute cracker. And coming back from the break after the knob threw the firecracker.

    They really did deliver this one.

  9. 14 hours ago, Electrophile said:

    Why is bowling the quietest game to play?



    You can hear pins drop.

    Snooker and darts come to mind for quiet. A bit less darts, as you hear that fantastic ambient pub background noise at times.

    Lawn Bowls is strangely exciting to watch.

  10. 1 hour ago, SteveAJones said:

    That's because taking down Putin is absolutely essential to The Great Reset.

    Globalist ambition? Not sure what that is. I say the primary reason is just what a cunt (and threat) Putin is and what a cunt-act he has unleashed. Anything else is secondary. Putin has finally made NATO wake up from their 50 year strategic slumber. Hopefully they are actually awake, and not "all words" like usual.

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