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Everything posted by Anjin-san

  1. Braintree chief: We let Alabama slay suspect go in ’86 bro kill By O’Ryan Johnson and Jessica Fargen Sunday, February 14, 2010 - Updated 7h ago The Braintree police chief sparked a firestorm yesterday over the case of the rampaging science professor arrested for killing three colleagues in Alabama on Friday, alleging the woman was freed decades ago after a politically derailed investigation into her fatal shooting of her own brother. “I don’t want to use the word ‘coverup.’ I don’t know what the thought process was at the time,” said Braintree Police Chief Paul Frazier yesterday at an explosive press conference, adding later, “It reflects poorly on the department. This would not happen in this day and age.” On Dec. 6, 1986, Frazier said, then-20-year-old Amy Bishop blasted her brother, Seth Bishop, 18 - described in newspaper reports at the time as a talented violinist and science student - with a shotgun during an argument, fled the family’s Victorian manse and was later arrested by cops at gunpoint. That, Frazier said, is where the investigation of the case stopped. However, the Norfolk district attorney’s office noted last night, state police did investigate the shooting. Their records back up the longstanding version of events - that the shooting was accidental. Bishop’s arrest is never mentioned in the state police report, nor is the alleged argument with her brother. Frazier said he used interviews with retired Braintree cops to piece together what happened 23 years ago. He has requested a sit-down with the DA’s office regarding the case. According to Frazier, then-Chief John Polio ordered cops to release Bishop - whose mother, Judith Bishop, Frazier said was a public official sitting on the Personnel Committee. “I spoke with the retired deputy chief who was . . . responsible for booking Ms. Bishop. He said he had started the process when he received a call from then-Police Chief John Polio or possibly from a captain on Chief Polio’s behalf,” Frazier said. “He was instructed to stop the booking process. At some point Ms. Bishop was turned over to her mother and they left the building via a rear exit. . . . The release of Ms. Bishop did not sit well with the police officers.” No one answered the door yesterday at the Ipswich home of Bishop’s parents. Interviewed at his Braintree home, Polio yesterday said the shooting was accidental and that then-D.A. William Delahunt had investigated and decided not to file charges. “There was absolutely no coverup at all,” he said. “We did everything that was right under the circumstances.” Delahunt, now a congressman, yesterday said in a telephone interview that he did not recall the case. Bishop had been fighting a tenure denial at the University of Alabama in Huntsville when, police say, she opened fire Friday in a room of her colleagues from the university’s biology department. Bishop’s husband, James Anderson, told the Herald he did not know much about the 1986 Braintree shooting or his wife’s relationship with her brother. “Everybody described her as gentle,” he said. Frazier said he has spoken with cops in Alabama about Bishop’s previous brush with the law. The chief said apart from a single Braintree police log entry - where the suspect’s name was omitted - Braintree Police Department Case No. 864718 does not exist. He said the seven-page report is gone, and any booking material related to the shooting is also missing. “Mayor (Joseph) Sullivan and I have spoken with District Attorney William Keating and we will be meeting with him next week to discuss this situation,” Frazier said. “The mayor supports a full review of this matter and agrees that we want to know where the records are.”
  2. Hi all, Well,suck it up, buttercup? KB ( I shovel for a bootleg,right,Eddie?)
  3. Hi all, Not with Wade,nor Romeo,nor Jerry,... Enjoy Drew Orleans! KB
  4. Hi all, This thread,which was in my head (Danke, Ally!),was to thank all the Brothers&Sisters I have met here(and the old board too),welcome them into the family.I am sure, there are more than a few tales to tell,which didn't appear on the board,but in PM's,emails,that would peel paint off a battle ship. There were also things that,IMHO were not right for the board,I 'discovered' some long,lost family there,... "What's the point?Old man?" Maybe,just maybe,the 'old heads' and the present folks,can say; 'When all is one and one is all.' KB(maybe,maybe knot) berry farms,....
  5. Brothers&Sisters! Yes,it would be nice if we could have an 'offical' Led Zeppelin convention! If any of you are ever in the Boston area,give me a shout!We could have a clam bake! KB
  6. Hi all, Of course,when the weather-persons said we weren't going to get any snow,...so what did I wake up to?Snow,....nice work if you can get it! KB(listening to Weather Report,the band! )
  7. Hi,BSB, all, $5 per/h,...hire me? Boy has to eat! KB
  8. Hi all, There have been people here,who through the music of Led Zeppelin and found a common interest,there are many folks who have done much more than that.This is only a thread to thank them and to others I have met through this site who have asked,my opinion. Ally Chuck BIGDAN Evenstar2021 Mr. S.A. Jones Mark To name a few.Did I get that right? Anywho,we have,or I hope we have an extended family out there,just saying,thanks,...for being there. KB(sappy)
  9. Anjin-san


    Hi all, Oh Virginia, Your such,such a female! Last time I watched was when Metallica played "One",how many years ago was that? Most of the mucky-mucks were kind of stunned(wish they played "Master of Puppets") Yet, Stevie V. was grooving to 'em! Too bad 'The Nobs' couldn't open the show with "Rock and Roll", at top volume! KB,aka Johnny
  10. Hi Chuck,all, "Oh,when the Saints,come marching in,oh, when the Saints go marching in,..."\ The Mannings still live there? KB
  11. Anjin-san

    Haiti Quake

    Hi all, There are a few things that are *cough* holding things back,...most countries that can are tryingto send any aid to Haiti,the airport and harbor was also destroyed in the quake, alot of stuff,like food/water/medical supplies can't get it. KB
  12. Anjin-san


    Hi all,BLD, If I may be so bold,maybe we are lucky ones,.... KB
  13. Hi all, I agree.But the President has another agenda.Oui? KB
  14. Anjin-san


    You mean that free will crap? Jimmy Christmas,thanks! I almost forgot.
  15. Anjin-san


    What century should we start with? KB
  16. never mind eternal darkness,....
  17. Hi all, Good to see ya back J! KB
  18. Anjin-san


    Hi all, What for?Ya, don't believe it exists. KB
  19. Anjin-san


    Hi all, What to add to that list? Sure,describe the color orange,... You ever read Tolkien,King Alfred? Anyoneis capable of 'true' evil. Free will works into you opinion? KB
  20. Where does he say that? That he 'perfers' those things?
  21. Anjin-san


    Hi Charlie,all, Well,....I smoke cheap cigars,swear,fart and always use my turn signals when I drive.Thanks for asking! KB(love U 2)
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