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Everything posted by Anjin-san

  1. Brothers&Sisters! Yes,it would be nice if we could have an 'offical' Led Zeppelin convention! If any of you are ever in the Boston area,give me a shout!We could have a clam bake! KB
  2. Hi all, Of course,when the weather-persons said we weren't going to get any snow,...so what did I wake up to?Snow,....nice work if you can get it! KB(listening to Weather Report,the band! )
  3. Hi,BSB, all, $5 per/h,...hire me? Boy has to eat! KB
  4. Hi all, There have been people here,who through the music of Led Zeppelin and found a common interest,there are many folks who have done much more than that.This is only a thread to thank them and to others I have met through this site who have asked,my opinion. Ally Chuck BIGDAN Evenstar2021 Mr. S.A. Jones Mark To name a few.Did I get that right? Anywho,we have,or I hope we have an extended family out there,just saying,thanks,...for being there. KB(sappy)
  5. Anjin-san


    Hi all, Oh Virginia, Your such,such a female! Last time I watched was when Metallica played "One",how many years ago was that? Most of the mucky-mucks were kind of stunned(wish they played "Master of Puppets") Yet, Stevie V. was grooving to 'em! Too bad 'The Nobs' couldn't open the show with "Rock and Roll", at top volume! KB,aka Johnny
  6. Hi Chuck,all, "Oh,when the Saints,come marching in,oh, when the Saints go marching in,..."\ The Mannings still live there? KB
  7. Anjin-san

    Haiti Quake

    Hi all, There are a few things that are *cough* holding things back,...most countries that can are tryingto send any aid to Haiti,the airport and harbor was also destroyed in the quake, alot of stuff,like food/water/medical supplies can't get it. KB
  8. Anjin-san


    Hi all,BLD, If I may be so bold,maybe we are lucky ones,.... KB
  9. Hi all, I agree.But the President has another agenda.Oui? KB
  10. Anjin-san


    You mean that free will crap? Jimmy Christmas,thanks! I almost forgot.
  11. Anjin-san


    What century should we start with? KB
  12. never mind eternal darkness,....
  13. Hi all, Good to see ya back J! KB
  14. Anjin-san


    Hi all, What for?Ya, don't believe it exists. KB
  15. Anjin-san


    Hi all, What to add to that list? Sure,describe the color orange,... You ever read Tolkien,King Alfred? Anyoneis capable of 'true' evil. Free will works into you opinion? KB
  16. Where does he say that? That he 'perfers' those things?
  17. Anjin-san


    Hi Charlie,all, Well,....I smoke cheap cigars,swear,fart and always use my turn signals when I drive.Thanks for asking! KB(love U 2)
  18. Anjin-san


    Hi all, Did you type that with a straight face? Love ya bro! KB
  19. Hi all, Agreed. Met Jay,from Andover,MA.Good guy. Conan,great name!Never thought he was funny,IMHO.Another MA guy,... KB
  20. Congrats to the Cleveland Browns,er,.....The Ravens! Ray Lewis,... KB (you D-B!)
  21. Hi Danny,all, I live in New England,boyo! KB
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