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Everything posted by Anjin-san

  1. Hi Bro,all, Mostly a fault of the screen writers,... One has to remember the New Line,which put up the $$$ and also said 'yes' for it being three films,in the contract with WingNut (PJ's production company) insisted that the films be PG-13,which did make them less dark. Back to the book and trivia! Who know why the book came out in three volumes? KB (Sharkey)
  2. Brothers and Sisters, Really need the positive thoughts,prayers today! Man! It's coming in from everywhere! KB(the rain dance worked,...it's raining! )
  3. Hi aeonblue,all, Even Tolkien said the book was un-film-able. I am also a member of thereandbackagain.net. KB
  4. Hi Pagemeister,all, Nice!Thank you! KB(power chords,...Jeff? )
  5. Hi toscano,all, Please do!Then we can have a good discussion! KB ("It came to me! My precious.")
  6. Hi Danny,all, You all know that are at least two Elvish languages?And an ancient or archaic that was written on the One Ring? An Ent,oldest of all the creatures of Middle-Earth! (off-topic) what 'bike' lad,a Norton?Triumph? Back to Percy,I remember a quote that he wanted to live in country after reading LOTR(?)His obvious references in LZ is that he was big fan of the book. KB (yes one) "So do all who live to such times but that is not for us to decide.All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." ~Gandalf
  7. Hi all, Sure it is!No one will!You just sample what others have done,... Where did I say that? The irony is that jazz musicians play musical instruments. KB
  8. Hi all, Hi all, zepps apprentice, Alice is awesome! Makes working a Saturday night great! Nikki a Led Head?How,Why? KB
  9. Hi Dan,all, Good lad! No need of the chirping! In pre-production in OZ. Got a feeling your not a drawf! Even the extended versions,9+hours long,have to leave much out.J.J.R. T. even said it was not a book(not 3) to be filmed. However,Peter,his wife and Phillip did put too much of of their own -junk- in.Ho-hum that is Follywood. Théoden was under the spell of Saruman.Until, Gandalf saved the day(again) it would have been the ruin of Rohan. KB(WTF do I know?)
  10. Hi all, Yep,you did.Shall I run down to the Chelsea drugstore?Forgot your meds? KB
  11. Hi all, 'The Hobbit' was first published as a childrens book in 1937,... I have read the trilogy every year since 1973. KB
  12. Hi Dan,all, Not picking a fight,but his business tactics was putting money where it belonged,...in the Led wallet! KB
  13. Hi all, Brothers&Sisters,... There is a member of our family that needs prayers,positive energy,maybe even a rain dance,...he is a hurtin' buck-a-roo.So if you can,... KB
  14. Hi all, WZLX, has a 'Stairway to 7, 5 nights a week.Of course September is Zeptember They will play tracks from TSRS,BBC,HTWWW,DVD,... KB
  15. Hi all, Please correct me,but didn't this riff come from Jonesy? Of course the back beat from Bonzo and that Leslie/Telecaster effect from Jimmy. Great song when the volume is on 11. KB
  16. Hi Sis! Where the heck did you get that??????????? KB(Wal-Mart?)
  17. Hi all, If you enjoy rap 'music' good for you.If you think it's 'art' good again. Let's have a quiz! Name you top 5 rap: guitarists,bassists,drummers,keyboardists! Or your top 5: drum machines! sampling software! KB (trying to make it easy!) Answer the fooking question!
  18. Hi all, If you enjoy rap 'music' good for you.If you think it's 'art' good again. Let's have a quiz! Name you top 5 rap: guitarists,bassists,drummers,keyboardists! Or your top 5: drum machines! sampling software! KB (trying to make it easy!)
  19. Except his fear of using symbols that is and pissing off Jack Bruce. Next. KB
  20. Ginger Baker was a much better drummer than John Bonham, if you really want to know about drumming. Ginger Baker is the best drummer to emigrate out of England. Really, Ginger is. Except his fear of using symbols that is and pissing off Jack Bruce. Next. KB
  21. Hi all, I think you all nailed it,.... KB
  22. Hi all, Today?Cell phone drivers,... But we got 5" of rain,streets flooded,..wonderful! KB
  23. Hi all, A rip-off from the get-go. KB
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